Ever hear of the Viral Dance?

still think white people cant dance...

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Picture of minkki38 achievements
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-5 1. minkki commented 15 years ago

I wonder what it's going to turn into judging by the start and how many joins.. 8-)
Picture of MiNo40 achievements

+10 2. MiNo commented 15 years ago

the weird dance matches the weird music.
Picture of montypython30 achievements

-4 3. montypython commented 15 years ago

Proof that stupidity is in fact . . . contagious :S
Picture of Sjattuh24 achievements

+37 4. Sjattuh commented 15 years ago

Respect for a guy totally not caring what others think, having a great time and eventually getting tons to join in.

This is why drugs should be legalised!
Picture of Napper32 achievements

+9 5. Napper commented 15 years ago

That's why I love big crowds, they turn out to be big disasters or full of awesomeness.
Picture of traudong23 achievements

+2 6. traudong commented 15 years ago

this is one of those cant-get-out-of-my-head songs.
Picture of JerryD14 achievements

+11 7. JerryD commented 15 years ago

Agree with #4 about the a guy that just having fun without caring what others think of it, its all about having fun and a good time. Awful dancers but I don't give a crap about that, fun is what its all about and they have tons of it! :D

But legalising drugs!? No way!!! :( :( ... have been thru enough and lost friends to bottomless drugsvamps. From the beginning I believed drugs should be legalized, but life has proven me wrong about that. Its not worth all the human wrekage, its not difficult to have a good time without drugs. A matter of learning not to bother about what others think or believe when one is having a good time without harming any one else ... appears as people in general think its great opposit to what some may believe... Moral is: Never let what you believe others will think or believe stopping you from having fun. :D :D
Picture of blackisotope13 achievements
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-11 8. blackisotope commented 15 years ago

A perfect example of witless herd mentality.
Picture of monkey_head33 achievements

+10 9. monkey_head commented 15 years ago

why all the negative comments?...
so what if the guy cant dance at least he is having fun.
This is what music fests and gigs are all about, FUN!
props to guy who started that :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
Picture of moskwiz36 achievements

-2 10. moskwiz commented 15 years ago

... yup, I still do ;)
Picture of NathaneM40 achievements

+10 11. NathaneM commented 15 years ago

That is called "FREEDOM". Some countries doesn't allow things like that.
Picture of Tareim46 achievements

+2 12. Tareim (admin) commented 15 years ago

Picture of THEHOFFY14 achievements

-2 13. THEHOFFY commented 15 years ago

he's the new micheal jackson with new funky moves!
Picture of richardhalo20 achievements

+4 14. richardhalo commented 15 years ago

To #3 montypython
This proves that having fun is for everybody, except maybe you. Instead of understanding things the way they are, you're just wasting your time making unnecessary comments! Beat it!
Picture of Serendip5133 achievements

-2 15. Serendip513 commented 15 years ago

Yaa Mon #3, Jus hav FUN! Dats how et woks! :D
Picture of 9573129 achievements

-3 16. 95731 commented 15 years ago

wats with the camra man? its all moveing and stuff
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+4 17. irishgek commented 15 years ago

holy shit the mixed fealings here are funny , ya fek it i been to tons of partys and festivals , people like that make the party some times so what if you look like a tard , your enjoying your self and thats all that matters and the ppl joining in well, done for being chicken at first and waitinf untill some one else made fool of him self first
Picture of Fafnir16 achievements

-3 18. Fafnir commented 15 years ago

I Agree with #3
Picture of AshBird33 achievements

+4 19. AshBird commented 15 years ago

actually was a live performance of .Santigold.

at Sasquatch music festival 2009
Picture of simplesandy5 achievements

+1 20. simplesandy commented 15 years ago

Picture of jifrey1013 achievements

+3 21. jifrey10 commented 15 years ago

It's Nathaniel! The Soloist :D
Picture of goelanman1 achievements

+1 22. goelanman commented 15 years ago

what is this song ???
Picture of ragou27 achievements

-2 23. ragou commented 15 years ago

Very, very dangerous thing.
The little man with moustache used this to hypnotize a whole nation. It costed 52 million people get killed. Starting with a dance for joy. Cabaret -"Tomorrow belongs to me" - remember?
Picture of thedekker11 achievements

+2 24. thedekker commented 15 years ago

This should answer your question

Picture of mgannihilator10 achievements

-1 25. mgannihilator commented 15 years ago

quote: Respect for a guy totally not caring what others think, having a great time and eventually getting tons to join in.

I totally agree with you..
It doesnt
matter how you dance..Its important you have fun,and forget everything arround you..
Ts cool many other people join him..I would do the same..

greetz mg
Picture of SirWeeven1 achievements

+1 26. SirWeeven commented 15 years ago

Think the songs 'Unstoppable' by 'Santigold'
Picture of denniscav18 achievements

-2 27. denniscav commented 15 years ago

The call to this viral dance is as infectious and contagious as is the call to war. The primal call to dance is enjoyable and harmless, whereas, the primal call to war, conflict and violence must be given much more consideration.
Picture of c0mmanderKeen36 achievements

-1 28. c0mmanderKeen commented 15 years ago

Haha nice
Picture of Mitak40 achievements

+1 29. Mitak commented 14 years ago

One word- Extasy O:)
Picture of flumoxed27 achievements

0 30. flumoxed commented 13 years ago

This really cheered me up (and I really needed cheering up) >:)