Comments posted by Spolson


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+2 1. Spolson commented 11 years ago on video Armless girl with a special license goes to the drive-thru.

I love that girl
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+1 2. Spolson commented 12 years ago on video The Bridge

Moving but why to you have to be afraid to hear the commercial. What would happen to you? On the other hand look where we are going. Vampires, Haunted everything, Lying politicians, Hate, People who vow to kill you for being an Infidel, Heads chopped off, Professional wrestling? What is so scary about Christianity that you have to tell people to alter the message. Why show it if it is so offensive?
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+1 3. Spolson commented 12 years ago on video Cut your carbon emissions by 10%

Boy these people have really had their full share of the Cool Aid. If this isn't disturbing to any or you a reevaluation of your values is in order. If not you could jump into a live volcano and really do some good. It is always a commitment to spending other peoples money and telling people how to live their lives. Never any questioning of science because it doesn't exist. Just environmentalist who have been proven to make up the facts to fit what they want it to say. People who have millions to gain by full implementation of their laws to save the world. Like Al Gore and the whole carbon credit scam. He stands to make millions. Google Shore Bank and read it yourself.
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+5 4. Spolson commented 12 years ago on video PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2012

Look what I can do.
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+2 5. Spolson commented 12 years ago on video Angry Woman vs Bike

Road rage is a media invention. It has no statistical impact. Just like West Nile virus. It is completely irresponsible as the Media is always. Do those people have a moral compass?
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+5 6. Spolson commented 12 years ago on video James Cameron attempts deep-dive record

Good for a man to have a hobby. Just kidding. Really cool. Lots of stuff down there we know nothing about.
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-1 7. Spolson commented 12 years ago on video Economic Hitmen


No it isn't, This man is a con man. Look him up on the interweb.
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-19 8. Spolson commented 12 years ago on video Economic Hitmen

What a factless bunch of crap. People who hate this country so much should leave. There are plenty of people who would love you in their stupid hate filled opinions.