Escort takes-out bike riders

What did he do to fall?

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Picture of trancetunes48 achievements

+5 1. trancetunes (moderator) commented 15 years ago

escort fail.
Picture of mydixiewrecked36 achievements

+4 2. mydixiewrecked commented 15 years ago

seems to me the answer to the question would be that he stopped but didnt get his leg/les down fast enough to steady himself and dumped the bike.... on the unsuspecting marathon bike riders.
Picture of Supertramp10 achievements

+7 3. Supertramp commented 15 years ago

Cameraman Failure!
Picture of ringmaster54 achievements

+3 4. ringmaster commented 15 years ago

Should get fired. Even I don't get so close, and I only bike!
Picture of asemanden29 achievements

+8 5. asemanden commented 15 years ago

#4 OMG even you!?
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+9 6. LightAng3l commented 15 years ago

I love people who film stuff and when something interesting happens the show you the floor of their car...or the ground.
Picture of timppi20 achievements

-4 7. timppi commented 15 years ago

great, can't get enough of motorcycle-related videos!
Picture of badboy00748 achievements

0 8. badboy007 commented 15 years ago

"oh Domene" whats that mean lol
Picture of kainim37 achievements

+2 9. kainim commented 15 years ago

#8 they from Holland, he says "oh (god)verdomme neen" or something in that order, which mean "oh (god) damn it no"
Picture of silly_sy43 achievements

0 10. silly_sy commented 15 years ago

looks like the bike stalled as he was pulling off agen. unexpected and fell off.
Picture of NathaneM40 achievements

+3 11. NathaneM commented 15 years ago

i think it's the car's horn that made him startled ::(|)
Picture of Guss44 achievements

-1 12. Guss commented 15 years ago

I don't understand why bicycles didn't stopped !
Picture of PaterSin42 achievements

+5 13. PaterSin commented 15 years ago

omg did u see the pelican?
He was just trying not to hit it! >:)
Picture of Robb10130 achievements

0 14. Robb101 commented 15 years ago

#11 I agree, it didn't really better the situation, :P
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+1 15. irishgek commented 15 years ago

#9 fluent dutch speaker here your right he says "No god dam it no" and at the start im allmost sure he says "there driving too fast to make fotos of them" think he was taking the piss there
Picture of StaithUK12 achievements

+2 16. StaithUK commented 15 years ago

If i was the biker on the left and just saw all my competitors taken out I'd of been like "Quick, fkn peg it! I could win this !!!"