Comments posted by huldu


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+3 1. huldu commented 4 years ago on video Robertson, Phillips, and the History of the Screwdriver

This was really interesting. I had no idea about the different screwdriver in Canada. It's something you just take for granted these days. The history with things like this is always captivating.
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+1 2. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Car accident 2019

Got to get to work in time :)
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+1 3. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Elephant caught on CCTV cleaning up the trash

This smells like an ad for something.
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+5 4. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Samurai Wasps Say 'Smell Ya Later, Stink Bugs' | Deep Look

Things rarely work out the way you "want" when moving animals from one region to another. The consequences could be dire, it's specially tough with insects that have such a quick life cycle. The wasp do look quite harmless however and the benefit could outweigh any negative impact if any. What happens if they do *not* find an egg of the stink bug to lay their egg in? Isn't that the real question here.
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+4 5. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Turret Spiders Launch Sneak Attacks From Tiny Towers

One of the highest quality videos I've seen on snotr in a while.
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+5 6. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Magnetic Scrubber

That's a simple trick used to remove algae from inside of aquarium, not super effective of course. It's really nothing new or groundbreaking.
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+1 7. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Can Liberals Survive the Apocalypse?

The only thing you need to know how to "survive" is the will to be able to do anything. It's really that simple. Majority of people fall apart at even the slightest problem that arise. You could spend your life training for something to happen that may never happen or when it happens it'll just crush you physiologically. For example you could have a family and the "apocalypse" happens and your family dies and you just give up on life at that point. It's things like that very few actually think about.
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+1 8. huldu commented 5 years ago on video A Camera-trap captures the local wild life.

The snake was probably my favorite.
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+3 9. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Package Thief vs. Glitter Bomb Trap

Put a primed grenade in the package. Problem solved.
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0 10. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Top 20 Country GDP (PPP) Ranking History (1980-2023)

#2 People are *terrified* of changes, doesn't matter if they're good or bad. UK will be far better off outside of the EU, where I live we're already discussing leaving because it has given us nothing but problems.
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-2 11. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Why Ancient Statues All Have Small Penises

Mankind has been looking down on all sorts of things for an eternity and we'll keep doing until we're extinct. It's basically the reverse today(about penis sizes), the size of the penis hasn't changed. I wouldn't be surprised if overall size has *decreased* on males over the centuries. Then we have skin color, this one will probably *never* go away. I really like when people complain about features on other people that they can't possibly change because they were BORN with it.
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+1 12. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Total Recall

It's very interesting because clearly the brain isn't doing what it does in "other" people, ie sorting and removing unnecessary memories. It also shows how capable the brain *IS* at storing this information as it comes at no obvious price. However the truth is that all people *might* have these memories of every day in their life they just can't recall them. They could be locked away for reasons we will never know.
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+1 13. huldu commented 5 years ago on video How Pablo Escobar created a hippo problem in Colombia

Change the word hippo to human and you have a very interesting video. They clearly have ways to "deal" with the problem but I understand them not wanting to take that route because they're also a big part of the park itself.
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0 14. huldu commented 5 years ago on video Hull Oakes Lumber Co

Hm, didn't notice until now but I am unable to even play the video on chrome? It just keeps spinning. Works fine in edge. <edit> Extension was causing issues, all fine now.
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0 15. huldu commented 6 years ago on video This is What Would Happen If a Nuclear Bomb Was Detonated in The Marianas Trench

#2 Humans has to be the most destructive species on this planet by far. Once humans eventually destroy themselves in one way or another the planet can hopefully recover and new life emerge, just like with the dinosaurs. The more advanced the human race gets the worse the future looks, driven by greed and strive for power, it's a really bad combination.
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0 16. huldu commented 6 years ago on video How fast is a gigabit Internet connection?

And what will people be doing with 1 gbps? Where I live it's not super expensive(like in other countries) and I know *exactly* what they're using it for. For a regular person like myself I'm perfectly fine with 50 mbps. It's not agonizing slow like a 14.4k modem back in the 80's or later on a 56.6k. I have to admit the jump from a modem to 1 mbps was *insane* but mostly because of the latency which dropped significantly. However the latency from EU to US is still too high. Don't get me started on Australia or China. If anything that has to be solved in the near future.
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0 17. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Eciton Army Ants - The full colony passes by our house

I find it extremely impressive how evenly spread out the soldier ants are. It's like they know exactly where to be in the line.
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+2 18. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Amazing young girl playing Despacito on a violin.

#7 Teen angst. Nobody understands them. The whole world is against them.
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-1 19. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Did evolution happen? (David Attenborough v Harvey Carey, 1980)

Life adapts. It's just that simple. If a creature does not adapt then it dies and becomes a part of history. As for evolution that everything gets better with time, that's questionable and leads back to my first statement. What we have today is a long line of adaptation by creatures, millions of years. As things are going for humans, they will adapt as well, but none of us will be around for a few hundred thousand years to actually see it. Humans are very flawed creatures compared to other creatures that have almost remained unchanged for millions of years. I'd say the human body isn't keeping up with our "technological" advances.
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-1 20. huldu commented 6 years ago on video The Truth About Aldi's Really Low Prices

This feels like a commercial. Like the above poster said, under the hood it isn't exactly rose petals and sunshine. I hope Aldi's doesn't poison their old food when they're tossing it out the back, you know to keep homeless people from eating it.
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+2 21. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Very close encounter with a black bear

If you ever walk in nature and you see a bear cub, you leg it the other direction asap. I'm not even joking. The mother is always nearby and if she spots you... you're screwed.
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+2 22. huldu commented 6 years ago on video The Tax System, Explained in Beer!

Videos like this along with religion will always cause a reaction from people. I don't like the video. In the society we live in today you should be very careful because there will always be more poor people than rich. That's when things really start to fall apart. It happens all the time throughout our history. Is it really that hard to treat people with the same respect you want yourself? I think not. It does't matter if you're rich or poor, when you're buried in the ground the worms won't care.
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+4 23. huldu commented 6 years ago on video People aren’t having enough babies in Denmark so they made this provocative ad

It's only a "problem" in highly educated first world countries. Careers will always take first hand. Generally speaking the less education a woman has the more likely she is to have a child at a lower age. Obviously it's completely reversed in poor countries, no surprise there.
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0 24. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Cow asks man to rescue her newborn calf

I think the cow was trying to intimidate like a bull rather than anything else. But they're cows and being around humans for such a long time have made them very docile.
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+1 25. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Tight squeeze for Hong Kong's young professionals

And meanwhile in a tiny village in Africa you have a family sharing a small hut with no money.
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+1 26. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Allegedly drunk woman escaping the cops in Riga

Beside the music this looked so dangerous for everyone involved. Imagine a little child running out on the street near one of those trucks.
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+4 27. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Car service scam

People trying to make money by taking shortcuts, what a shocker. It happens in *every* profession out there.
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+1 28. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Natalie Portman on "Eating Animals," rise of factory farming, and Harvey Weinstein

They are right, it's a matter of choice but it's not the whole story. All the "alternatives" are for the rich people, it's often more expensive and more a social thing than anything else. You should do something because you want to do it, not because someone tells you to do it. It's just too early in development and in the future I'm sure humans will have moved away from animal slaughter for food and instead growing meat on farms via other means. In the end it's all about money and greed.
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+6 29. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Remote Controlled Alligator Prank 2018

Many of their reactions were spot on. You see the first huge mistake people do is that they panic in the face of death. The same goes the other way around, it's very easy to "assume" something is a joke or not take a possible threat seriously. It's silly but pranks like this in a way can teach people a thing or two about *how* they react when something happens. It's a very good learning experience.
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+2 30. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Bear gets hit in the nuts for messing with water tank

I think there is a very strong scent on that wire, the bear behaves just like a cat when "aroused" by a certain smell. Could have been another bear there.
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+2 31. huldu commented 6 years ago on video What If Africa Was Just ONE Country?

It's such a poor continent where most regions are driven by severe poverty, starvation, internal conflicts and war. Media never brings any of this up because it's just plain shocking and it's so "far" away that people just don't even care - which is the worst problem. It's scary because what is going on in Africa will affect the rest of the world in time(overpopulation). What do you think happens when poor people are fed up with the situation and revolt? You can only keep a lid on things for so long before chaos is unleashed.
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0 32. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Porch Pirate almost gets Shot!

#8 Did he get shot? No he did not. Let's try be a bit more optimistic about the world today and not assume the worst case is always going to happen. Thank you for your understanding.
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-1 33. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Porch Pirate almost gets Shot!

The guy was just scaring him off and probably did a great job at doing that. There was no way he was going to shot an unarmed man, even on his property.
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+7 34. huldu commented 6 years ago on video How Countries are Building Designer Islands

You can only imagine all the conflicts that will arise once humans start populating other worlds. History will basically repeat itself over and over again.
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+3 35. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Autocar fail

First the scream of a near death moment followed by laughter.
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+2 36. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Inside the Quest to Make Lab Grown Meat

If it ever becomes easy to mass produce then there is really no need for "real" meat in that regard. I understand that it's hard for some people to accept but your children or their children will have a lot easier to accept changes like this.
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+4 37. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Tiger Wants a Toy

I hate zoos. The animals are always so sad and depressed in there, lost their wildness completely.
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+2 38. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Introducing the amazing Compact Disc (1982)

Technology! Can you imagine your grandchildren watching clips 40 years from now and they'll laugh at these i-phones, desktop computers, laptops, televisions and what not that we have right now.
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+2 39. huldu commented 6 years ago on video A Burst of Deep Sea Fireworks - Halitrephes Jelly

Just look at that thing and now imagine how an alien life form would look on another planet. It just blows my mind what nature can come up with.
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+3 40. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Traffic flow test

Was this done in cities skylines?
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+8 41. huldu commented 6 years ago on video What humans will look like in 1,000 years

I think humans on planet Earth has a lot more issues to solve before leaping forward.
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+3 42. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Crane Operator's competence test in Germany.

Pretty sure that was a commercial as I've seen it on television a good while back.
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+2 43. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Male cat rejects female cat in heat ( Opposite World )

I bet the male cat was neutered, that's basically how it looks at that point. The male cat *may* try to mount the female even if they are neutered but it's more like an instinct than anything else and is not very common.
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+9 44. huldu commented 6 years ago on video Mrs Eagle Up Close & Personal

The reaction from the bird tells me humans have been feeding it, which I guess is a bigger problem than just touching it.
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+3 45. huldu commented 6 years ago on video How to Time Travel

If time travel to the past was possible I seriously doubt things would be like they are right now. So clearly it isn't possible and *never* will be since the effects of that would be noticeable by us living right now and our past history wouldn't be nearly as grim. Who knows how the world will look(assuming it's still around) 1000 years from now. All we have to do is look back at our history 1000 years ago and see how drastically things have changed. Imagine describing an airplane or a nuclear reactor to someone living during 8th century! Yeah, they'd probably toss you into the bonfire.
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+8 46. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Soldiers getting high from a shotgun in Vietnam

The ending was very depressing because it's so true...
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+3 47. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Newly discovered dinosaur is found near perfectly preserved!

It's is so fascinating how life looked on this planet once million of years ago. You can only imagine how it would look if another disaster just like that hit again. Nature always seems to strike back regardless of what happens. Just the size alone on the dinosaurs was mind boggling compared to most things that exist on our planet today. If anything it should give you an idea how life could look on other planets, or rather really you'd have to let your imagination go and not even in our wildest dreams would we be able to create an alien life form.
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0 48. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Lars Andersen Turning Arrows

#5 Doesn't seem to have been much practical use for it as you can see how much power the arrow lost in the process. It can barely penetrate a piece of foam. I was thinking more of back in the day when bows were actually used in war and not to show off neat tricks.
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+2 49. huldu commented 7 years ago on video 10 Hours of Walking in NYC as Kim Jong Un

#4 That's why hiding in plain sight is always a good option.
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+2 50. huldu commented 7 years ago on video That's a Lot of Birds

And now we know what birds think of us when they fly over cities "that's a lot humans in a very small space".
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+4 51. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Pet baby crocodile likes to be ped

Poor thing to be kept as a "pet". We all know how that is going to turn out in a few months once it grows, ie down the toilet and if it survives live in the sewers.
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+3 52. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Proof Chesterfield Cigarettes have no adverse effects.

Let's be real for a moment here, that was very old. I'm sure people are going to shiver at the thought of what people were thinking doing X today in 50 years from now. I'd be surprised if there is something that we take for granted as "safe" right now turns out to be a cause of cancer(or even worse).
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+1 53. huldu commented 7 years ago on video First Human Head Transplant

The question as always... is the technology humans have really at that point where it even has a remote chance of success? It seems like a long shot *but* if the person(s) agree to it then I do not see a problem with.
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+3 54. huldu commented 7 years ago on video 3DOF Racing Simulator - Test Drive (RacingCUBE)

Still probably very expensive for a small selection of games that might support it. I'd rather spend that money on a crappy car and go all out in the forest, just be careful because in real life you do tend to stay dead.
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0 55. huldu commented 7 years ago on video How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster

#1 Probably some very intrusive ad messing around. "You've been infected by x virus click here to remove"(usually with blinking lights and max volume sound, never fall for crap like that. That's not saying that ads can't infect you, they sure can if they run some vulnerability in the browser/java or whatever and you haven't updated your computer in a while.
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+1 56. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Stand clear of the edge of the Platform...And here's why.

Is it really "safe" to have a train running in that deep water in the first place?
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+5 57. huldu commented 7 years ago on video River boat trip

So basically a normal day out on the sea, they should try it more often.
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0 58. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Hurricane size comparison

Apparently size does not matter when it comes to a hurricane, you'd think they would be very dangerous but as long you're on land and not on an island they really aren't all that dangerous. Media loves to over exaggerate events like this because it gives more viewers. I'm not saying you should stand on the street when a hurricane is passing through, though people did during the strongest winds of Irma here in Tampa Bay. I had my pool inside a net cage and after Irma went through only a couple of the nets were ripped. I was not there when the hurricane warning hit, I secured my property(looting was by far my biggest concern) and took the flight to California.
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+9 59. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Unboxing a swarm of african killer bees

No way those were African killer bees, they both would have been dead even being that close to the box. Probably normal bees since they didn't seem very aggressive.
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+1 60. huldu commented 7 years ago on video MAN EBA - emergency braking system.

If it rains you'll still crash?
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+2 61. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Free Pizza - Thousand Pizza Pepperoni

That seemed like it was either frozen pizza or being delivered to be frozen. Either way awful, but shame to see so much food wasted.
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+7 62. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Bose High Tech Cooking System

That looks like it will be ridiculously expensive. Not just the stove itself but the additional pans and what not. Maybe if it works out well it'll be cheap as dirt in 20-30 years.
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+1 63. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Real Life Popeye

#1 I really doubt it's fake but the core of the issue could be a disease or similar. His hands are quite large for a human in comparison to the rest of his body.
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+1 64. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Helping hands

Half the weight of a hedgehog is lice. I took a hedgehog inside many years ago and showered it, you would not believe the amount of bugs and lice that went down the drain.
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+2 65. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Rescuing Cats From Tall Trees

I find it very weird that a cat would be "stuck" in a tree. I've seen cats multiple times run up a tree - and yes run DOWN a tree.
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+2 66. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Women with crazy driving skills.

This literally happens every time there is an accident. To be fair if you're not aware that there is an accident in the first place you're bound to end up like these poor people. I don't think it really matters if you're a pro driver or not, it doesn't help you against *other* drivers.
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+1 67. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Close call - Compilation

1:16 was scary as hell. If that thing would have hit someone in the face... it would not have been a pretty sight. It didn't sound very heavy so, maybe not too bad.
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-1 68. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Man builds massive 317,000-gallon swimming pool in his backyard

I hope they don't pee in it because that was just be nasty and unhealthy to everyone.
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+4 69. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Psychology of fish - bowl inside tank experiment

This is a very deep message to everyone.
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+1 70. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Fly with amazing grip

#6 And not even the cockroaches can compare to some creatures that will survive in space. I can understand why they are so careful when they're sending missions to other planets to make sure no life from earth tags along.
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+1 71. huldu commented 7 years ago on video White Blood Cell Chases Bacteria

Do you have one with the HIV virus, that one was so scary when I first watched it. This one was good too, wish it had some music added to it!
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-4 72. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Surveillance video shows woman trying to stop car theft, Milwaukee

I hate thieves but not only did she risk her own life but also the life of other - innocent people. That car could easily have hit a car in the oncoming traffic and caused a serious accident. That's why you have insurances, that's why we have the police so you do not have to deal with thieves.
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0 73. huldu commented 7 years ago on video The Best of Bad Acting

Some of that "bad" acting is pretty funny however, most likely unintentional. Real bad acting is awful and destroys a whole movie/series.
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0 74. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Microdosing: People who take LSD with breakfast

I wonder how many of these people are experiencing a placebo effect. Never, ever, underestimate the placebo effect. If this would have been done during a very heavily monitored environment then I might take what they're saying seriously. Self medication using small dosages of drugs, I don't know. The guy that talked about drug resistances was probably the only one I felt the most sincere.
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+4 75. huldu commented 7 years ago on video What happens when you leave a tetherball in the forest

I've seen people at the "gym" do the exact same thing! They hit a ball and it bounces back so they hit it again over and over again. I don't fully understand it.
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+4 76. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Fastest Turtle In The World!

It's one of those leathery turtles, can't remember the exact name but the shell is not very hard at all. The bite however is really nasty! One of those can easily snap your finger right off.
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+2 77. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Animated map reveals the 550,000 miles of cable hidden under the ocean that power the internet

All those cables need to be updated because they're very old and the transfer speed is not as good as it COULD be. Right now the latency across the Atlantic is about 100ms. According to information that I've read over the years more modern cables would easily cut that latency in HALF. It's obviously a cost issue at the end of the day. I'm hoping that within the next 5-10 years those cables will all have been replaced!
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+6 78. huldu commented 7 years ago on video This video is not in reverse

#2 It's not actually bread, probably more like a sponge.
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+7 79. huldu commented 7 years ago on video The Effect of Soda on Your Body

I stopped drinking soda years ago. If I were to taste it right now I'd be disgusted by the sweetness levels. You don't realize how much sugar there truly is in it until you stop drinking it for a long time and then take a tiny sip. You won't be drinking soda ever again after that. I can't speak for the diet versions of soda because the aspartame normally used in them isn't very good either. If you "had" for some reason to pick the lesser evil of the two I'd personally go with the diet version mostly because you won't be drinking empty calories.
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+8 80. huldu commented 7 years ago on video What its like to have a pet fox

So what I'm getting is that they're basically like a dog, but smaller. They're possibly less domesticated than a normal dog due to selective breeding and being around humans for thousands of years. What you're getting is a very unique and charismatic creature more to the wild/nature side than a dog.
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+10 81. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Man Gives Water to Dehydrated Wolf

That looked like one big fox to me!
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-8 82. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

Why is this video even on snotr? Just the topic alone on the video isn't really suited for the site.
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-17 83. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Neighbour Tries to Shoot Down Drone

#2 What is she hiding! She was acting very suspicious. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear, right?
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0 84. huldu commented 7 years ago on video This musical illusion will blow your mind!

Musically tone deaf, why thank you sir for those kind words!
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+3 85. huldu commented 7 years ago on video 10 Signs You Are HIGHLY INTELLIGENT

I think I'll be fine with whatever I am. If all humans had photographic memory we'd all be getting +A in school.
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+7 86. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Russian military helicopter asking a truck driver for directions

#1 Bad music? I was so happy it had no music! So used to kids putting on their emo headbanging track and thinking everyone loves it.
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+3 87. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Foreplay to a swing party

#2 People change so much over the years, you'd be surprised what you get used to. Things you never thought you'd do you all of the sudden do and you enjoy it.
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+5 88. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Rafael Fiziev enters the Matrix

If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball. That guy was taught well.
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+6 89. huldu commented 7 years ago on video How to open a can of food without any tools

That was pretty nice. It's another skill I will probably get to use during a zombie apocalypse. I'm actually being serious, if you would ever be in a situation where you do not have any tools to open a can - this is actually very helpful.
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+2 90. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Snake catches baby rabbit, Momma comes to save the day.

I think that's a black rat snake(?) they're obviously not poisonous hence both rabbits will most likely survive the encounter.
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+9 91. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Firecracker in toilet.

Flush it next time!
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+1 92. huldu commented 7 years ago on video 10 Abnormally Large Animals That Really Exist

#3 reminds me of someone reading out loud in school.
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+4 93. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Man punches a kangaroo in the face to rescue his dog

At least the guy made the right decision to move away. A kick from a kangaroo is very, very dangerous.
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+3 94. huldu commented 7 years ago on video What would happen if you didn’t sleep?

I've had no issues at all sleeping during daytime with a sun up in the sky. I think it's more of a pattern than anything else. If you're up for some fun with your mind change your sleep schedule a *lot* and often. Just like everything else in life your body adapts very quickly to changes. Some days can be very "interesting" during a transition phase.
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+3 95. huldu commented 7 years ago on video People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Donald Trump Funny Compilation

Never underestimate what *other* people believes in. It happens all the time, just because you're living a good life does not mean that everyone else does it. It's just that simple.
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0 96. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Moving heavy rocks with simple tools

The famous potato camera lens at work I see. Interesting video wish the quality was better so I could actually see what happened.
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+4 97. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Awesome dog vs Walrus

I didn't even notice the walrus until the dog ran towards them and they went into the water. Talk about a nasty case of tunnel vision.
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+4 98. huldu commented 7 years ago on video How Close Do You Live to a Nuclear Bomb?

After watching this I am unable to sleep at night. I'm constantly worried that someone will detonate a nuclear bomb near me. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it could happen at any time!
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+2 99. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Make a whistle out of .... THE AMERICAN WAY

Interesting! Next time I get lost I'll make sure to bring a concrete slab with me.
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+5 100. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Tokyo subway

Reminds me of where I lived 10 years ago. Except when the train was full people just waited for the next train. Not sure I could ever get that close and personal with a stranger and apparently a lot of other people agrees with that. It's just a completely different culture in Asia.
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+2 101. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Home made mouse traps

I liked the non-lethal way of dealing with these rodents. I know if you actually have a rat infestation problem you're laughing at the non-lethal part. For other people however who do not have issues with rats(for example) prefer not to see lethal solutions in a video. So thanks for that!
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0 102. huldu commented 7 years ago on video How drugs affect our perception of time

How do the rats even know 12 seconds have passed? I couldn't see anything in the case. I couldn't even count 12 seconds and it would be that accurate!
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+6 103. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Giant radiation shield built to cap Chernobyl's damaged nuclear reactor

They aren't even wearing any hazmat suits or any protective gear? I'm confused. I thought that whole area was off limit to humans. That whole disaster took place like 30 years ago so that means the radiation levels are safe now? I'm even more confused now!
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+3 104. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Feminist tries to be a man, but ends up learning that being a man is not easy

The problem is the looks at men in a very stereotypical way which is flawed from the start. In her eyes all men are the same, period. They're men. I'm not even going to bother about that she's a lesbian/feminist because it was made very clear in the video but still, always good to point that out. However the most important thing to note about a "social" experiment like this is that you grow up to be a man or a woman - it's not something that happens over the span of a few weeks or months.
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+5 105. huldu commented 7 years ago on video Grappler Police Bumper Promo

What "if" the perpetrator hit the break when they see that thing on the car behind them? My point is it's very seldom things go down as smoothly as in the video above. There have been so many variations of these things in the past and you generally do not see them used for various reasons. This device is no different. You guys remember that harpoon a bunch of years back? At least this one doesn't look as scary.
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+13 106. huldu commented 8 years ago on video How wolves change rivers

So what they're saying is if we introduced a predator that hunted humans everything would be better off?
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+6 107. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Japan's Cat Island

You don't want to be a rat living on that island that's for sure.
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+2 108. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Think twice before you steal this bike! Skunklock deters theft

So they'd just cover the lock up in a wet towel to contain the "gas" while cutting through it. I honestly don't even see why anyone attempting to steal a bike would run away once the lock is almost open. That's wishful thinking.
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+4 109. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Mango Kulfi - Amazing Indian Ice Cream!

#6 You'd be surprised at how sturdy the human body is. The biggest risk that I can think of would be a foreigner drinking water without boiling it first in other countries. But your body adapts fairly quickly.
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+2 110. huldu commented 8 years ago on video I am a Mole

A few months back I heard they were going to "fix" the video size but seems that never happened. The problem is with a video like this where the quality is really bad and the size, it's such a bad mix. I know it's like I'm beating a dead horse. Please let us scale the videos because this doesn't look too bad if you make it half the size.
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+4 111. huldu commented 8 years ago on video WORLD´S FIRST BIG RC TURBINE MODEL JET FOR INDOOR FLIGHT / Leipzig Germany 2016

Where can I get one of those? That's my only question!
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+2 112. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Guy shoots deer, then something strange happens...

#3 Did you know that there are far more humans than deer in the world?
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+1 113. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Hurricane Matthew uproot the tree

I don't understand the cheering. I assume it's her yard meaning someone has to clean up that mess.
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0 114. huldu commented 8 years ago on video How to fight in a XVth century knight armor

I find this very interesting but wouldn't some have been using maces, warhammer, two handed hammers and things like that for the crushing effect? Swords require quite a bit of skill to use in combat as you can see in this video where crushing weapons would have caused a bit of damage on direct hits?
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+3 115. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Acorn to Oak filmed over an 8 month period time-lapse

#3 Every creature has its purpose :)
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+7 116. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Bear Bait

At the end of the day it's a choice to hike, especially in that area where this happened. The guy knew the risks and he has probably hiked there a lot, but like always - if you play with fire long enough eventually you'll burn yourself. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time. That's life for you. You could walk down the street to buy food, get mugged and knifed to death in the city. Every day we take unnecessary risks without thinking much about it, you live in the moment.
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+1 117. huldu commented 8 years ago on video American Vs Swedish Recruitment Ads

The first ad at least makes you feel good about "joining". The second ad however makes you want to stay far away. Is that really the point of the second ad? I thought they *wanted* you to join not scare people away. There was another ad not shown for quite a few years ago that aired in Sweden, it was even more grim than this one. They just can't make epic ads in Sweden.
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+5 118. huldu commented 8 years ago on video How You're Probably Going to Die

I intend to live forever. So far, so good.
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+4 119. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Snake attack!

He dropped the bucket of water... do you guys know how long it takes to carry that from the river back to the village? I sure don't but I've heard it takes a while!
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+4 120. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Zoom

At least it was more enjoyable to watch this than playing No Man's Sky.
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+7 121. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Trump's Sons Kill a Triceratops on Hunting Safari and people are upset !

I would have had such a hard time keeping a straight face as the interviewer. It's especially funny when he over and over again mentions the name(s) and they aren't paying attention or aren't... educated enough.
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+9 122. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Windy in Taipei

Helmets save lives, one way or the other.
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+1 123. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Perfect hunter

Took me 15 seconds just to make out what the object on the screen was, I still have no idea what that other thing on the ground was. Nice pixels tho.
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0 124. huldu commented 8 years ago on video The Faint Young Sun Paradox!

Let's just assume life came from some other galaxy by a meteorite or similar, they've been hitting planets all over our solar system, however our planet was obviously good enough for life(as we know it) to set in. I have a very hard time to believe life just popping out of nowhere on a bare planet that had no life to begin with - it had to come from somewhere. No, I'm talking about religion, it's 2016 guys.
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+3 125. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Father and Son watch 20ft long Great White Shark circle their boat

Awww it just wants to play, jump and and cuddle with it!
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+3 126. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Why Mountain Dew Is Worse For Your Teeth Than CocaCola

Now put the tooth in some mouthwash and wait three weeks. It'll make these two options look like a walk through the park. If you're really going to drink soda or *anything* except just pure water - use a straw. Don't let your teeth pay for your nasty habits.
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+3 127. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Eglinton Crosstown - Former Kodak Building Move

#2 Thanks, at least now it makes sense!
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+1 128. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Getaway In Stockholm 3 - Honda NSX

#9 They're driving very early in the morning for a REASON. Just look at the streets there are barely any other vehicles on them. It's the only thing that I find "awesome" in this video, they aren't putting *other* people in harms way doing these illegal activities(and they're illegal for a reason). There are many skilled drivers in the world but a truly *skilled* driver knows not do even attempt something like this in the first place. Not just for their own safety but for *other* people on the road.
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+13 129. huldu commented 8 years ago on video smart cows and karabau

Some of those cows actually impressed me quite a bit because the action that was required was a bit "complicated" with multiple steps, especially the one in India(?) at ~1 min - and of course the last one! Obviously the cows have been paying attention to what humans have been doing for quite some time, but unlike "normal" cows these could perform similar actions. My mind was literally blown, cows aren't exactly the most clever creatures around so this, just wow. Great video!
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+1 130. huldu commented 8 years ago on video "World" Bellyflop Championship highlights

I was a bit surprised by how many of them chickened out in the last moment before they hit the water. At least the camera caught them. There were some real hardened men in there tho that took it like a champ.
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+6 131. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Young elephant vs Lions

I did not even see the elephant herd anywhere in the video and seeing this was a very young elephant something clearly must have happened. It's the way of nature and I just don't see how that little elephant would survive without the herd to protect it.
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+4 132. huldu commented 8 years ago on video A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer

Love the look on his face when hit by a question of that *cough* caliber. Religions... I'm not even going to say more in case I offend someone in chat.
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+2 133. huldu commented 8 years ago on video How to cut a Mango

I had no idea how to cut these things, I thought you were suppose to cut your fingers off one by one. Wish I had seen this video earlier!
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+3 134. huldu commented 8 years ago on video One Year on Earth – Seen From 1 Million Miles

The clouds movement blew my mind.
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-1 135. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Hercules Beetle

Is there any way to reduce the size of the video player on this site these days? It's literally almost half the size of the page and when it's a low resolution video like this it looks TERRIBLE. It's just getting annoying having to resize my browser every time I go to snotr these days.
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+3 136. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Toy gun commercial from 1964

It actually looked pretty nice in color(had to check it out)!
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+5 137. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Living in the tunnels of New York City NYC

#2 It's kinda sad really because when they do build new apartments it's for rich people. They just don't make any money making apartments for poor people or in this case homeless. In the end that's all there is... money and greed. Typical human nature. It's just going to get worse and worse with the years, overpopulation is not a joke and everyone will be affected by it more and more.
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+1 138. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Waking the Dead: Bringing Extinct Species Back to Life

It might sound like a good idea right now, but some species went extinct for a reason(assuming humans were not involved). Bringing them back would do no good as you could not release them into the wild, they'd just die out again. Which means they'd have to live in captivity like a zoo(That's no way for *any* creature to live) or pets. My point is that you shouldn't bring back something from the dead just for entertainment purposes, which is what it'll be about in the end - and money of course.
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+8 139. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Kitten versus a mirror (1st time seeing a self reflection))

I'm not sure what happens but once they grow up the mirror causes no effect at all. It's probably the lack of smell possibly? The cats have *very* keen senses. I'm not even sure the cat is clever enough to understand that it's their own reflection.

It's just my own experiences with cats through 30 years. I've had a total of 7 cats, but cats are very unique and different. The personalities changes a *lot*. No cat is the other alike. I've never had a dog however!
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+7 140. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Beautiful wasp zombifies cockroach

I'm surprised they didn't show what happened during that month. Yes, we all know what happened but still, now I need to youtube this to see it with my own eyes.
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+11 141. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Man Rescues A Baby Squirrel And Shares His Life With Him

Where I grew up squirrels were very rare, think I saw one *once*. It came to me as quite a surprise to find out that they're actually considered vermin in some countries. I've always liked squirrels...
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+9 142. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Here's What Freddie Mercury Sounds Like Without Any Instruments

He had such an amazing voice.
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+4 143. huldu commented 8 years ago on video WTF? Lick Your Cat With LICKI, A Giant Silicone Tongue

Where cats are concerned your hand is a huge tongue so I don't even see the point of this thing. It just seems so uncomfortable for the human to use. Thought it was a joke at first until I saw the kickstarter...
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+7 144. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Russian problem solving

You'd be surprised how far a cat can fall without taking any injury. However if the cat is fat, then that is a huge problem. Don't overfeed your cats - or pets/animals in general.
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+12 145. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Harvesting Honey from Giant Honeybees in Cambodia

#6 Leave the hive intact and you can return later for more honey. That was a very big hive and probably wouldn't take the bees that long to rebuild the broken parts or even expand the hive more.
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+7 146. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Female meteorologist forced to cover up – WHILE ON AIR

Showing any skin on television is a big no-no, however there are no problems showing violence and gore.
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+4 147. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Dumb an Dumber rob a jewlery

So the security is just standing around doing nothing at all? What's the point even having them in the first place.
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+4 148. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Odd shape. Fuel free. This oven is amazing.

I think what matters the most about this device is that you don't need a lighter, burnable material, electricity, gas and so on. That's pretty darn impressive. You basically put it up and that's it. The only thing that worries me is the price and how sensitive it might be. It's glass after all and most of us have probably had a thermos in a backpack at some point and had it crack.
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+16 149. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Experiment! How Does An Owl Fly So Silently? - Super Powered Owls - BBC

I guess that's why they are so good at capturing rodents during night time. I never knew they were that silent, that's very impressive.
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+4 150. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Is DNA the Future of Data Storage?

Man, those floppies. I remember using those 5" to store stuff back in the days, like for example Monkey Island. It was rare for me to have all discs functions at the same time, there was always at least one disc that didn't work. At least the 3" floppies were more reliable but, one was wise to *never* trust them. I rarely carried around CD's, they were just too big and back in the days games and programs were generally quite small to fit on a bunch of floppies.

We're blessed these days with USB sticks, they're a miracle!(at least you'd see it as that if were unfortunate enough to have lived through the days of the floppies).
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-1 151. huldu commented 8 years ago on video BATBAND

They could put some effort into the design, right now it looks pretty bad.
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+5 152. huldu commented 8 years ago on video What It's Really Like to Fight for the ISIS

War is never pretty, doesn't matter what side you're on, someone is always going to die for what they believe in.
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+2 153. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Vittel Refresh Cap

Drink plenty of water - as long it's their brand of course.
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+4 154. huldu commented 8 years ago on video German snacks are quite the mouthful.

I don't even know where to begin with this one so I'm just going to forget ever seeing it.
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+4 155. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Nord-Lock Wedge-Locking Washer

It looks really nice but you probably won't see this out in the real world where it matters the most, unless it becomes very popular and most importantly - cheap. It reminds me of some amazing gadgets and inventions that we come across every day that you just don't ever see in real life even tho they're amazing.
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+7 156. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Your first Korean lesson with Conan

I found this hilarious, but then again I kinda like Conan. Just surprised to see so many dislikes.
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+3 157. huldu commented 8 years ago on video The Problem With Facebook

I haven't been on facebook for I don't even know how long, probably close to a decade by now. I couldn't be happier.
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0 158. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Bumblebee in spider's web rescued by other bumblebee

I didn't even know bumblebees could sting! I was taught that they had hooks on the legs that caused a burning sensation. I've never been stung or hit by a bumblebee, they're always so peaceful and minding their own business - unlike wasps and hornets, who will hunt you down on sight.
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+3 159. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Taking Fake Book Covers on the Subway

This was actually really funny, especially some parts of it were just amazing.
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-1 160. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Children on Easter egg hunt form human arrow to direct British police to suspects.

It's pretty cool and I'm sure they were never in harms way - however they were children possibly told by the adults in the group what to do. Basically putting them in harms way instead of getting them to safety, ie as far as possible away from that place. You call to police and then get away to safety. You have no idea what sort of criminals you're dealing with.
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0 161. huldu commented 8 years ago on video What is You?

#2 I don't know how you can even say such a thing. Everyone that has been born throughout time has been "lucky" enough to experience that part of our history. You'd have to realize that in 100-200 years the technology will most likely have gone to crazy extends that you can't even comprehend today. The last hundred years of mankind has been such a huge leap in technology and most of us have probably only been a part of a bit of that.

As for religion, I'm not even going to go down that road because that's a very heated topic just like politics. If this was on youtube then sure, I would haha.
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0 162. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Bonobo Chimpanzees: More human-like than you think

But humans kill each others?
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+1 163. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Aliens: Are We Looking in the Wrong Place?

At this point it doesn't matter what you say, it's probably going to be right at some point. As for how life would appear on another planet, that's a more scary thought. You don't even have to leave the planet to see some bizarre creatures. They say humans have only explored about 5% of the ocean - this is on the planet we're living on.

To the point of intelligent life, humans really like to take the high horse when comparing to other species. We've been around for a few hundred of thousands of years. That to me does not seem very impressive at all. One can imagine that an "intelligent" life form that has been around for millions or even billions of years would be on a completely different scale - especially if they were intelligent.

I'm far more curious at how another life form would look on another planet.
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+1 164. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Guy speaks 19 languages

I speak Swedish and English, but honestly if you speak Swedish you can probably speak some Norwegian/Danish as well, possibly some Icelandic with training. My point is some languages are closer to each other than others. The most impressive languages spoken in this video were the Asian ones by far in my opinion. I'd love to at least understand some Japanese but never had the time, maybe in another life.
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+1 165. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Potato or Tomato?

Those are pretty basic vegetables which you generally learn just by growing up, ie from parents. It's kinda scary. The mushrooms however those are still tricky and I'm a lot older than those kids. I don't generally eat mushrooms.
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+4 166. huldu commented 8 years ago on video A Day in Auschwitz

#6 It was during a time of great depression *and* war. People looked to a leader that was different from the rest and they sure got it. The worst part is that some countries in Europe are currently going down the same road with very radical political parties. You'd have to live in such a time to fully grasp how something like Nazi Germany could even happen because watching it from the outside makes little sense.
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+12 167. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Thorium (new) - Periodic Table of Videos

I liked this video a lot, Martyn Poliakoff explains everything in such a good way that even someone like me can understand what's going on.
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+3 168. huldu commented 8 years ago on video VR Headsets Explained

They seems so cumbersome in a bad way. It just feels like the technology just isn't there yet, but it isn't too far off. I remember they had these things back in the mid 90's for playing games like Doom. They were quite fun and worked but they were big, just like these and very expensive if I recall.

As stated in the video the computer needs to be a bit beefy so that's another cost to the already expensive goggles.
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+3 169. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Amazing dexterity with feet

#6 Never forget where we came from. The feet are just as good as the hands, humans just "forgot" how to use them and we really don't have much need for them thanks to our hands - except in a situation like this.
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+5 170. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Cyclists chased by an ostrich

I had forgot how big they are!

Also first thought that came to my mind was the coyote and road runner lol.
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+5 171. huldu commented 8 years ago on video 8 Layers of Pistol Armor vs Rifle Rounds

I kinda like these videos, they're very much like FPS Russia but before he got too famous and videos got bloated in a bad way.
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+7 172. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Egg Cooking Basics - "Egg Anatomy"

While quite informative it does not help me get better at boiling eggs to perfection, sadly. I just can't get it right, years and years and still messes it up at times.
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+2 173. huldu commented 8 years ago on video SUPERCELL CRAZY BY STEPHEN LOCKE

I've never seen anything like that here in Scandinavia.
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+3 174. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in 1980 before common sense was invented

I have to admit that did not look very safe at all.
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+3 175. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Everything This Man Says Is True

#5 I remember watching that episode but the elephants weren't "afraid" of the mouse if I recall, they were more afraid of the sudden movement of the coconut moving from the ground and revealing the mouse? The elephants just don't want step on something that might not be good to step on.
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+7 176. huldu commented 8 years ago on video suspect beat HIMSELF up in police car - then claim officers did it

That face at 0:05 on the cop was priceless. I can only imagine what went through his head when he turned around.
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+5 177. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Penn and Teller on Vaccinations

Why so many dislikes? I don't even understand what there is to dislike about this video to begin with...

Hygiene is a huge factor to why some diseases are harder to contract nowadays than before. However that does NOT mean that they do not exist any longer.
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+4 178. huldu commented 8 years ago on video How to open a lock with a nut wrench

I'm just curious, those padlocks shown in the video aren't fully made out of metal? It looks more like they shatter from the pressure. How would those two wrenches work on a normal padlock made out of brass(?) or whatever they normally make them out of?
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+8 179. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Fedex truck amazing reverse parking

Reminds me of trying to park a truck in ETS2. I can only imagine how hard it must be in real life.
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0 180. huldu commented 8 years ago on video $700 Rechargeable Battery Pack Contains $30 Worth Of Batteries

Amazing video.
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+4 181. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Video Shows Terrifying Moment E-Cig Explodes In Man’s Pocket

To be fair(not defending those silly things), but a lighter can explode in your pocket as well.
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+7 182. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Atlas, The Next Generation

#6 Same here, I don't know why, it's just a "robot" but that's the scary thing isn't it. Imagine the robots with a bit more intelligence and we would eventually run into some problems. It would be easy to identify yourself with the robot - but also as a very good friend that's always around. I hope I live to see the day where we get some advanced AI and robots along with it.
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+4 183. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Child Marriage Social Experiment!

#2 Sadly the answer is not really because you're dealing with people that often have other beliefs, completely different social structures and what not. You can't just enter such a country and say "this is the way things need to be". It won't work and it'll cause immense problems and hate towards your country. That's why other countries often try to stay out of their way and just let them do whatever it is they're doing.

Did you know that there are still countries in this world where female genital mutilations are still taking place? It's a scary world, trust me.
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+9 184. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Making Charcoal

I've seen this guy before, he's like some superhero building "houses" with his bare hands. It's very impressive.
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+1 185. huldu commented 8 years ago on video How 18th-Century Medicine Killed George Washington

Sadly even tho medicine has gone a long way, there are countless of diseases, viruses and conditions that just can't be cured today. You can almost imagine how the "future" will be, this video for example, picture it 50 years from now and how people look back at how we treated cancer. It's not a pretty sight that's for sure. Trained doctors will usually do what's best for the patient at the given time.
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+7 186. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Smartest prank ever? from Brazil

If you've grown up with livestock you're very familiar with how the process works. Just going to put it blunt there is no "humane" way. Unless they started to breed creatures without a brain, we're not there yet but apparently they're working on ways.
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+21 187. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Bike Theft Prank

That was just awesome, loved it. Hate bicycle thieves.
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+1 188. huldu commented 8 years ago on video SWITL picks up sauce without changing it's shape

#2 Good question. I remember seeing this way back and then never again.
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+2 189. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Death Valley Exposed: Wildflowers - February 2016

It's amazing to see such colorful flowers, we don't have anything like that where I live.
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0 190. huldu commented 8 years ago on video 'Super polymer' can change shape with body heat, lift 1000x its own weight

That's really cool! A *lot* of uses for something like that. It'll probably be quite expensive when released until they start mass-producing it at least.
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-3 191. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Four men save mom & child from sinking car

Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection comes to mind.

I know I'm probably going to get a lot of dislikes posting the above comment. It just had to be done. It's great that nobody was hurt but in the bigger picture, well. I'll just leave it at that. I did not mean to offend anyone or the people in the video.
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+2 192. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Einstein's Gravitational Waves Theory

Quite amazing but I can't just grasp what exactly this even means and what implications this will bring in the future?
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+11 193. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Homeless Veteran's Intense Reaction To Bait Car Prank

#1 You pretty much wrote everything I was going to write, a cookie for you for saving time. You're probably right it smells fake, just another one of those videos to generate viewers on some random youtube channel.
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+7 194. huldu commented 8 years ago on video The guy playing the piano without hands (river flows in you)

You don't understand how "lucky" you are until it's too late. You often take everything for granted and when it's gone you truly understand what you had.

Not having something should be considered a blessing because it evolves you as a person and a human being. Just take this person for example, if he had hands, he would be just like everyone else. This handicap probably inspired him to become good at what he does. I'm not saying this is always the case, we're humans and how we deal with things in life varies a lot.
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+18 195. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Man having fun with whip spider and getting bitten

Never seen that creature before. Looks like something from a nightmare.
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+4 196. huldu commented 8 years ago on video History of japan

The video itself was poorly edited but the history lesson was interesting. Then again it has been pretty much the same everywhere in the world, war and problems, typical humans. Who has the biggest stick and isn't afraid of using it - the winner. I'm actually terrified for world war 3, whenever that takes place. It's not going to be pretty. There is so much tension across countries today.
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-1 197. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Crane collapses in Lower Manhattan

#4 But it's fine to show all kinds of gore, torture and what not, but foul language and nipples are a big no-no? Sounds right to me.
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+3 198. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Top 5 BEAR Encounters

Awww... they just want to play.
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+2 199. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Wind turbine is on fire

Those things are expensive. It's kinda odd considering the ones in the back aren't moving but I've heard that if they reach too high speeds - this can happen.
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+3 200. huldu commented 8 years ago on video What is the most important thing in life?

If Justin Beiber can make it, anyone can!

Just kidding, money truly isn't everything and fame is never a good thing.
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+2 201. huldu commented 8 years ago on video What's Your Biggest Regret ?

Far too many, but life is just life, it'll end abruptly either way. You could spend years going through school to try educate yourself as doctor and then get run over by a drunk driver(true story).

Life is just way too short and it doesn't matter what you do in the end or on your way towards the end. Just try to enjoy it while you can and most importantly treat others the way you want to be treated.
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+1 202. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Doing Your Nails and Hair in Space

Hair seems to have a nice volume in a weightless environment. I'm just a bit more curious how they deal with "other"(*wink*) things. They're humans after all in that very small space for a very long time.
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+8 203. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Air Bonsai - Combining Magnetic Levitation and Traditional Japanese Craftsmanship

At least they spent a fortune on getting a narrator to promote their product.
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+1 204. huldu commented 8 years ago on video 5 Shocking moments caught live on Twitch

Another shocking moment caught on twitch was Bushcoach and people in similar situations. I'll let your imagination go wild on how he got that nickname.
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-1 205. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Boy Dies After 911 Dispatcher Says "Deal With This Yourself"

The most shocking part is this happens all over the world on a regular basis. I guess the real problem is that they don't get paid to care, so they're just doing their job, or barely in this case.
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+4 206. huldu commented 8 years ago on video The how and why of heroin addiction

#2 I understand what you're saying but it's just like saying: don't drink, don't smoke, don't do stupid things, treat other people like you want to be treated.

Life just isn't that simple, people drink, smoke, do drugs and treat each others like crap.

The things I mentioned up top, including drugs of course, are all bad. Period.
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+5 207. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

#10 Well, sadly these days it's the only things kids understand. Arrogance, no respect or discipline. Send them off to the military for a few years and that'll set them straight.
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+2 208. huldu commented 8 years ago on video What happens in Romania after a video goes viral

Joel get on skype!
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+11 209. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Two guys witness robbery, one takes thieves car keys and chases them

Not sure I even want to know what two guys are doing in the bushes by themselves that late at night - next to a road.
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+2 210. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Tanker Implosion High-Speed | MythBusters

#2 Actually it was proven on the show that it is near impossible that one of these things implode. It requires it to have a big dent somewhere(like when they dropped a block of concrete on the tank). They tried it with two tanks, near vacuum inside and they didn't budge. They're obviously very well built for that not to happen in the first place.
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+3 211. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Mind-blowing Trick with Only Paper

What is this sorcery?! Burn the witch! (okay, I'm a bit late but it had to be said)
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+2 212. huldu commented 8 years ago on video David Bowie "Space Oddity" instrumental cover

#1 I'd guess it has something to do with your isp, possibly a change in traffic routing(for the worse).
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+6 213. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Alligator Snapping Turtle compared to Common Snapping Turtle

One will snap your finger clean off while the other will take your arm. I had a similar turtle once, it was so tiny and "harmless" until it grew up and got quite dangerous so had to donate it to a zoo.
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+6 214. huldu commented 8 years ago on video A Simple Mind Trick Will Help You Think More Rationally

You, yourself, is often your worst enemy.
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+10 215. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Seems like an honest guy to me!

Normally I would laugh at it because it was pretty funny. However, knowing how dangerous that kind of person is behind the wheel is no laughing matter.
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0 216. huldu commented 8 years ago on video This shows you how incredible and complex Beethoven's Symphony 5 is

I wonder how a song from Justin Bieber would look.
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+2 217. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Bikini Baristas: Coffee and Controversy in Washington State

Since when is this a problem?
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+7 218. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Small and big

I'd personally prefer a big wallet than a big piece of meat between my legs. But that's just me.
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+1 219. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Elephants off their chain for the first time

#4 At the end of the day it's all about food on the table, money and what not. These are things that might come automatically to most of us. This isn't the case all around the world. I can understand why people would chain them up - so they don't run away, because it would be devastating if that were to happen.

In the video you see possibly rich white people who have no idea what it even means to be poor, solving "problems" that aren't really problems to begin with. It's just the way things are, unless you magically change the living of people in these countries, nothing is really going to change. When the cameras turn off and they leave, the locals will probably end up chaining these or other elephants once again so they don't run off.

You talk about disrespect towards the animals and I couldn't agree more. However it clearly shows that you're not poor, at least not in the sense that you're living out in the bush with or without electricity, having to farm to grow your food to survive. In that scenario the animal is just a tool and most people will treat it as such. It's the way of life. Once a person sees an animal as something more than a tool to use, only then can compassion emerge.
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+3 220. huldu commented 8 years ago on video The world has never eradicated a parasite. But Jimmy Carter is about to.

#4 It's probably still around just that filtering the water and the safety measures that they are using stops it from affecting *humans*.
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+5 221. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Veterans recount the first time they killed someone

The Vietnam stories were just amazing and well told by the older people. You could see how much it had affected them.
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+3 222. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Address hotel in Dubai on fire but countdown and fireworks didn't stop

That was the smoke I was wondering about that I saw in an earlier video. Thanks!
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+5 223. huldu commented 8 years ago on video How a rotating combination lock works demonstrated with a wooden home-made lock

Is that Matthias Wandel?
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+4 224. huldu commented 8 years ago on video £13.500 but the dream is here

Battery time for a whooping 30 seconds of hovering?
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+5 225. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Flaming firefighter jumps out of burning apartment

That pretty much answers the question why people jump out of a burning building - even if they're on the 10th floor. Fire is dangerous and I don't think people realize how bad it really is. It's especially bad during Christmas holidays, already lost a few families in the country where I live due to something silly as candles.
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+10 226. huldu commented 8 years ago on video 1930s Sound Effects

4:45 was my favorite. I could not have told that was a grown man doing the voice.
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+1 227. huldu commented 8 years ago on video See How Easily a Rat Can Wriggle Up Your Toilet

That toilet construction shown in the video is just wrong. There is no water in the drain pipe unless someone is flushing and then it's just for a brief moment. In the video the whole toilet system is submerged.
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+6 228. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Why Blue Origins rocket landing shouldnt be compared to SpaceX

#4 I guess that's a reason more than enough.
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+3 229. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Miss Universe 2015: Host Steve Harvey Names WRONG Woman Winner

Was the wrong name written on the paper? I assume the guy can read.
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0 230. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Chris Ramsay // Street Magic

I guess I'm one of the few that prefer them using the word "illusion" rather than "magic. Magic to me is something completely different and in most these cases they creating illusions. It's just wording however.
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+5 231. huldu commented 8 years ago on video A terrible accident Head-on collision of trucks

#2 The "guy" inside the truck at 0:24 might have something else to say. It looks terrible. Hopefully it just looked worse than it was and he got out uninjured.
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+4 232. huldu commented 8 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

Solar panels are ugly? Try having a nuclear plant nearby, yes they still exist.
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+7 233. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Model Has Six Ribs Removed In World's Smallest Waist Bid

The removal of the ribs seems to be the smallest problem. Everything on her is fake and the worst part is that it shows. Terrible plastic surgery. There is nothing I dislike more than seeing people who look fake, unrealistic... non-human like, it's always the case when they've used plastic surgery, botox and what not. Who can honestly say that she looks good? I'm not just talking about the removal of the ribs, but her bosom, especially the face, are you really attracted to that kind of face?
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+5 234. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Obese Guy Reacts To Another Obese Guy Lose All The Weight

Dropping weight fast is never a good option because of all the excess skin.
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+7 235. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Thai dunk tank

He did not like her for some reason.
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+2 236. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Why We Should Go To Mars

I doubt "life" just appeared out of thin air on Earth, it came from somewhere else most likely by a meteor or similar. I do believe that "life" requires certain perimeters to even exist and on Earth they're perfect and they might have been on Mars but obviously no longer is the case(at least on the surface).
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+6 237. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Girl Meets Gorilla Old Friend After 20 Years

To be fair, apes are quite close to humans in every way, just by looking at them you see quite a bit of resemblance.

Let's just say that for some reason humans would just vanish from the face of the earth, give the other apes ~100k years to evolve and I'm sure we'll see some interesting humanoids appear.
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0 238. huldu commented 8 years ago on video How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?

I don't understand how some money are going to help these people? It reminds me of that old saying: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach the man to fish and you feed him for lifetime.

It wouldn't surprise me if this was video was fake but it doesn't matter the point still stands true. There are a lot of homeless people out there that don't drink or do drugs, they are just victims of a terrible society.

It's just that people are people, flawed in every way. I'm not talking about the homeless - but rather you and me. We are the real problem and it might make you feel like you're doing good by giving money and yes, in a small way it does but it won't last. It just gives you a false conception that you did a good thing. How you really help the homeless is give them a job, longterm solutions. It's nothing a single person can do however. It requires the government to stop in on a grand scale. They won't do it because it costs money and at the end of the day that's always the problem isn't it. Money.

We live in such a dream bubble, when this bubble burst it won't be pretty that's for sure. I just hope I won't be around the day that happens.
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+4 239. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Fastest time to pierce 4 coconuts with 1 FINGER!!!

First time I've ever seen a green coconut, thought they were all hairy and brown, guess that's when they're mature or off the tree?
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+2 240. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Things Men Do That Make Women Secretly Jealous

What mockery of a woman this is. It's like what they're saying in this clip is how women have always been. This is the MODERN woman they're talking about which is more of a caricature than anything else. If you want to throw blame why things are like they are, start with the media.
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+6 242. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Wild boar attacking a leopard

Those tusks are not to be played with. The leopard should thank its lucky star if it made it out alive from that encounter.
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+2 243. huldu commented 8 years ago on video China has incinerated 1,800 tonnes of old banknotes to create electricity

That's one of the only few use of paper money anyway.
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+1 244. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Tour Bus Crashes Through San Francisco Shopping District

I thought these were exclusive shots from speed 3.
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-1 245. huldu commented 8 years ago on video Airtrax

When can we expect to put these badboys on cars?
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0 246. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Seeing Color For The First Time in 24 Years

#6 To be fair that was not clear in the video, all she says a "little kid" never that he was seven when he stopped seeing colors. I can understand the slight confusion when he started mentioning the colors by name.
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0 247. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Seattle Gum Wall

That's so disgusting I don't even know where to begin and what word to use to describe it. Disgusting just isn't enough of a word.
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+16 248. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Bear sits next to guy

That was scary, imagine being the guy on the chair. Those claws on the bear... I was just surprised by the bear not even caring.
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+5 249. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Key & Peele - Fronthand or Backhand

I like dark humor and quite a few of their sketches are just hilarious!
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+4 250. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Key & Peele - On The Auction Block

Key is awesome and so is Peele, I do miss Bobby Lee from when they did mad tv, Key and Lee were just awesome.
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+2 251. huldu commented 9 years ago on video What Happens When Two Black Holes Collide?

At the end of the day it's just speculations. Universe is a very violent place so it has for certain happened many times already but not witnessed by anything on this planet, for now at least.
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+3 252. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Professor Recorded Every Day

Ah yes, the working human, ie a robot. Every human that has a normal job is like that. Not sure what you people were expecting.
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+1 253. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Why Asimov's Laws of Robotics Don't Work

Why would you expect the AI, created by humans, to follow rules and laws when humans themselves doesn't do it? It's a complete mess and it will be once we mankind actually does create a real working AI. It won't be like a terminator movie, at least not the first few decades(lol). At some point viruses and what not will affect the AI, it will "improve" upon itself and what not. The AI becoming self aware now that's a scary thought. How long until it realizes that it has no use for humans.
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+1 254. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Butterfly Boy's Skin Falls Off With The Slightest Touch

#11 This is just one of a countless of odd diseases that exists, there are so many that only a handful of people have that are just not known. One has to realize that there is a reason that they can't spend a fortune on creating a cure for something so uncommon. It's truly a shame when it happens to someone but it's like that with everything in life. Money will always be the leading question.
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+4 255. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Butterfly Boy's Skin Falls Off With The Slightest Touch

That must be extremely painful, I can only assume he is constantly on very heavy medication.
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-5 256. huldu commented 9 years ago on video GoPro: Pole Vaulting With Allison Stokke

Lovely, just a bit of botox and silicon would do wonders with her!
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+1 257. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Sick Euro Truck Simulator Setup

Something tells me it would probably be cheaper just to buy an old truck than that setup.
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0 258. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Adorable baby deer refuses to leave the man who saved her life in heartwarming footage

Considering how young that thing is, it has 0% survival chance on its own. What happened to the mother is my question...
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-7 259. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Cotton candy looks like a beautiful flower

#1 That was pretty funny I have to admit, but knowing people with diabetes and how people react to it - is not funny. It has always been this "joke" disease that people really don't understand how dangerous it truly is. Your body will literally shut down organ by organ. Blindness is not uncommon. This is of course assuming you even make it that far. It's a nasty disease that should never be taken lightly is what I mean with all this blabber. Thanks for the video, truly some people stand out even with simple tasks such as this, but they take it to the next level.
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-3 260. huldu commented 9 years ago on video How Bed Bugs Drink Your Blood

#5 What purpose does any living thing on this planet serve, humans included, beside destroying everything in their way?
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+1 261. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Fake Bomb Detector ADE 651

#10 It's probably more complicated than that. Something like this was obviously tested and found to be complete crap. Money being involved, quite a bit of it, tells me quite a few higher positioned officials had a hand in this. In the end it smells like some kind of shaddy deal to make money, they buy these devices and then get a cut from the sells.
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+4 262. huldu commented 9 years ago on video What Your Handwriting Says About You

I was interested at first but nothing seems to fit me, also I write the dot over the i on the right side.
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+1 263. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Parents Explain The Birds and the Bees

Things tend to sort themselves out just fine, if not we wouldn't even be here today.
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+3 264. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Got a mole problem on your golf course?

I don't have a problem with moles on the golf course but rather the golf course existing in the first place :)
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+3 265. huldu commented 9 years ago on video China Uncensored - China's One Child Policy

At least they're aware of the problem and actually doing something about it. Breeding like rabbits? More like breeding like humans. It's way out of hand and yes, it may be ahead of time but believe me when I say things are going to get so much worse in the future. Overpopulation is not a laughing matter.
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+3 266. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Lego Titanic

Does it float?
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+11 267. huldu commented 9 years ago on video 10 Dumbest Mistakes Of Modern Times

It's easy to be smart after the fact. Apple could have failed miserably, obviously it didn't but you barely get to hear about the companies that failed and money people saved thanks to pulling out in time.
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+4 268. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Slow Motion Attacks From Deadly Animals

A smaller turtle like that could snap your finger of like a twig. You really don't want your fingers anywhere near that mouth.
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+8 269. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Ricky Jay -- Card Control

Misses the other half?
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-1 270. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Huge glass panel falls inches from man's head

#3 That would never happen with the type of glass they use. It would have crushed him yes, but never cut him in half.
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+6 271. huldu commented 9 years ago on video An Arm Wrestling Champion Vs One Of The Strongest Men In The World

The "champion" also got way better muscle development where it matters in that type of contest. Just compare the two lower arms and you'll see it clearly. Also what the above poster said, it's a lot about the technique used.
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+1 272. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Students Send Homemade Weather Balloon To Space And Capture Footage To Prove It

I wonder if they needed a permission for that thing, it was pretty big.
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+2 273. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Favorite Things To Touch To A Blind Person

His hearing and touching sensation wouldn't even be comparable to us who have eye sight. It would be so much more sensitive - he would really *feel* it.
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+4 274. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Massive Fireball from Space Witnessed in Thailand

I doubt it's of any concern if they are destroyed as they enter earths atmosphere. However there are a few big asteroids, aka world destroyers orbiting around. It's just a matter of when earth is on orbit with one of them, it could take millions and millions of years before that happens tho. Then of course you have the more unpredictable comets that visit our solar system every now and then. Some of these can be quite big but the odds of one of them hitting earth are not that big, but yes, it will happen at some point, just like it has in the past. The consequences depends on the size, but a big one will obliterate all life on this planet that's for sure.

We can edit now? I forgot to add, if a big enough comet or asteroid would enter our solar system and it was detected. I am fairly certain there would be no warnings, it would only cause chaos in our final moment. Obviously as it got closer to the planet at some point it would be detected and chaos would arise.
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+4 275. huldu commented 9 years ago on video The Sewer People of Bucharest, Romania

#1 Isn't that the funny thing, in about a day or two you'll forget about this and every other problem in the world. If you think this is bad then you obviously need to open your eyes wider - or not, which would probably be better for you.
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-1 276. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Snotr now has a messaging system for users! -PM System-

Would have been nice with an option to edit your posted comments.
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+2 277. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Can People Explain Intangible Concepts To A Blind Person?

#3 Your body will adjust to either way. It's hard to understand sounds and noises but when you're blind it takes on a whole different form. It's truly beautiful, just like seeing colors but in another sense.
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+7 278. huldu commented 9 years ago on video The Very Real Dangers Of Social Media

The problem is kids knows more than you think. They just don't care because they live right here right now, we've all been kids. There isn't any magical solution to fix this. You can't really blame it on social media things like this happened long before even computers existed.

I'd say at the core it's a lack of discipline.
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-3 279. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Instant-Aging Suit

This feels more like a worst case scenario. Still however a great way to simulate the aging. I'd personally say that teens and young adults today will probably live a "healthier" life than the elderly today did in their youth.
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-2 280. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Helicopter flying extremely low over the street

I think insane skills would have qualified by going under that bridge. Beside that the road was surprisingly clear, no over road signs or power lines etc anywhere to be seen.
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+1 281. huldu commented 9 years ago on video X-Files Extra can't keep a straight gangsta face

They had a lot of "bloopers" like this in x-files. The quality of the editing wasn't that great and towards the end I honestly don't think they even cared that much. It reminds me of the tv series Dallas where you saw the camera crew way too often in mirrors. They must have noticed it during the editing and just left it in to save some money.
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-3 282. huldu commented 9 years ago on video When Did Americans Lose Their British Accents?

Americans evolved.
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+22 283. huldu commented 9 years ago on video First shave in 14 years

I don't know about you guys but I thought he looked better with the beard. It was a good beard, not the biggest but still nice.
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-5 284. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Surfer punches shark

That was a pretty tiny shark, probably noticed his feet wiggling.
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+12 285. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Marooned Great White Shark Rescued

Was it even alive towards the end?

"While the cartilage enhances a shark's swimming ability and makes it more edible, it offers little support for the shark's internal organs out of water. Just a few minutes out of water will give the shark a fatal injury." and

"Sharks must also swim continuously to stay afloat because they don't have the air-filled swim bladder found in other types of fish. Most top-swimming sharks must also continue moving to obtain the oxygen necessary to stay alive."

Just a bit sad since we never got to see it actually swim.
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+8 286. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Futuristic Jetpack Is Flown In Front Of Audience During Smithsonian "Future Is Here" Festi

The future? Those things have been around for quite a while... and they're still way too noisy.
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+3 287. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Homeless Man Plays Piano Beautifully

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+2 288. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Camera's World Record Optical Zoom Ability

I can see my house from here.
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+1 289. huldu commented 9 years ago on video How To Clean A Bullet Train

#8 It is in a way because it gives people jobs that would normally not even exist at this scale. I know for a fact that they would never do anything like this where I live, the trains are a terrible mess. They just have a discipline in Asian that you don't have in America or Europe... for the most part.
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+10 290. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Hermite crabs changing shells

Sharing is caring.
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+3 291. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Renewable Energy from Evaporating Water

How well does this scale up to a more usable form, like for example charging a standard AA battery? How long would that take and how big would the device have to be to do it reasonable fast.
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+9 292. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Crepes

Thanks, I wasn't hungry. Now I am.
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+3 293. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Old computers did it better!

I wouldn't count on those 5 inch floppies, so much data was lost back in those days because of how terrible they were. At least the 3 inch ones were a bit better, but still awful. You had to make backups of backups that were backups of other backups with floppies. I do not miss those days let me tell you that.
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+4 294. huldu commented 9 years ago on video The Fallen...

It just shows that the next big war will have massive amounts of casualties. It's sadly inevitable. Let's just hope none of us or our kids will be a part of it.
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+2 295. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Here's How To Make Your Own Stackable Gummy Candies

#1 Grandkids?! trust me there won't be nothing left after I'm done! They look so... delicious.
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+1 296. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Muslims Read Hate Comments

Most of them are just troll comments made to spark reactions. If you give in to them and start responding, you're even worse. It's basic trolling 101 to see what comments are serious and those that are not. It doesn't matter if a mosque or a church that burns down there will always be people hating and trolling. That's just internet. At least most of them got a good laugh at it and that's about the best you can get out of it, just laugh at how silly people are.
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+11 297. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Amazing Balloon and Skewer Trick

Good for camping!
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-7 298. huldu commented 9 years ago on video 100 Years of Beauty: Aging

It just doesn't look real no matter how hard they try. They'll look far better than that once they actually reach that age. It just looks fake and it annoys me.
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+16 299. huldu commented 9 years ago on video The 2€ T-Shirt

There is a very fine lining to this whole situation. The countries that are being "exploited" are where the population isn't educated, these countries often suffer from severe overpopulation as well. This means that people will take *any* work they can because at the end of the day, little pay is more than no pay at all. Closing down these factories won't solve anything but possibly cause more hurt on the people who no longer have any work. How about fixing the country itself, but of course that won't happen, what we see here is just to make people feel like they're doing something when they're really aren't do much at all.

The end game is still the same, you're sitting by your computer, drive your car to your average/high salary job and get on with your life. A week from now you probably won't even remember this.

People that actually make a difference, you rarely hear about them. It just isn't media worthy news. You'd be so demoralized by the real truth, by the misery that is out in the world - far away from you.
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+3 300. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Food factory

That was surprisingly clean and "humane" you should see other factories like these in other countries, even in the US that are far, far worse. Another thing that quite took me off guard was the amount of actual people working instead of robots. Jobs are jobs no matter how you look at it.
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+13 301. huldu commented 9 years ago on video New aluminium battery is bendable and charges in a minute

The only question they did not answer was how long their battery will last on a single charge.
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+9 302. huldu commented 9 years ago on video What do teachers make?

Sadly those are very uncommon in schools. During all my years in school I encountered two teachers who were passionate about what they were doing. Two teachers in about 13 years. Those you remember, the rest you forget.
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+3 303. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Net Cafe Refugees

This video has very dark and surprisingly depressive tone to it. I like it, it really goes under your skin.
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+6 304. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Piranhas Seem Fairly Harmless

Come on in, the water's fine! ...Muahaha
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+4 305. huldu commented 9 years ago on video How many water-filled balloons does it take to stop a bullet ?

#13 Same here. The faster the projectile travels the less amount of water it will be able to pass through and just explode on impact. Thanks mythbusters! Would have been interesting if they would have fired a Barrett M82 and see if it would even made it past the first balloon without shattering.
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0 306. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Joe Rogan: Do What You Love, Because Society Is A Trap And Work Is Meaningless

Humans are generally speaking quite lazy and prefer the easy way, it's just the way most animals on this planet are designed. The less effort you spend doing something the better(less energy and less food required). In your every day work routine, you could be compared to a zombie. Each day you wake up doing the same thing - over and over again. It's not the design of an animal no, it's our society and how things just work.

From a very early age we are brainwashed to become an "individual", growing up and school prepares us to become a tiny cog in the machinery. It's not needed and never has been. Through our success in school(or lack thereof) your future is set in motion. While we can argue the use of the school and how it truly affects your future, it does have its benefits. In the end it's all about getting the people to buy new things that they don't need, you create a need in them.

Humans by nature are greedy beings, you could always be better than the next guy, you could always have more rocks in your collection than your neighbor. In the end it doesn't matter what you do. You won't be more favored by the worms the more rich you are when you're sleeping in the ground. It's just the end. In the end you'll most likely regret most things you ever did in your life. You wish you spent more time with your family rather than working on your "career".

To the guy above this comment "if I just did what I love, it would be an insane financial risk for my family", that's the wrong way to look at it. What would you call the people living in small villages with huts made out of manure and grass? They don't have "any" problems. They're actually more rich than all of us combined because they have each others. The social aspect of people outside the normal society are true humans in my eyes. They're no zombies like the rest of us. All our life we "technological" people do everything we can do fence us of from other people. We're really lonely outside of our family.
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+6 307. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Spoon carving

When I was a kid we made butter knives in school. The first one looked horrible but the 5th one actually got pretty nice! Still have it today, 30 years later.
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+26 308. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Woman Tossing Raw Bacon at 'Pig' Cops

I liked the observer. He did a great job standing there observing and collecting data of this significant event. Faith in mankind restored.
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+1 309. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Life in a shipbreaker yard

Overpopulation is the keyword here. It's just going to get worse with time, that's the saddest part of it all. People who are poor generally breed a lot more than rich people. When I use the word poor I actually mean poor, not poor as in someone living on welfare, but poor as in most these people you see in this video.
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+3 310. huldu commented 9 years ago on video #Equality

To see the future you only need to study history.
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0 311. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Camouflaging scars and burns with tattoos

Nowadays scars are something people consider ugly. Long ago scars were a sign of a great warrior(that actually lived through a battle!).
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-11 313. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Strange water faucet

Shouldn't it be black?
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+6 314. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Very strange sound in the Swedish language

I'm a Swede and I know about this but during all my years I've never actually heard it being used. I guess it depends on where in Sweden you are. I believe the actual word is "Jopp" from Japp, which means "yes".
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+1 315. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Frightening footage shows hippo charge down boat in Africa

Hungry Hungry Hippos from ages 4+!
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0 316. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Football fans in rocket-speed escalator

Ridiculous and *very* dangerous. I'm surprised to even see something like that taking place in a country like Sweden.
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+1 317. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Contact Juggling

He did a very good job, however I've seen some *amazing* stunts pulled off with a crystal ball like that.
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+5 318. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Hidden bookshelf door made for under $150

What are books? Do you insert them into the computer somehow?
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0 319. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Paper Mache Equinox Dragon

Wow. Impressive.
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-2 320. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Joaquin Phoenix Slams Walmart for Supporting Sickening Cruelty to Pigs

The tail snipping reminded me of how they forcefully circumcise children without their approval. It's a cruel world we live in, regardless of what type of beast you are.
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-5 321. huldu commented 9 years ago on video New Marijuana Study Says Everyone Knows You're High And You'll Likely Be Stoned Forever

#5 Just looking at that news anchor for 1 second was enough to stop watching the clip. Could a human look more fake than that?(yes, sadly they could) Is that really what defines "beautiful" these days?
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+1 322. huldu commented 9 years ago on video Top 5 Worst Laptops Ever!

#3 The teeth aren't that bad, could be a lot worse. However the lisp problem is worse and that could be fixed by simple surgery. I thought they helped kids with that normally, but I guess it depends on where you live.
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+1 323. huldu commented 9 years ago on video This 12 year old can teach all of us something .....

That's the thing tho isn't it? That kid got all the motivation in the world to do what he loves to do. Unlike a "normal" person who most likely does not have the proper motivation to do something with their life. I'm not talking about going to work 9 to 5 or crossing out items on your "bucket list". That's not life. What this guy in the video is doing is actually living life, for the moment at least. That is a lot that can't be said for most people living out there today. Mindless drones. What happened to you all.
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+2 324. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Loose Skin

#10 No, not from that. There are many guides on how to lose weight properly without, or at least with minimal excess skin. It just takes more time but the end result is worth it. Always make sure you do your research before jumping into things like this. It's very expensive to get rid of the excess skin through surgery and the result from that isn't pretty - unless you like scars.

I can't put enough wording into how important it is to read up before you start losing a lot of weight. Plan ahead! It'll be worth it in the end.

#12 When you lose weight, and especially when you lose weight very quickly, these elastic components of your skin not only lose the layers of fat that keep them stretched out over your body, but they also don’t have much time for their elasticity to adapt to your new shape.

There is a lot of information about this.
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+3 325. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Loose Skin

That's what happens if you lose weight too fast. Your body needs to adjust properly or you'll end up looking like that. It's (imo) questionably worse than before. There is surgery to fix that but you'll end up with some nasty scars all over your body, obviously. If I recall they try to put the scars in places where you can "hide" them, like for example where your underwear waist line is.
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+1 326. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Earth Engine Timelapse

Can't see the forest because of all the trees. Won't be a problem in the Amazon soon!
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0 327. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Kid tries to make sparkling wine with a carbonating machine

#4 I think it's the sugar that cause the bubbles to expand too rapidly, tho I've never tried anything with aspartame in it. Hence you always carbonate the water and then add the flavored concentrate. I'm sure there is a far more scientific explanation out there.
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+6 328. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Cockatoos learn to make and use a tool

@Mcpro Especially the ravens and crows. They're on a completely different level.
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+11 329. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Oyster Filtration

When I was a kid I caught a couple of oysters in a lake, thought I would bring them home and put in an aquarium. Sadly that didn't work out very well and they died. Pretty sure they starved to death since the water in an aquarium is probably far too clean for them to survive. It's a shame they're pretty interesting animals.
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+14 330. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Dog plays dead when man he hates picks him up

A sofa with a cup holder... now I've seen it all!
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-2 331. huldu commented 10 years ago on video What people look like with an ultraviolet camera

#2 I was just about to post that it also reveals poor mouth hygiene(the teeth that is).

#4 Best protection is to avoid the sun at all cost. It ruins your skin, the longer you stay in the sun the worse your skin will look when you're older. Assuming skin cancer don't get you first.
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+1 332. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Nuclear fusion propulsion

... we just need money, lots of it. It may not work, it probably won't work, but hey, it's science so everyone wins!
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0 333. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Truck utterly fails making a u-turn in a parking lot

That's one way to fell a tree.
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-4 334. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Saving a Cat from Falling

Looked like the cat broke the neck hitting the aluminum siding on the building. I could be wrong tho, quite a nasty hit however.
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+2 335. huldu commented 10 years ago on video New barrier to stop vehicles trying to ram into buildings

People ramming their vehicles into buildings is a common thing? I'm sorry I just don't get it. Some of you people make it sound like this happens all the time.

#8 It looked like it was on a big steel plate on the ground. Most likely firmly attached, tho it did look like it jumped a bit. The bar itself must be solid steel or something along those lines. Can you imagine the weight of that thing.

#6 You don't think they'd pick other ways to do their madness? It's not like this thing would be invisible. Worst case scenario the crazy person might actually *think* before they do something - which is an even worse scenario than them ramming into this barrier.
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+1 336. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Man single handedly plants a forest larger than Central Park NYC

It's truly amazing. One person really making a huge difference.
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+5 337. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Brazilian Men Find Giant Snake In River

That's a man-eater right there(the snake not the woman).
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-1 338. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Homemade aluminum ingot

#1 It's worth about a dollar.
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0 339. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Is it OK to Pee in the Ocean? - Reactions

Yeah, I always knew it was safe to pee in an aquarium. This just proves it. The fish seems to like it so it's a win for everyone!
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+5 340. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Hoverbike,The coolest Invention in Drone Technology.

The sound that thing would make... I wouldn't want to be anywhere near it.
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+5 341. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Psycho Dad Shreds Video Games

That was some amazing acting! Kappa
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-1 342. huldu commented 10 years ago on video The Unstealable Bike by Yerka Project (Prototype)

Why do they insist on selling bikes without a proper chain protection? The grease/oil or whatever from the chain squirts up on your pants. Good luck cleaning those after that. Never wear white pants without chain protection.
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+4 343. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Speed climbing

A very manly commentator.
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+5 344. huldu commented 10 years ago on video What a save!

Just another day on the road for that guy.
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+3 345. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Humans Need Not Apply

#7 I couldn't agree more. It's like they're making it out to be a good thing that robots take over job spots. What they're forgetting is all those people without proper eduction, the wrong skills etc, what are they suppose to do? It's bad enough as it is today with unemployment rate off the charts.

Don't get me wrong I think it's awesome with robots, AI and all that stuff, but I tend to think about the people. Overpopulation is a huge issue and it's only going to get worse. When you're replacing humans with machines, you're creating unemployed poor people. How long do you think it'll last until they revolt? People will only allow themselves to be pushed along for so long. We might not see anything happen during our lifetime but our children's children may. It won't be pretty.
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+1 346. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Black lady talks to KKK members and neo-nazis face-to-face

#8 The thread is about the video but the message is far greater than that. People want to be heard and in this case rightfully so. It's horrible to see something like what happens in the video taking place. However it happens everywhere all the time. You can't close your eyes to it just because you're not affected by it. It's a serious issue.

#10 You can't throw out that everyone is equal because we're not. That was my point. Is it really that hard to give another person the respect they deserve? Is it really that hard to treat other people the way you want to be treated? That's my question to you.
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+7 347. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Ridiculous Chimpanzee Fight at the Zoo

Reminds me of a late Friday night at the local bar.
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+5 348. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Black lady talks to KKK members and neo-nazis face-to-face

#3 That's the problem tho, you'd like to call everyone equal and that's fine. But that would also mean calling people like Hitler your equals. If you got a chance to save a person from certain death who would you pick Hitler or Mother Teresa? Using your logic that everyone is equal, this would mean that you couldn't make a choice between them.

#6 It's far more complicated than that sadly. It's human nature. It has nothing to do with IQ, money, status, power etc. It's just like you name different races amongst cats or dogs. It's the same species. The only difference is that they don't look alike. My point is if everyone was the same, even something as subtle as hair length would cause issues.
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+3 349. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Cambodian shows how to disarm a mine

That's nice. If I recall Sweden is manufacturing mines just like that one and ships them across the world.
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+21 350. huldu commented 10 years ago on video JIBO: The World's First Family Robot

I thought this was a joke at first, somewhat disturbing. But this is the real deal isn't it. Scary.
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+3 351. huldu commented 10 years ago on video First taste of chocolate in Ivory Coast

They probably have better teeth than many people consuming the chocolate or any sugar product for that matter. Sugar is bad, really, bad for your teeth.
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+3 352. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Passing Out on Live TV Supercut

A similar thing happened to me many years ago in school. I just fainted in class. When I woke up I couldn't speak or control my body for hours to come. Probably not the same thing as in this video but quite a horrible experience nonetheless.
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+2 353. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Guy kills a zombie praying mantis, revealing a huge parasite living inside

Considering the size of that worm, I can only assume the insect was already dead and controlled by the worm. Just like Ophiocordyceps unilateralis.
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+4 354. huldu commented 10 years ago on video The Difference Between Weather and Climate Change

Warm water makes for better swimming so that's nice.
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+3 355. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Misconceptions About the Universe

Go back in time 200 years and listen to them explaining the universe. Go forward 200 years in time and do the same thing. It'll always be a different story. It's entirely based on human technology at the given time.
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0 356. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Magic Mushrooms against Cluster Headache

The problem arise when someone who isn't having problems start to use these drugs. That's why we have laws in the first place.

Let's say some teenager with a drivers license use these mushrooms. They start driving, they drive past a school, kids are going home, they cross the street and... I don't need to go any further.

When you're under the influence of drugs your perception of the world isn't what it normally is.
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+24 357. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Domestic abuse

#1 Please. Violence is violence no matter who performs it. It's *never* fine. I got disgusted when I saw the women and men laughing at it in the video.

A while back a woman stabbed her husband to death. I guess that's laughable too because it was a woman doing it?

Once mankind actually starts to treat everyone equally, regardless of gender or ethnicity and so forth then we might evolve to a greater race.
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0 358. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Weirdest Mental Disorders

I'm perfectly normal in every way.
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+7 359. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Street Fighter Crazy Drunk Russians Edition

To be fair, in their head they performed on par with Bruce Lee.
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+11 360. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Moving day is serious business in Taiwan.

Now I've seen everything there is to see in life.
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+3 361. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Awesome fully automatic Wolverine claws

Might come in handy during a late night bar visit.
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+2 362. huldu commented 10 years ago on video White Arctic Wolf Howling

#3 That's what she said!
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+2 363. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Remote German village sets up own fast internet

That town didn't exactly seem to have any lower wealth residents to begin with. That's normally the real issue isn't it... Good luck living in a low wealth community and get a broadband connection like these people did. I just loved how it isn't about "money" that was the most stupid lie I've ever heard. It's always about money when it comes to people.
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-1 364. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Narcisse Snake Dens

You'd be wise to fear snakes they're not toys and most of them are dangerous or even deadly. Imagine picking your 4 year old kid to go see those snakes, they play around with them and having fun. Then you go home and your kid is playing around in the backyard, along comes a snake that "looks" like one of those. You can see where I'm going with this. Some animals should just be avoided. Let them live their life and you live yours, that's the best way.
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-2 365. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Best use of the Oculus so far

At some point your brain will get used to flying and then you jump off a building(in real life) and the brain realizes... I can't fly!
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+5 366. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Graphene on The One Show

I'll believe it once I see the finished product, a transparent, paper thin screen that you can bend and that shows colors etc. For now it's a little too much sci-fi and just a concept. I'm sure that one day they'll be out with it but for now it just doesn't feel like the technology is there.
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+2 367. huldu commented 10 years ago on video If men were dogs

1:43... that about sums it all up. When is the next video, about women?
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0 368. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Ducklings vs. Stairs

#2 Human smell is very bad on most kinds of animals. Not sure how ducks are but humans should never intervene when it comes to animals(like in this video!), especially a mother and their children.
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+1 369. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Man selling peelers in NYC

I'd buy one because I really need a good peeler... shame you can't buy them and get them by watching the video alone.
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+3 370. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Google Self-Driving Car on City Streets

Very promising tech they got there, might have a lot of uses in the military. Why have people risking their life when you can have clever AI doing all the dirty work :)
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+4 371. huldu commented 10 years ago on video I've never wanted a trailer more than right now

I never understood people camping like this. Isn't the point of camping in the wild to get away from all the technology and get in touch with your primal being? This is basically taking your home with you, which is great if you don't have a home to live in.
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+3 372. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Un-pickable lock with an amazing design

#9 Are you the manufacturer of this lock? If so how much does this thing cost.
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+1 373. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Un-pickable lock with an amazing design

Yeah, like #1 said kids will just vandalize it for the "fun" of it. The key turning mechanism looked quite flimsy and like it could easily break if enough force was applied to it. Kids will be kids and if they see something they can break they'll often do it.
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+4 374. huldu commented 10 years ago on video KKK Bag Problems

If it was reversed you'd all be laughing and cracking jokes. It feels like this is still too taboo to joke about. However I agree with #2 nonetheless.
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+1 375. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Where 26 asteroids recently hit Earth since 2000

Hehe that world view brought me back memories of those old ufo/x-com games from the early 90's. I didn't mention the new xcom game because I really didn't find it that great, at least when compared to the old one. Anyways, don't mind me!
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-1 376. huldu commented 10 years ago on video NASA spotted a square "hole" in the Sun

Is this the end?
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+11 377. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Cutting up a tree

I got it on tape... those good ol' tapes.
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+23 378. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Severe Autism

Is that his mother... wow.
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+1 379. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Laziness finds a way

That's fine as long you hit the trash bin, but I bet you'd miss it at times.
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+1 380. huldu commented 10 years ago on video WTF is sugru?

I could possibly use it for fixing my stove handles, cheap plastic broke off years ago. However I wouldn't be surprised if this is quite expensive...
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+1 381. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Cat is very happy to see his owner after being 3 days alone

#5 Yeah, you're right. Having had cats around me my entire life I know of what you speak. Cats *very* social when they're hungry or just wants something from you in general.
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+6 382. huldu commented 10 years ago on video mass of crabs VS. a stingray

Looks like another day on the street in New York.
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+17 383. huldu commented 10 years ago on video The Greatest Ever Infographic

I don't understand the poor rating on this video. I think it showed you a classic war and how bad it was handled. It was so bad that even Hitler did the same mistake of attacking Russia during winter. Always bring supplies and warm clothing if you're going to invade Russia!
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+17 384. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Sumo Test

Yeah, that wall breaker really delivered a punch strong enough to shut the video off. Apparently the red stuff didn't work too well, maybe coat the clip in it next time?
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+3 385. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Scared by a Leaf

I think we all can learn from this. If you have arachnophobia... eat them!
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+11 386. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Lecture on mimicking accents

I really liked this, a shame the sound was pretty bad in the video. Watching this gave me a completely new understanding on languages, dialects and so forth. Maybe it's time I work on my English. I'm from Sweden and speaking English sounds so very wrong as many of you are aware. Hopefully with some practice I may improve thanks to this video.
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+4 387. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Lost wallet test in Poland

I could post a comment that explains this whole scenario quite well but it would be unwise to do so. To make it short however, just look at the scenery and the people on the street. This is why the "test" fail.
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0 388. huldu commented 10 years ago on video my faith in flight attendants is drowning

Not sure what that woman was laughing at... I guess there is always someone laughing at accidents, even the fatal ones.
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-4 389. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Extreme Pizza Delivery

Why was the cat moving backwards... a very extreme place indeed.
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+3 390. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Cave Diving

There can be some very interesting species of fish in underground caverns like that where there is no light source at all. It always fascinate me at how life always finds a way.
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+2 391. huldu commented 10 years ago on video How Many Megabytes Does Your Brain Hold?

It's one unreliable harddrive that's for sure.
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+6 392. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Would you help a child in need?

Yet, people look the other way when it comes to the poor children that dies of starvation every day in Africa. It's so far away, it doesn't concern me, I can't do anything... yeah, that's usually how it goes. In reality very few people on this planet *really* cares about children. In the end it's always a question about money. That's the only thing people really care about.
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0 393. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Raw, unedited, silent footage of the bombing of Nagasaki, August 9, 1945.

#6 Nice way to justify "winning". So if Hitler would have won world war two, according to you, what he did to the poor Jews would have been perfectly justified?
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+4 394. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Avalanche in italy

6.2.2014 - Never forget.
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+2 395. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Are you are a good liar?

A good liar believes in the lie itself which makes it impossible to tell it from the truth.
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+10 396. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Wanna see a Shocking Trick?

0:21 Very confusing to me...
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+7 397. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Cellular tower worker gets attacked by hawk

Reminds me of pearl harbor.
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+6 398. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Hawaii plane crash caught on tape

Where I'm from that's a normal landing :x
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+2 399. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Unstoppable Robot Eats Landmines for Breakfast

The problem is obviously the price on that thing. Where it is needed the most they wouldn't even be able to afford it.
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-2 400. huldu commented 10 years ago on video 3D scans reveal deep-sea anglerfish's huge final meal

When I die, please put me in a bottle.
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+1 401. huldu commented 10 years ago on video New Year Fireworks Fail Compilation

First they scream, then they laugh. It's kinda sad.

Reminds me of a kid that built a homemade piece. He cut over 300 firecrackers apart and poured the gunpowder into a big metal tube. As he put the lid on it exploded. Apparently it sounded like a grenade exploded. That kid is obviously no longer amongst us. My point is, these things are no laughing matter.
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+4 402. huldu commented 10 years ago on video The Problem with Time & Timezones

#9 I think they thought about another system than using AM/PM or military time altogether.

I'm sure in time something will be changed, the same applies to languages. I doubt we'll see anything during our lifetime or our childrens. Maybe a few hundreds years from now they'll look back and are confused with how we managed to get through our days with the systems we use today. The language barrier is one of the worst problems today.
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+2 403. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Can a bodybuilder be a gymnast?

#2 A lot more weight, if you know what I mean. *wink*
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+13 404. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Adaptive thermal camouflage for vehicle

There is one flaw with this whole thing, I'm sure some of you people might have caught on to it already. It has nothing to do with the "technology" itself. This is like bringing up religion or politics in a way, no matter what you write someone will get offended.

#2 It kinda depends on what side of the fence you're on. You speak as you're a part of a nation, I speak as a part of the life on this planet. We're all the same, ie humans. Once we get through "you and me" mentality, mankind might actually evolve.

#3 You're right, but that goes for pretty much every nation. I can't believe there has been less than one hundred years since ww2. That's how recent that was. That worries me a lot for the future.

Everything seems to be on the decline and it's not a huge surprise since humans breed more than rabbits. It's not a bright future coming that's for sure, if we look past all technology gains, we've made so little progress. People these days are more anti-social than ever. You put hundreds of people inside a building and they barely even know the neighbor that live the floor below them. If you think sending tweets or being on "facebook" counts as being a social being, you're a lost cause already.
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+6 405. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Man Loses Weight Eating McDonalds

How many calories do you burn with 5-15 minutes of... certain internet "sites" visits?
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+2 406. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Vicious Skunk Attack

Those little teeth actually do look pretty scary.
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0 407. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Funny Japanese Elevator Prank

The prank itself was pretty funny, but not sure I understood the point of the slime? That just seemed quite... unnecessary.

#4 It's easy to sit on the internet and say "I would have done this and that". In reality things tend to be quite the opposite. They generally try to pick people that don't look like they're on steroids or have signs that they might be... "aggressive".
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-5 408. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Doctors For Life - The blind regain their sigh

Why not send them here to the states where they may live a prosperous and meaningful life? At least give them the option, they're people just like you and me. They didn't ask to be born in the wilderness. We got plenty of space.
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+5 409. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Scientist David Suzuki makes an analogy about our planet that's pretty terrifying

Don't worry about it once the time comes and it will, a man or a woman will rise up. For the better or worse. It has happened and it will happen again. I don't want to live when that happens however, just thinking about the 1920-1940's, which would most likely look like child's play.
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+4 410. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Why marijuana is illegal...

Lost my focus when he started talking about lazy people. Of course it has nothing to do with marijuana, alcohol or smoking. It's a side effect of society being as bad as it is. Overpopulation being the key word. If you have no work, you have no money. If you have no money then you're stuck between a hard place and a rock. It's going to get a lot worse. The gap between the collars widens every year for the worse. Once the scale is unbalanced there will be chaos... not sure I want to be around when that happens.
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+10 411. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Penn & Teller show how easy it is to scam someone out of $10

It just ended?! /cries
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+2 412. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Have You Ever Seen A Tree Crab?

Evolving crabs!
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+4 413. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Chicago's Magical Piano

#1 Technology? Yeah, right. I doubt the AI has come that far yet, there was clearly a guy somewhere "controlling" that piano. What happened with the guy in the santa suit, that was just "good" to be true.
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-9 414. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Robber chooses the wrong nerd on an iPhone

This worked out fine because the robber had no intent of using the gun in the first place. It might not even have been loaded or a real one. Anyways, this was very dangerous and the guy acted out with no regard of anyones life around him. That makes him a hero eh?

A few years back, a few robbers robbed a bank, a guy noticed this while in his car and chased them down as they were driving away. After a few kilometers they stop, walk out the car and shoot him and his son a 10 year old in the backseat. What happens in this video isn't that far apart.

It's great that nothing happened, but just saying in most cases something *will* happen, for what reason, a stupid plastic phone? Is that really worth more than your life or those around you?
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+11 415. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Google is Going to Blackmail You

Browsing history, if you're a guy and it's your home computer... we don't need google to tell us anything. We already know.
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+2 416. huldu commented 10 years ago on video What would you do?

#3 We're all on the same planet. Period. It doesn't matter if you're a human or a fish. We're stuck here together.
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-11 417. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Awesome sales pitch - shark tank

Looks like he is on something, scary.
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+7 418. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Self defense scam fail

It's like religion in other words.
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+13 419. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Tribe practices euthanization

Just leave them alone. They haven't been tainted by the rest of mankind. I'd rather live like them than I do right now. Stuffed inside a tower block full of people I don't know - and don't want to know. Collecting useless things that we're told we need through media. Piling up money so you can die on top of it - alone. When I see these people I see the definition of innocence. I'm sure they have their problems, but at least they have each others. The whole social aspect of mankind just seems to blow out of the window once you get "modernized".
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+6 420. huldu commented 10 years ago on video 5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women

This goes both ways. Women have been in focus for such a long time it's only as of late men are becoming the focus. Men should look like this, men should have a equipment of this size or bigger. Well, you get the point. Very few can actually live up to the expectation these days. Men make jokes about women and women make jokes about men.

It's a vicious circle that just never ends and it will never end because we're human. If it's not gender related it's skin color. There will *always* be something to complain about. Welcome to being a human!
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+5 421. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Gravity Visualized

#1 I think that can be said about most teachers in general. You have very rare teachers that stand out from the rest, you might be lucky and get one of those during your years in school. The rest are just there for the pay and couldn't care less about the students. That's the saddest part because the students pay the price in the end.

It's a whole different experience if you have someone that actually enjoys what they're doing and live to teach others what they know. It just rubs off in a good way.
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+8 422. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Shredding Computer Parts

Seems quite efficient! I wonder how well it would work as an execution system, might be messy but oh... it's quick.
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+15 423. huldu commented 10 years ago on video The day Barney the dinosaur was killed

My 5 year old daughter was traumatized by this experience. Her shrink says she will never be the same and that she will need many more visits to try minimize the impact of this event.
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+4 424. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Victorian Era footage

If you look closely you can see me in one of those frames. Those were the days!
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+2 425. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Balance Artist in Dubai

Very impressive.
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+19 426. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Lollipop Bait, TBWA Kuala Lumpur

#1 Yeah, in theory you're right, the problem is the people that would exploit this and have innocent people sent to their death. That's far worse. You'd be surprised how often innocent people get set up by malicious scum of the earth. Then we have children *starving* to death in countries you've never heard of. Don't you think that's even worse? Yet, people just look the other way because "it's far away". It's the sad truth.
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+7 427. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Terrible Infomercials

I need one of those tiddy bears! What a genius solution.
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+1 428. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Never trust a Tiger!

It just wants to play, it looks so playful! PLAY WITH IT!
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+8 429. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Feel the Nuclear Thrill

It'll all come in handy once the zombie apocalypse begins!
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+7 430. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Kid Casts Molten Metal In A Hand-made Forge

Quite the parent(s) that kid have. Much respect to them for teaching the kid an actual useful skill.
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+2 431. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Do I control my brain or does my brain control me?

I'm in full control of my life and my career, not my body.
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+10 432. huldu commented 10 years ago on video Ending Overfishing

Less people, less food needed. I think the solution is quite simple. It just needs the proper mindset that will eventually turn up once things get worse. They will, you count on that, just hope you won't be around the day that happens.
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+3 433. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The Writer' Automaton

1770? Wow...
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+2 434. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Man traps himself in a box for a starving Polar Bear to attack

It just wants to play! Play with it please!
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+3 435. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Evolution got it right on running...

I like how they can drag this out for one hour on television, with added commercials of course.

If this is considered being a "superhuman" then... <*I was about to write something ridiculous here which would probably have got me a suspension for a week or more.>
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+18 436. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Robot gymnast catches the bar after a backflip...

I'm guessing nr 16 and lower are no longer with us.
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+8 437. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Unusual fruit you never knew existed

Thanks for this video, I thought I knew more than I did, never seen or heard about many of those fruits.
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+11 438. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Customer service in Japan

Now that's support.
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+2 439. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Playing Counterstrike...

I haven't played counter-strike since the beta in the mid/late 90's, they did some "changes" to the weapons and I didn't like it so stopped playing.

Anyways quite impressed. Not that he's playing counter-strike, but that it was possible without arms or legs. A while back I found a guy that played WoW using his head and only his head. He had it even worse than this guy since he couldn't move his arms or legs at all. But they always find a way!
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+7 440. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Why Does My Body Do That

Why do I always wake up with an erection in the morning? Should I deal with it or just leave it be?
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+1 441. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Fallout Over Europe - Chernobyl Disaster

Pretty sure I recall it raining the few days after this event took place around the Stockholm area. I guess the cloud was coming for me but it failed since I seem fine. *cough*
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+16 442. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The Japanese restaurant which does not need waiters

I guess we're not that far off from seeing restaurants run without humans at all. The future... seems like a lovely place for the unemployed worker.
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+3 443. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How Computers Add Numbers In One Lesson

That motherboard/cpu is probably older than some of you posters. Older cpus didn't need more than a heatsink back in the days. I didn't start to notice cooling fans until 486 66mhz I believe.
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+1 444. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Monkey grooming a cat

I to be groomed like that... I knew something was missing in my life and now I finally know what.
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+2 445. huldu commented 11 years ago on video 4-Way Stop Vs. Roundabout

We had a 4 way intersection using traffic lights outside where I lived and it had quite a few car accidents every month. Then they turned it into a roundabout without traffic lights and it made a huge difference. I didn't expect it, I guess it comes down to traffic lights and people "rushing" the light.
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+4 446. huldu commented 11 years ago on video 4-Way Stop Vs. Roundabout

Is this a standalone episode or something? I've never seen this one before and I've pretty much watched every episode of Mythbusters.
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+6 447. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How to handle a road rage confrontation

Well, at least from what I can see it ended okay. This is sadly not always the case. I've seen people run to get the lug wrench from the trunk and that's when things really start to get out of hand.
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+5 448. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Kitty sits on hedgehog

My oldest cat behaves just like this cat. I think it's a sign of respect for the master that the cat doesn't "attack" the other creature. The cat knows that it's yours and not to attack it. I've had cats that are quite dominant and attacks other creatures, such as mice and gerbils on sight while others just don't do it in my home.
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-15 450. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The biggest organism on Earth

God is the biggest, everyone knows that.
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+7 451. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia

Yeah, that looked very unsafe and they were just small bears. Pretty clever bears tho as long they don't get run over by cars. Wouldn't have been a big surprise if mama or papa bear were hiding in the bushes.
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+18 452. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How to Make a Simple Pop Pop Boat

My young son will love this! Thank you.
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+1 453. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Euclideon Geoverse

Yeah, isn't this considered a "scam", they talk a lot but that's it.
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+6 454. huldu commented 11 years ago on video CERN Computing Centre

I remember back in the 80's when a guy came up to me and said "there is no way anyone would ever fill a 20mb harddrive".
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0 455. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How do you like your tea?

I drink neither and I'm doing perfectly fine.
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+4 456. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Why phone buttons are laid out the way they are

I like to stick things into holes, what's wrong with that?
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+20 457. huldu commented 11 years ago on video What does it take to kill a Volvo?

Next Volvo commercial.
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+26 458. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Lorenz Machine

Felt like the video missed a few minutes.
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+2 459. huldu commented 11 years ago on video A look inside a Cryonic facility

#1 Religion, souls... please. Just something to make you feel "special" as a human. You're no different than any other living creature on this planet. The closest thing to a "higher" being would be humans themselves upon creating highly advanced AI.

#3 You'll get over pretty much anything given enough time and if you're "immortal" you got plenty of that.

Personally I don't like this it's such a waste. The money some people are willing to spend on a "scam" like this just makes me sad. Imagine the good that money could do on living people around the world. Of course not, let's all just be greedy and hope we live forever.
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+2 460. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Home-made Transforming Furniture

Asians have been doing this for quite some time. Some of their apartments are just out of this world when it comes to how much they can fit into a tiny space.
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+2 461. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Bug-A-Salt: Slo-Mo Fly Annihilation

0:24 was that a leg?
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+3 462. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Ever wonder how a $500 kitchen knife is made?

I like ceramic knives. Apparently, if you sharpen a ceramic knife well enough it'll be sharper than any steel knife. There is also a bonus, you can shave with it as shown in another snotr video! Multipurpose knife, that's a seller right there.
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+4 463. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Phone Blocks

There are a lot of problems with the design itself and that could possibly be the undoing. Great concept but like already pointed nothing new, but with phones... it could work, but i doubt it.
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+22 464. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Pro Armwrestler vs. Pro Bodybuilder

Steroids. Most of those "muscles" aren't even real to begin with, just water.
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+1 465. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The impulse to help

Very interesting, I lost the ability wanting to help people like that as I grew older. Just like with a lot of things that I used to do like a kid that I no longer do because that's the way our modern society works. Keep to yourself, less socializing, count your money, buy bling and die. To be honest I envy people living out in the bush. Reminds me of that video I saw a few days ago on snotr about people from Sudan. Watched something similar on TV a few years back about people from Africa who were "integrated" into our society. They lost everything that made them human and turned them into creatures like the rest of us. It's such a sad story really.
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+10 466. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How to chop wood like butter

#4 combine these two methods and you have a new video!
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0 467. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Can you trust your eyes?

#7 I'm sure it worked out great anyways.
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+6 468. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Could you do it better ???

What else you got the bumpers for?
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+2 469. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Russian Kebab Master

Hm... doesn't look like the kebabs I buy from the Turkish guys downtown. I guess there are many ways of making them, just never seen one like that before.
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0 470. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Mother and Baby Mice Made a New Organism

#2 What he said.
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+3 471. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The origins and many uses of iridium.

0:18 - I'm a little surprised at how he phrased that. He being a scientist and all. Just figured he would say something along the lines of "known to man". A silly detail I know but... whatever.
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+3 472. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Man VS Ram

Great clip, very fun to watch and the music fit perfectly.
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+4 473. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Clever way to test batteries

A used battery tend to get a bulge on the negative side. If said battery is still in a device it'll eventually leak, might even leak by itself eventually just lying around.
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+2 474. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Porn is different from sex in real life

The numbers are of course based entirely on input from regular people. These said people often exaggerate... which makes these numbers invalid. It reminds me of that old penis size measurement they did in the military. Basically they *asked* the MALE how big there genitalia was, no actual measurement of the erection took place... for obvious reasons. The sad part is that they still use those numbers they got today. Because we know that males never exaggerate about their size.
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+1 475. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Renewable energy from an artificially created leaf

Looks very interesting in small scale but... things aren't always as simple as we might think it is. One of the bigger problems if I understood right is that hydrogen is a highly explosive gas. The engine that uses hydrogen is quite expensive to make as well. I could be wrong about a few things but that's what I heard in a similar video a long time ago. They're working on it however but it'll take time.
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-8 476. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How chains are made

The narrator made this clip feel like watching machine porno. I don't know if that is good or bad.
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+4 477. huldu commented 11 years ago on video What It's Like To Drop 150,000 Feet Straight Down

From what I've seen the last 15 years or so is quite a few switches to the metric system... by the Americans. It's a slow process.
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-2 478. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How to fake piano skills

#(removed comment) It really wasn't any worse than many other videos I've seen here.
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0 479. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Learning crow

"forget what they're doing" sounds like my average day then.
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+8 480. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Rush hour in the Chinese subway

Nice to see actual people having a job working the train doors, instead of machines or nothing at all.
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-4 481. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Experience Autism

The world has enough crazy people as is. Why make things even worse.
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+3 482. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Reconstruction

If you're never called to the incident... your bosses could question the need for you in the first place.
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0 483. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The Landfill Harmonic Orchestra

Well, at least they seem to enjoy breeding. Guess there isn't much else you can do.
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-1 484. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Whales almost eat Divers

They can't even get a human inside their mouth, let alone chew or swallow it. A killer whale(orca) on the other hand is a little more tricky, there have been very rare cases of them attacking humans. Haven't read anything about them eating a human tho.
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+3 485. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Time-lapse video of a restoration and colorization

I don't think the end result was that good, saw some flaws made during the restoration as well. But oh well...
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+1 486. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Can you recognize the child fighting for their life before the lifeguard does?

The girl with the red swimsuit... stone cold.
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0 487. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Climate Change 101

It's a question about greed and money...

For example, the warning signs on cigarette packages, that don't stop people from smoking. They still smoke and don't care if they'll die from it - it's in the future.

So... my point is, in the end it all comes down to greed and money. You just don't stop something that is "good" for you, ie making a lot of money. That's not in your nature. It's easier for the "little" people that hopefully have not been corrupted too badly to see the difference between good and bad. But it's just a matter of perspective in the end.

By the time something does actually happen it'll be too late or something far worse has happened already. We live in a fantasy world, a bubble, anything can burst it at any time and everything would fall apart like a house of cards. Our society that we live in is so fragile.
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+2 488. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Death cat and a dog

You ever wondered what happens when the dog reaches the cat in a chase? It'll be just like the beginning of the video, except the cat won't live.
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+4 489. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Don't let this guy embarrass you in a street fight

He was very good at dodging blows and in "real" life you won't be fighting pros. You might end up in a bar fight with some random nobody but you'll be drunk and so will he. Avoiding fights is the best course of action but at times that might not be very easy to do. It's just the sad human nature. Always good to have at least some defensive knowledge - just in case.
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-6 490. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Croissants

Will flies be included or do you pay extra for those?
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+2 491. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Living in a 140 Sq ft house

While it is a quite good looking house they've build... people in worse conditions live in even smaller spaces than that. With far less "utility", I might add.
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+8 492. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Asiana Pilots names from KTVU News

How can something that fun be wrong.
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0 493. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Godwin's Law of internet arguments

It's true tho, every discussion seems to end up with politics, religion or nazis.
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+14 494. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Proton-M Rocket Failure

Expensive fireworks!
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+9 495. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Car Transmissions & Synchromesh

Very impressive, so well explained even I could understand how it all worked.
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+12 496. huldu commented 11 years ago on video A Day in the Life of a Kiva Robot

More robots, less people, more unemployment.
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0 497. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Baby Swims Across Pool

Reminds me of my days when I was a young kid. My mother thought it would be a good way to teach a kid to swim by throwing them into the pool. It didn't work out that well and I'm glad my mother at least had some brain activity to realize I was drowning.
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+25 498. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Dont leave your pet in a parked car

Some people need to learn to not leave your child in the car...
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+5 499. huldu commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

Well, you have some people who can smoke all their life up to they reach their 90's and then die a natural death. Then you have people who die "because" of smoking in their 40-50's. In the end it all comes down to how bad your DNA is. You can be born with flaws and issues you're not aware of and they sneak up as you get older and eventually kills you. Or you could walk down the street, perfectly healthy and get run over by a car and die from that.

We all can agree that some things you eat aren't good, but for some reason people still do it. Even if it had a skull and death warning written all over it, people still do it(*cough* cigarette packages). Doesn't really matter until they BAN *proven* bad products. In the end it all comes down to greed, money and all that juicy stuff.
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+11 500. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How we see

#6 No disrespect for women but man, that comment was among the most hilarious I've seen on snotr this year.
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+3 501. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Guy wants to see how fast he could learn a new language

Yeah, best way to learn a new language is to live in a country where they speak it. It's just not the same reading books, watching videos... if you really want to learn a language you need to get down and dirty.
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+3 502. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The first step to save mankind ...

That was some pro skills filling a glass of beer.
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0 503. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Bullied kid's dream comes true

Trying to "protect" some random kid from swearing is like trying to walk on water. My point is, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. We've all been kids, bullied, the bully or just a spectator. Kids are mean by nature, it's just that simple. Anything that is different is a target.

The worst part is that schools, teachers and so forth they don't really care and try avoid confrontations at all costs. Why should they care, they don't get paid to care. Of course there are random cases of people who actually do care but they're always in the minority.

Growing up I saw it all, teacher being abusive towards students, the school swept it under the carpet. Bullied kids - ignored. One big problem with bullied kids in general is that they rarely tell their parents about it. That's why teachers ignoring it is so effective because it'll be contained. It's just disturbing how it really works. The thing is I didn't grow up in a fancy home, going to a fancy school or anything like that. I grew up in one of the worst areas where I live, in the worst school until I reached the age of 19. I made it through but it still pisses me off how often teachers just ignored the obvious that went on around them.
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+4 504. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How Turkish Protestors Deal With Teargas

It's all fun and happy times... until they start to actually open fire using live ammo. Not sure how they deal with these sort of situations down there however. Hopefully not like China, for the protesters sake.
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+1 505. huldu commented 11 years ago on video What would happen if Superman punched you??

And once in time the earth was "flat" and if you didn't agree, you'd burn. So yeah, everything is based on this here moment and what "we" know right now.

What makes sci-fi so interesting is that it goes beyond what we believe is possible. The human imagination can be a great thing and aspire REAL actual results. If we only stuck to what we know we would make no progress whatsoever, we'd probably still be stuck living in caves... eating raw meat.
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+11 506. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Hypnotizing Wind Sculpture

Very well made, a true piece of art for once.
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+7 508. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Do you even lift bro?!

That's some pro lifting right there.
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-1 509. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Daniel Waples - Hang Drum Solo

That tunnel scares me... Wouldn't want to be a woman walking through it during the night.
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+2 510. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The Czechs are working on flying bikes?

The sound that thing would make... you'd probably go deaf standing too close to it.
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+9 511. huldu commented 11 years ago on video He loves his job

They don't pay enough for someone to care, that's the problem.
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+5 512. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Farting Old Man

Didn't Knoxville use an identical mask in one of the movies...
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+8 513. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Maillardet's Automaton

The time it must have taken to get everything to work as well as it does... phew.
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+4 514. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Puma vs. Sloth

Just like the majority of humans living today. Doing nothing until they die.
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+3 515. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The Making of a Gaming Mouse: Inside Logitech's Labs

If you're a mmo player you really want to use a razer. However they're terrible quality. I've had hardware from logitech last well over 10 years. If we only could get something that had the quality of logitech and a lot of configurable buttons from razer... that would be nice.
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+1 516. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Billboard that produces potable water from the air

"They could". Indeed that is the keyword. In the end it's all about money. That's why it'll never happen. It's just too expensive. When it all comes around people care more about money than lives.
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-1 517. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Clothing of the Future

Well, one part of the female clothing reminded me of the 70-80's. Close enough. Good call on the phone part too.
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+2 518. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The Largest Galaxy in the Universe: IC 1101

Largest galaxy *known* to man.
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+4 519. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Best Things About Being Blind

Was he born blind or did he become blind later in his life? I'm not saying being blind is something you don't get used to, because that's pretty obvious you do. It's not like he has any choice but to accept it. My point is given the opportunity to get the sight back I'm very sure he would take it. You truly don't appreciate what you have until you no longer have it.
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-7 520. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Self-Recognition in Apes

Too much genitalia shown!
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+2 521. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Why you don't touch high power electricity lines

I've heard stories about power line repairmen that "forgot" to make sure their suit is properly set up. It did not end well and they are not amongst us today. It's a *very* dangerous job.
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+13 522. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Black bears are just cute and cuddly

Great video showing what NOT to do. Unless you want to end your life that is.
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+2 523. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Should You Use The SNOOZE Button?

I've not had a proper job for the last 15 years and I wake up whenever I want to. The clock in my body works fine most of the time giving me around 6-7 hours sleep. However from personal experience it depends a lot on the time I go to bed. If i go to bed during the day I can easily sleep 12+ hours. If I go to bed around 6-7 in the morning I'll most likely be up at around 12 in the afternoon.
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+11 524. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Procrastination

He got a lot of stuff done. More than I usually manage.
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+3 525. huldu commented 11 years ago on video I'm the alpha monkey

Very interesting use for a monkey "pet". Normally people would get them because they're cute etc but what they do not realize is that these pets require a lot of attention. Otherwise they will ruin your home. A person with a disability like this have a lot of time and the monkey really likes that.

I got to give it to the persons who came up with the use for a monkey pet like this. It has probably been done a lot but it's the first time I see it.
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+5 526. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Very fast typer

Experience? If that were true I'd be just as fast, if not faster since I'm probably older than that guy. I'm not a slow typer but nowhere near that fast. Crazy.
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+4 527. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How $50 tablets are made in China

At least they're using humans and not machines put them together. Even if it's a terrible pay it's at least *something*. Where I live there is no way they would use that many people to put something like that together. And that's why we have an all time high unemployment rate.
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+2 528. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Chemistry Teacher Experiment Goes Hilariously Wrong

That wasn't suppose to happen? The sprinkler was right above with the teacher pointing at it...
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+1 529. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Romanian drummer with no hands

Looks like a little arm on the right, very cute.
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+4 530. huldu commented 11 years ago on video 2 guys go through a labor simulation

I thought use of quite powerful drugs and even resorting to c-section was general practice?
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0 531. huldu commented 11 years ago on video TED: Learn to read Chinese ...

3:02 That's what she said. Just pointing it out.
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+3 532. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The Irish Wolfhound

0:08 That's what she said. You heard it here first.
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+4 533. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Old vs. New

I'm amazed at how "young" they made Nimroy look in that commercial. He's 80+ mind you!
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0 534. huldu commented 11 years ago on video First Animal to Survive in Space

Life on this planet came from space.
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+2 535. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Cockroaches : The Most Perfect Organism Ever

Well, the bugs themselves might be disease free but they live in human trash, crawl around in pipes you don't want to know what's inside. That's a big problem in itself. Then again you get struck by lightning when you walk outside your home. Life is a gamble no matter how you twist and turn it. Either you live a long life or you don't. We could head to work tomorrow, get stuck in some traffic and something bad happens and that's it. GG. The least concern is the bugs around us. You'll never get rid of them entirely.
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+7 536. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How do you make intersections safer?

Similar idea works "fine" in Sweden. They just removed all the lights. If you want to remove accidents you have to remove bad drivers. It's that simple.
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+1 537. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Why Are We Afraid Of The Dark

Under certain circumstances even the most silly horror movie monster would scare you even if it's just fake. For that brief moment your brain reacts before you even get to think, built in safety function. The dark is just a cliché that fits very well with the horror genre.
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+1 538. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The world's first glimpse at a gamechanger: the cell phone.

Wow... reminds me of those old big "mobile" phones you used to carry around in the 80's. Huge, heavy battery.
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+2 539. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Bat infestation on a roof

Poor bats :(
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+1 540. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Accuracy of a samurai

It's ridiculous how sharp the katana is.
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+3 541. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Unibrow Discrimination

If you're any different in appearance from the "average" person, you'll always receive negative remarks. This even includes skin of your color... I honestly thought we were past that but sadly no. If humans were exact copies of each others but one thing, the hair color. People would pick up on that alone and generalize people according to that specific trait. That's what humans do and that is what they'll do until we're identically the same.
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+1 542. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Rain Frogs

Note... "The female lays her eggs, and the male secretes sperm over them. Then the female secretes a solvent that dissolves the glue holding her man on her back – and he can leave!"
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+2 543. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The known universe

Imagine yourself being a worm... why would something more advanced bother with you? Can you even picture yourself having a discussion with a worm on the street? Of course the same applies the other way around and how we treat non-humans.

The question isn't if there are "other" lifeforms. The real question is *when* will humans encounter these and how will they react. I think it's better humans live on this little planet and stay oblivious to the rest of the universe. What's hidden out there might not be the best.

If some other alien race that actually can traverse through space spotted earth they would have noticed that we're pretty much stuck on it. Hence we're no threat or even interesting.

Then again it's impossible to even imagine what they could be. Just imagine yourself living back in the stone age and you got to see a computer. How would you describe that?
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+4 544. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Sneaky octopus

One benefit of having no bones. If their beak can get through something their entire body will.
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0 545. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Ant death circle explained

That video is very old.
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-5 546. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Cool Teacher

Falling asleep at a class? I've had some really bad classes in my days but I've never fallen asleep. Sounds like the Asian guy might have had some other issues...
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+2 547. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Inside the world's quietest room

Why bother creating an animation about it rather than having a real person walk into the room? Silly video, nice room...
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+1 548. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Chinese bus driver dodges death from a pole smashing through the windscreen

It really looked like it hit him and knocked him out of the way. But not a scratch on him afterwards.
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+2 549. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Stop Eating Food: The Soylent Experiment

Milk as in from cows isn't good for humans to begin with, especially as you get older.
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+12 550. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Welcome to the magical shop

Just love how the woman in purple at 4:48 grabs a bunch of them.
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+5 551. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Walrus Phonetics

Impressive training!
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+3 552. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Collision between two cargos in Singapore detroit

Just to stop such a massive cargo ship, assuming it has cargo, would take anywhere between a few hundred meters to up to almost five hundred. It's hard to say because we don't know what speed they're traveling at and how "heavy".
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-5 553. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Stunt man jumps over speeding Lamborghini

#10 Well spotted. It's true, he wouldn't have been hit by the car if the jump would have missed.
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0 554. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Why Do We Wear Clothes?

Well, discussing brain size vs body size and everything around is is pretty dated. It's not that easy. The elephant fish, for example, has a similar brain to body size. Not only that their brain also uses up to three times more oxygen than the human brain does. Obviously it's a fish and it is smaller than a human. At the end of the day all you can do is "compare" another species to the human. Size has little to do with anything.
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0 555. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How marbles are made

00:01 just makes me giggle every time.
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0 556. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Japanese skyscrapers swaying in an earthquake

Don't these type of buildings stand on huge hydraulics? Just in case a earthquake would take place.
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+4 557. huldu commented 11 years ago on video So this old man walks by a snake.....

A snake bite is probably the last thing you worry about at that age.
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+3 558. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Amazing new Concrete tent that can be erected fast

That actually looks very solid. Most impressive.
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+9 559. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Wealth distribution in US

Greed is the key problem. That is why it'll NEVER work and there will always be the "top" which is far apart from everyone else. Doesn't matter what type of economic system you have... as long humans are behind it... it will always be flawed.

Yes, it'll be far worse in the future. The world is overpopulated with humans. We're the lucky ones that actually sit here and watch a video about the "problem". That's the sad part. When the overpopulation problem is solved then mankind can progress. Until then it'll only go downhills... and it'll go fast.
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0 560. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Chimps Held in Captivity for 30 Years Play in the Sun for the First Time

I've seen less secure prisons... what is that place anyway.
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-1 561. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Gorilla having fun playing in the leaves

I can almost feel all the lice, ticks and everything creepy-crawly in that leaf pile /shivers.
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+4 562. huldu commented 11 years ago on video A soap bubble freezing

That was very nice!
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+4 563. huldu commented 11 years ago on video What Google glass will actually be like.

Reminds me of mobile phones and older people back in the early-mid 90's. Technology just keeps moving out - you won't however. That's why we all turn into the grumpy old person that goes "things used to be better". Just the sad truth. We're the youth today and the elder tomorrow.
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+5 564. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How children react when they feel that they don't have an equal share of food.

Weird, when I grew up things didn't really go down like that. Hopefully kids are far more giving and caring these days, like in that video... or mankind really isn't evolving very much.
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+4 565. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Dozens of species show up in front of camera trap in threatened Peruvian jungle

Humans need food and fancy looking furniture. Farms > Forests. Furniture > Forests. Then we have killing of animals for their furs and meat. The list goes on. As the human population increases wildlife will have to find other places to live or die trying. In the end humans doesn't care about anything but themselves and money. Which is why it's always such a sad sight to see something like this. In time it'll all be gone.
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+21 566. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Drivers stoned on marijuana test their driving skills

Obviously driving under any sort of influence is bad, nothing new there. What's worse is that there are many... many drivers out there that drive worse than they did under no influence whatsoever.
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+4 567. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Sculpting a female face in clay.

Can you do other body parts as well?
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+9 568. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Thought about buying a Roomba, then I saw this

Looks almost the same if my cat has diarrhea and some of it gets stuck in the "fur". Dragging it all over. It then tries to lick it up and then pukes all over the place... frickin' mess.
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+2 569. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Will We Ever Visit Other Stars?

How did human technology look 1000 years ago how does it look today. It's a pretty good estimate that it would be completely different from what we have today and the speed research has been going the last 100 years.
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+5 570. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Zebra Drowning a Lion

In a world without infections that zebra might have survived. I've seen animals with far less injuries die from the infection alone... sad reality :(
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+3 571. huldu commented 11 years ago on video This RAVEN knows EXACTLY whats it doing

Give a raven a fish and you feed it for a day. Teach a raven to fish and you feed it for a life time.
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+9 572. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Bigger Red Hot Nickel Ball In Hot Water

I was preparing myself for some sort of "explosion"... crazy me! Too many internet videos :(
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+3 573. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Canadians film their own plane crash.

Those small planes are pretty "safe" tho aren't they? When it comes to crash landing etc obviously. They don't take up much space and they can probably glide fairly well due to their weight.
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+1 574. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Worlds Smallest Car

The concept is solid but the technology just isn't there yet.
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+2 575. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How To Make Filthy Water Drinkable

Let's just ignore the bigger picture.
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+2 576. huldu commented 11 years ago on video High school robotics team help a kitten walk again...adorable...

They sure put animals to sleep fast. The question they need to ask themselves... "what would we do if that was a human". Now that is actual progress, just like in this case.
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-1 577. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Roadracers with balls of steel

It's a lot easier than it looks. The problem is it's not very forgiving if you mess up however. Regardless of if you're a newb or a pro.
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+3 578. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Bill Gates jumps over a desk chair like a boss

Without windows it would be a grim place...
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+16 579. huldu commented 11 years ago on video A young Steve Irwin gets bitten by a snake on television

Play with fire and one day you will get burnt. It's such a shame things turned out the way they did for him. He really did his best to help the wildlife while being a very entertaining guy to watch.
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0 580. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Inglewood Police Chase Jan 13, 2013

Just like in the movies... a long police car caravan.
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+4 581. huldu commented 11 years ago on video NYC Subway Beatboxer

A tough crowd.
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+14 582. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Clever Cat

Haha... the cat was better than me.
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+1 583. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How Malian Troops Train

Well from the upside they won't have any "accidental" deaths while training, like we do every so often using live ammo.
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+4 584. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Giraffes Fight To The Death - Kalahari desert

Truly an odd looking creature. Even our wildest imagination could not picture us how an "alien" life form would look. Nature always tops it off, even on the planet we live on.
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0 585. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Insane Arcade Dancing with 3 guys

5 misses and 24 bad, at least what it said on the scoreboard.
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+5 586. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Usain Bolt vs 116 years of Olympic sprinters

The most interesting part is that race does have a factor due to how the human body is constructed. There is no denying that. Most top sprinters are of African origin. You could probably go as far to say if they had as much time and money to train sprinting in Africa they would be superior to Americans in that regard.
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+5 587. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Silo demolition

Shame with the terrible camera work, looked very dangerous for the guy that close.
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+1 588. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Drive Thru Invisible Driver Prank

Only women work at the drive thru?
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+4 589. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Chinese 30 story building in 15 days

30 story building in 15 days! ... and a pile of rubble in 1.5 minutes?
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+1 590. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How To Wash Your Cat

Yeah... that's basically how the cat reacts near water. I gave up on washing cats a long time ago. These days I just manually cut the hair(if it's long). If it's a cat with short hair, you don't need to do a thing, cats are quite concerned with cleanliness.
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+5 591. huldu commented 11 years ago on video April 24, 1926: World's oldest dash cam footage?

#1 Top hats, monocles and canes instead.
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+5 592. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Literally heavy metal

Love the headbanging going on, those little details really makes it stand out.
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+4 593. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Japanese Bike Parking Technology

Bicycle theft is a good enough reason to use that system. Had quite a few stolen over my years.
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+2 594. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Growth of Wal-Mart

That area in the far middle-west looks quite "deserted" compared to the rest of the country. Since I'm not an American could someone explain what's up with that?
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+4 595. huldu commented 11 years ago on video World's Shortest Train

Hehe indeed #4 very well spotted.
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+23 596. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Is it a Bird?

That one was pretty nice. Would bring a few "wtf" moments if it flew over a city across the street at a reasonable height so you couldn't see it clearly.
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+6 597. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Drawing the joker with pencils

I like the grim looking Joker instead of that childish cartoon variation of him. They did a fine job in "The Dark Knight Rises". Heath Ledger RIP.
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+7 598. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The slave trade explained...

Cheap labor. A lot cheaper than machines(if you have very low wages, or just plain "slavery";). Which is why history will repeat itself... eventually.
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-3 599. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Shark aquarium explodes in Shanghai

Bad things can happen! Please can we try avoid bashing a country based on preconceived opinions?
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+15 600. huldu commented 11 years ago on video HOW WEED WORKS: THC

Drugs are bad. Okay.
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+2 601. huldu commented 11 years ago on video A brief history of Santa

Heh... I liked the old small elf Santa. Didn't know about that one.
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+2 602. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Dog loves being Home Alone!

Dogs are social "pack" animals. Left alone they become nervous, which is kind of typical for dogs. The howling in the end just sums it all up. Dogs should not be left alone. Even a cat might be enough company, I don't know tho, haven't owned a dog for over 20 years.
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+4 603. huldu commented 11 years ago on video GravityLight

Great gadget, no talk about that. What worries me is the QUALITY, it has to be superb and extremely tough to even handle 3 months in that sort of area.
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+3 604. huldu commented 11 years ago on video How to light up a cigarette

SMOKING IS COOL KIDS!! /sarcasm off
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+56 605. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Terrified driver chased by road rage ''lunatic"

What's terrifying is that woman he is talking with on the emergency line... Clearly gives a damn and think *he* is crazy. Sheesh.
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+9 606. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Bowerbird Woos Female with Ring

How would their nest look in nature, without any human trash? I'd guess flowers, but obviously the bird really liked the color blue.
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-4 607. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Golden Eagle Snatches Kid

Hehe, pretty good job tho. If that was for real I would have posted something along the lines of "the bird was just playing tag".
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-2 608. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Proof that not all cops are bad.

What kind of weird laws do they have in that region or whatever they're in?
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+2 609. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Sidewalk collapses

Thin layer of asphalt with a heavy layer of snow on top. Couldn't see any support beneath that construction.
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+2 610. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Base 12

Quite impressive. It all comes down to what we're taught is "right". It doesn't mean it's the right or the wrong way, it's what we know and what we were taught. Everything "evolves", even the way we think.
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+1 611. huldu commented 11 years ago on video VX Nerve Gas

Germans were quite ahead of time when it came constructing warfare weaponry. Quite shocking what they could have accomplished if Hitler wasn't the man he was. Could have been so much worse...
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+4 612. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Why Don't We Taxidermy People?

Quite interesting. Had no idea about the "laws" but they don't apply "worldwide" do they?
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+5 613. huldu commented 11 years ago on video A kid perfectly imitates a police siren

Good skill to have in the hoods'
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+9 614. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Tale of two trains

Train pr0n?
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+3 615. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Soda Can Shake-Up

Not to try that with no-sugar soda then?
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+11 616. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Hydraulic Fracturing is not a health hazard?

As long money and greed is a factor nothing will change. It's that simple.
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+9 617. huldu commented 11 years ago on video best translater in the world

I liked it. Just a shame the quality was so bad, couldn't see his face expressions that well.
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+1 618. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Does The Universe Have A Purpose?

Atheism a religion... give it a break guys. There are people out there who do not need to worship or believe there is something out there. Creatures live and they die. The circle will go on until it breaks.
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+4 619. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Ancient Archery

The narrator was that a computer voice or an actual person speaking? Impressive archery!
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+3 620. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Elevator prank

It can be very dangerous to do something like that with the "wrong" person that reacts in a... not so predictable way. Most people would probably react like those in the elevator in the given situation. Since it's the typical quick scare they're going for.
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0 621. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Girl Accidentally Gets Kicked In the Face

She took it in the face like a true woman.
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+2 622. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Liquid Nitrogen explosion

He was handling it very carelessly, he didn't even use a glove on the left hand as he poured it.
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+4 623. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Shooting .950 JDJ

Aka. "The Shoulder Dislocator" v0.5
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+6 624. huldu commented 11 years ago on video The Test

I ignored the cards with the text etc, but yes I saw them. Tho, the card with the woman I noticed for some reason.
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+5 625. huldu commented 11 years ago on video What if Money Did not Matter?

Money doesn't matter at all. It's just how you're wired into the society and what is "expected" of you. You're brainwashed plain and simple.
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+11 626. huldu commented 11 years ago on video Gary Greenberg: The beautiful nano details of our world

That was quite amazing. Those 12 minutes just flew past. When he started talking about the sand it just blew my mind.
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-6 627. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Impressive bicycle goal by Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

You really need to be drunk to "appreciate" football/soccer. One of the most boring/long sports you'll ever experience.

However it was a very nicely done goal. Would not have looked too good if he missed it tho.
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-3 628. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Sing me a Lullaby, Mommy

I know it's just me but German women all pretty much sound the same to me. Might because they dub most movies and probably use the same voice actress!
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+6 629. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Oldest Gymnast In The World

Well, while smoking, drinking and what not isn't "good" for you, it's all down to genetics. Nothing you do will save you from bad genetics. Some people live to over 80-90's *while* smoking, while others who don't even smoke die before getting to 60's.

My point is you could have a "problem" that you're not even aware of until you die or become wounded by it.

The body does become more "fragile" the older you get. For example if you're in your 20's and become wounded as a gymnast you'd probably recover just fine. However if you're in your 80's and become wounded... it would be a bad day.
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+1 630. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Fastest workers compilation

The stamping girl was just crazy fast.
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+3 631. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Air Refueling Close Call

Reminds me of top gun on the nes. Not sure if those are good or bad memories tho.
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-1 632. huldu commented 12 years ago on video MASS OF ANTS BEHAVING AS A FLUID

Social insects? Ants aren't social, they have a collective hive mind, that's far from a "social" behavior. Basically the ant colony is a single mind - the queen.
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+8 633. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Blacksmith is still at it at 84 years old

I need a full set of plate mail, sword and a shield!
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+6 634. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Swarm robots cooperate with a flying drone.

The last few seconds of the video were somewhat not so awesome. It was just sad.
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+7 635. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Snake eating itself

Looks like it's in a zoo/animal store. Not a shocker... a lot of "animal" cruelty going on there.
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+1 636. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Mythbusters One Line Wonders

I've been watching Mythbusters early Monday mornings... When Byron pops up, my sex lust increases. I hate that. You have work in a few hours and all you think about is Byron until you get home and can do something about it.
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+7 637. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The TOUGHEST Bridge In The World

#8 There is a sign, people just don't read it. The beam that goes across the bridge is to *protect* the bridge from damage. Can you imagine what would happen if random trucker driver that ignores(can't read) the sign hits the bridge and damages it?

Anyways it's quite peculiar that they haven't raised the bridge slightly. It could be "dangerous" for the trains depending on how fast they travel. No deaths will come from the driver hitting the beam. However if a train derails... it could be catastrophic.
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+2 638. huldu commented 12 years ago on video A Real No-Brainer

Merely a vessel. Any human and possibly some animal brains could store "you". We're just not there yet.
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+15 639. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The value of simple ideas...

#1 Obviously, if you're thinking "inside" the box, you won't get very far. It would be like showing a computer to a person say 500 years ago. They could not even dream of something like that. Now imagine the "future" 500 years from now. Assuming mankind still exist of course, it would be very, very different from now.
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+1 640. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Do Big Cats Purr?

#7 Hehe, tell that to some soldiers in the Vietnam war. Even the smallest... or a little bigger can in fact hurt you badly.
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+7 641. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Square Wheels

#1 Hah... they'd knock her out cold.
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+5 642. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Peacefull Rejection Of Riot Police in Madrid

Peaceful? Yeah... right. In a mob of that size it doesn't take much at all to trigger a "reaction". Just takes one guy on either side and the entire mob would go ballistic. That's how it works. Of course if something would have happened we wouldn't have seen it on snotr but on the news. Big difference indeed!
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-7 643. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Slap that ass

#1 Maybe if you're into beastiality.
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-1 644. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Casino Black Jack Scam

If they catch you and you're "lucky" you might end up with a few broken bones. Not so lucky? You'd end up in a dumpster somewhere. Most casinos keep a track of these so-called "lucky" players mind you. That's why you would be very stupid to visit the same on over and over again.
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+2 645. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Dog tastes the lemon for the first time

#1 Good luck feeding the cat a lemon, or anything "not" normal. They are so picky. In my own experience as the cat becomes older it trusts you more and more. Towards the final years of its life it may actually eat most anything you give it.
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+1 646. huldu commented 12 years ago on video You think you are brave?

Just like humans gorillas are very aggressive towards gorillas outside their territory. I believe they even cannibalize fallen "enemy" gorillas.

Anyways the gorilla is just as scared of you as you're of it. The first one that flinches is the one that show their weakness. You'd need balls of steel. And even if you do, if you encounter a very aggressive gorilla in their younger years they would probably attack you regardless of what you do. Pretty much the same applies to bears. Tho, I wouldn't recommend holding a bear cub for obvious reasons.
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+14 647. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Spacedrum

#6 Smoking weed can have that effect.
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+2 648. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Ridiculous Edited For TV Movie Lines

Haha last one was best... good old John Goodman. What happened with him anyways, seems he just vanished. A few small roles here and there, that's it. A shame.
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+5 649. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Why is it Dark at Night?

Many hundreds of years ago man believed the earth was flat. Many hundreds of years from now... what we "think" we know and what we don't know will be laughable.
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+6 650. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Playing Dodgeball Like a Boss

Would have been in the epic fail compilation if he would have got hit in the air.
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+3 651. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Aphid cloning - Battle of the Animal Sexes

The whole point of actual "breeding", beside adding population, is to add variation to your species. If something goes wrong some are bound to survive at least.
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-2 652. huldu commented 12 years ago on video TSA Agent Caught Stealing iPad

Geesh... what did she do to her eyes.
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+1 653. huldu commented 12 years ago on video TED: Tristram Stuart - The global food waste scandal

Food being thrown away *and* food poisoned so homeless people can't eat it.
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-1 654. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Mudskipper

#2 This kind of "evolution" takes millions of years. We "humans" used to come from the same type of creature. If you fast forward a few million years from now the apes will probably have evolved into human like creatures. Tho, that won't happen due to "us" being around, but left alone, that would most likely happen.
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+3 655. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Power of mother nature's plants

Problem is the "soil" you get the plant with, it's pretty bad. Obviously they *need* insects to survive. As for the soil they want sand, moss, anything with low nutrient. Normal soil will kill the plant within weeks. I had one plant feeding on silverfish(have plenty of those...), it lived for many, many months. The cold killed it in the end, wasn't sure what type of climate it wanted.
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+47 656. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Glass Sculpture Created In Seconds

That takes a lot of skill to pull off. They always make it look so easy.
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+1 657. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Big Bang

Just like in the movies... run down the middle of the street.
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+2 658. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Smartguy Cameraman Gets Tased

Journalists are like vultures over some dead carcass.
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0 659. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Bulldozer operator must wear some big pants....

How much does that thing even weigh? It really didn't look that bad. They wouldn't have done it unless they knew it was SAFE.
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+1 660. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Cat doesn't like glasses

I'd still pop that... I just woke up.
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-2 661. huldu commented 12 years ago on video New iPhone 5 commercial

While I don't mind the commercial, it feels like the target audience for the product is around 7-9 years old. They first toss out the "fact" or something "new" about the phone, followed by a "joke" or a "sarcastic" comment. This however seems to be the trend nowadays. Humans are becoming dumber and dumber every year...
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-8 662. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Spearfishing Big Fish Steals The Catch

I didn't watch the video, did the guy "fishing" get eaten by a shark?
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+13 663. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Popinator

What... this thing is actually real? Thought it was a joke at first. Hopefully is.
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+5 664. huldu commented 12 years ago on video LEGO Great Ball Contraption

What's the DB in that room?
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-8 665. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The escape of a prisoner ...

Would have been nice with a note "disturbing images" or something like that.
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+3 666. huldu commented 12 years ago on video I'm Poor And You're Gonna Steal A Dollar From Me?

#1 Aye, I've noticed the same. Either they're overloaded or they've done some cutbacks.
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+2 667. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Fishtank filled with robotfishes

Most of them do look like dying fish. But beside that quite fascinating.
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+4 668. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Travelling without moving

If you "die" in the virtual world will you die in real life too? It all becomes so real... what will the brain think!
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+3 669. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 10 Useless Human Body Parts

#1 To some degree you're right but humans manage perfectly fine without hair, hence we've lost a lot of it during our evolution. I predict far more hair loss on the human body in the coming "future".
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+1 670. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Street Pong

That actually looked pretty fun and totally random.
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+3 671. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Hammer To The Head

Hm... the "hammer" sure looked quite soft and not very heavy.
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+1 672. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Huge underwater snake tries to eat eel

Moray has some very nasty sharp teeth.
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-5 673. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 250kg WW2 Bomb found in Munich

So the bomb had been there for quite a bit of years, doing nothing, and now they blew it up? Don't see how they could fail to defuse a bomb that old.
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0 674. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Best of acceleration

I'll downrate myself but seriously most of those "women" look more fake than the plastic inserted into their breast. I shiver thinking about how the future woman will look...
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0 675. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Lava + Ice = Stone bubbles?

If you were to touch lava, unprotected, at what rate would the hand "melt" in contact? Just curious if the hand would "evaporate" when under the surface or just burn away slowly.
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+5 676. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Caterpiller commits suicide

#7 Ye, sure looked like that.
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+1 677. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Army Ants

Doesn't this type of ant move the queen in a "ball" behind them at all times?
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+3 678. huldu commented 12 years ago on video plant plays dead when touched

The plant moving like that must cost a lot of energy.
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+4 679. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Archery - Fast Shooting

I'm a fast thruster.
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+1 680. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Superhero Science - Limb Regeneration

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+5 681. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Drift parking with RC car

#1 Hm... that sure sounds like some porn actress.
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+6 682. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Drawing... Like a Boss.

Very good but I've seen better. Some artists are just out of this world.
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+3 683. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Land/water vehicle

Quite interesting, beats the old concept of using a floating device underneath that cost a fortune to repair and maintain.
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+7 684. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Optical illusion Waterfall

They would have put people on a bonfire for less than this back in the days.
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+3 685. huldu commented 12 years ago on video A 5 year old child plays the piano

#6 It's not that simple. Far too many children get abused by their parents in the states and yet they still fail. Something special with certain children, no training in the world could make them that good. Period.
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0 686. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Diver plays with lava

What happened to the video "lava plays with diver"?
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-1 687. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 11 Month Old Twins Dancing to Daddy's Guitar

#6 Heh... I wouldn't say that. It's the internet. Enough said.
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0 688. huldu commented 12 years ago on video How English sounds to non-English speakers

Uhm... okay.
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-5 689. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Intel's music machine

Imagine if they took all the money spent on creating that machine and sent it to starving children in Africa and post a video about that. That would be some real intel inside right there, but no. Of course not. Nobody cares about people on the other side of the planet.
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+8 690. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Volvo's new Pedestrian Airbag

I think most accidents can be prevented by not giving everyone a driving license.
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0 691. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Invisible Bicycle Helmet

What are the odds of you actually falling off your bike and land on your head? I've been riding a bicycle for over 20 years and it has never happened. If I were to fall i always end up landing with my *hands* first. What you really need to be using are proper gloves!

Probably higher chance to get mugged on the street than falling off your bike and landing on your head.
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-2 692. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Magnus Carlsen - the Mozart of Chess

#6 I'm stupid and love every second of it.
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+2 693. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Games We Play

Felt like some sort of commercial for xbox. Obviously it's not. I'm playing the troll game!
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+26 694. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Shark Impossible Shot From Above

Yeah, good job. Now the seals only need to watch this clip to learn how to avoid sharks.
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-5 695. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Autonomous Flight Plane

This will be very useful in eliminating terrorist threat. Good job!
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+19 696. huldu commented 12 years ago on video How It's Made - Vinyl Records

Why would someone vote down #1 when he is clearly stating the facts?
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+4 697. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Smelt furnace explosion

I've smelt a lot of ore in minecraft and this has never happened!
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+3 698. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Explosion after accident in Russia

Accidents.... Russia? Come on.
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+32 699. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Velociraptor in Melbourne

Can't the hide the legs any better on those models? They looks so great but always see the legs of a person kinda ruins the whole feeling, at least for me.
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+3 700. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Lightning Strike Vaporizes Powerline

#6 Pretty sure they also believed that this planet was flat a while ago. Just because something isn't "possible" right now doesn't mean it might never happen.
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+2 701. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Strongest Girl In The World Prank

Things were heavier back when i was a kid!
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0 702. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Bye Bye!

Creepy guys...
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+5 703. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Painting by colored sand in a glass bottle

I've seen a lot... but that was just insane. Must require quite a bit of skill and training to master that.
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0 704. huldu commented 12 years ago on video It puts a hole in a Skull

Lovely. Reminds me of that serial killer... was it Dalhmer or whatever his name was, drilled holes in peoples head just to see how long they would live.
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+1 705. huldu commented 12 years ago on video What Color Is A Mirror?

Good video, except the beginning, that was way overdone.
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-6 706. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

Religion merely exist because people are 1) poor 2) uneducated

You're alive today. You're dead tomorrow. Enough said.
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+1 707. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Columbian Prison Guard

Actually I think that is a pretty good "prison". Once they go over the board you send in the military to cull the herd. Just a little surprised only the wall guard were allowed to be armed considering the inmates are allowed to carry. Just out of curiosity are the guards ever at real harm since they aren't carrying firearms? Would seem the "prisoners" are more concerned about the rival factions.

It's best left at "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
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+5 708. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Fastest reader...

Ellen would probably hit that.
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+1 709. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 'Street Workout' On The High Bar

Where are all the women? One thing that bugs me is hearing the N word in rap. Seriously, aren't we passed that?
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+4 710. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Buttermilk "plays" with her "friends"

Are those mountain goats or something? I was just wondering considering the jumping around.
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+10 711. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Meanwhile in Poland...

They wouldn't use live bullets in those silly shows.
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+5 712. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Damn nature...You scary! :O

Only thing missing would be some alien ships coming out of those clouds to enslave mankind.
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+3 713. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Strange Animal

Entrails from something alive. Big shocker. They're pretty thick and also appear to be somewhat bloated so I'd guess cow or human.
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+3 714. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Spidy Scare Prank

#5 Yeah, that was kinda disturbing.
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-11 715. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Upward Lightning!

I believe God is very angry in those scenes. Better start praying now.
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+13 716. huldu commented 12 years ago on video I don't care how big you are...

How many kittens were lost in making that clip?
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+1 717. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 10 Illegal Baby Names

Someone in Sweden wanted to name their child something similar to that in #1. That's all I know.
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+1 718. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Don't interrupt grandpa's chat...

#15 Vigilante justice is not highly regarded. To me he looked like he was just randomly firing bullets without any consideration to nearby, innocent, people. Worst part for me was, did he even hit? Where did all those stray bullets go? You're aware that a bullet will actually travel quite a bit until *something* stops it. Let's just be glad it wasn't any innocent child.
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+2 719. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Animal - Remi Gaillard

The police stunts are always hilarious.
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-1 720. huldu commented 12 years ago on video How High Can We Build?

Just send all problems into a black hole. Let the future deal with whatever fallout that'll have.
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+4 721. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Don't interrupt grandpa's chat...

Kinda defeats the purpose of even having a police don't you think?

Honestly I don't care either way, people will carry a gun regardless of if it's allowed or not. However the difference is a random guy using a weapon compared to someone trained in doing it. That grandpa could easily have killed someone innocent that got in the line of fire. How about lets step it up a notch, imagine a little kid that got in the way of the bullet. How would that make you feel?
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+3 722. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Mother Dolphin Carries Dead Baby Calf For Days

If a human would do the same... I doubt anyone would shed a tear. They'd be declared insane and locked away.

#1 They're nothing like humans and that's a great thing since it shows life can actually be good when not tainted by humans.

#2 True. Humans will eventually evolve into more "divine" beings but it will take so long that I really doubt we'll make it that far. We're just too primitive. Greed and the need for power drives humans.
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+1 723. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 10 signs of alien life?

It's not a matter of if alien life exist or not. The question is when humans will encounter alien life. If they're a more "advanced" life form just hope they're nothing like humans because that would be the end of man, that's for sure.

Anyways humans are insignificant in pretty much every regard. We're stuck on this planet. We have not colonized any other planets. We can't even keep the planet we're on in good condition. Humans excel at greed and the need for power.

#9 If they're somewhat equal to humans they would just wipe us out or we would try to wipe them out. The latter is unlikely if they came to our planet.

To fully understand how aliens would think of humans, assuming they're far more advanced to actually do space travel, think of how we interact with other beings on this planet. You could expect no different from other life forms and how it would interact with humans. On this planet humans are top of the chain. If that were to change, we'd turn into cattle/slaves the planet exploited or just "saved" from the plague that thrive on it, us.
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0 724. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Faith in Humanity...

#3 Put it down quite nicely.

Just because we don't know about something doesn't mean it never happened. We only know about what happens around us. You're probably aware of the thousands of children dying in Africa every day because of starvation. You choose to not care because it's so far away and it doesn't affect you in any way.

That's the sad part about "humanity" and humans in general.
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0 725. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Green Technology for Japan

#4 She clearly likes it from behind. That can sometimes be a problem for some people. Strong women are quite rare.
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0 726. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 7 billion: how did we get so big so fast?

It's not our problem, just push it onto next generation. That's how humans work.
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+6 727. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Celluon Magic Cube - World's only virtual projection keyboard and multi-touch mouse

I really dislike anything battery driven along with computers. I hope they have an option to connect it to the computer to not use battery mode.
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+1 728. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Oldest Light in the Universe

Would have been nice to see them justify the earth being flat, in the same way using markers. My point being, what may seem plausible today could be laughable tomorrow.
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+10 729. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Pandas using a slide

Only thing I could think of in that slide... SPLINTERS.
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-2 730. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life

Why would you want to live longer? 60-65 years is as good as it gets. Beyond that life just is not worth living. The diseases, illnesses and problems you may and probably will start to attract during later years, just not worth it.
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-3 731. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Black market nuke

Fake. I'll tell you why. How many "private" warheads have you seen gone off? I rest my case.
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-17 732. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Cat Interrupts Reporter By Climbing On Her ..

The reporter is so fat. I feel sorry for her.
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+4 733. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Ancient Chinese cure for ....WHAT???

What exactly do they attach the string to? The whole package or just the penis? Won't this stretch the limb out...
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+1 734. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Andre Agassi Vs. Ball Girl

Yeah... girls with balls, you probably want to stay away from those.
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-10 735. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Fire Tornado

Pretty fail. They should have looked up some real tornado and put that on fire.
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+3 736. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Graphene: Strongest Material on Earth

... "in the future". By then we'll have flying cars, hopefully no longer using petroleum fuel, turned into loving, enlightened beings. All in the future. For now it all sucks and we hate each others.
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+4 737. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Elders React to Dubstep (Skrillex)

And then we fast forward 50 years from now and we'll be in their shoes.
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+2 738. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Nice Car Accessory

I guess the problem is that some people would probably pull the hose into the car window and close it.
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+2 739. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Momma told you not to play with your food

Humans, rats and cockroaches... they all have one thing in common, they spread like a disease.
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+2 740. huldu commented 12 years ago on video How alkali metals react with water and air.

I guess the camera broke showing the next one due to the cut? j/k! Felt like something was missing in the end.
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+2 741. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Push Humanity Forward

With religion and greed? I don't think so. Come again in a few thousand years and try again.
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0 742. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Range Rover Evoque Dual View Screen

Yeah, we wouldn't want the driver to actually keep the eyes on the road now would we.
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+1 743. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Kim Peek

While it may appear "interesting" that set of skills come with a severe penalty, which isn't taken up in the video.
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0 744. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Ultimate Zombie Destroyer

Just curious about one thing, those magazines will one take over when the other one is empty automatically or is that just for the looks?

Why not just have a drum-magazine or whatever they're called. Would probably reduce the weight a lot and make the rifle even easier to handle.
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+1 745. huldu commented 12 years ago on video New York Subway Trolls Hard

That's a good troll right there. Interesting "design" however. Looks quite painful to hit your head in one of those stairs by tripping on it tho :(
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-2 746. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Bear Cub

Hope they were tame because if they were wild that would have been so ridiculously dangerous.
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+3 747. huldu commented 12 years ago on video In Russia Police Obeys You

What #11 said. A camera is a very powerful tool.
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+1 748. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Cats with CH

I would never have let the cat out while still under the effect. Vet told me to keep the cat in the cage. I see why now.
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-4 749. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Australia's Got Talent 2011 - Freddy Mercury

Doesn't sounds like Freddie. Might do fine for karaoke.
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+2 750. huldu commented 12 years ago on video If You Are Bald You Need This

#8 Looks very natural to me, I wouldn't be able to tell it apart from the real deal. Unless you're standing in a train filled with people and someone is right behind you, even then... Hard to tell.
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+1 751. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Dad riding with daughter on ride

I'd scream too if i got my nuts crushed by that red safety thing.
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+4 752. huldu commented 12 years ago on video New way to climb walls

Students invent? It says 2012. This has been done so many times LONG before this was done it's silly.
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+3 753. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Half Sleeve Laser Tattoo Removal

I bet putting it there in the first place hurt a lot more than removing it.
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+2 754. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Dog Rides Bike By Himself

Knowing some of those psychotic dog trainers... the dog is probably riding more than that bike /sigh
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+2 755. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Make Anything Into A Keyboard With MaKey MaKey

Can you attach it to your penis/nutsack, anyone knows?
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0 756. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Spider Man Proposed

Nah, the proper way is to show your wallet. That's how you get them but the problem is once you do, they're stuck for a long time.
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0 757. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Strongest Magnet on Earth

The magnets found in microwaves and hdds are very powerful magnets that anyone can use. Just don't get your finger in between.
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+8 758. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Dirtiest PC... EVER!!!

Ugh... no agp port, that is one old computer indeed.
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+4 759. huldu commented 12 years ago on video O Fortuna Misheard Lyrics

One of the best videos i've seen on snotr. Hilarious.
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-1 760. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Japanese Dentist Invents Self Stirring Pot

Woman, get back in the kitch... o_O
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+3 761. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

More humans, more problems. Less humans, less problems. Simple. "Nature" will sort it all out in time, regardless of what humans want.
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+7 762. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Meet the Autobahn - The german Highway

Same price in Sweden, do you get your license with the big mac in US?
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+4 763. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Mary ellen hooper

I dunno, didn't laugh or smile a bit, I'm guessing it's some sort of female humor.
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0 764. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Bartending Skills

Haha... 1:59 the guy looks far more interested in the ass than anything else.
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+2 765. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Working With Bears

Scary stuff considering how dangerous bears can be, even "tamed" ones. Looked like they had teeth and claws as well. Make no mistake a bear will rip you to pieces in the blink of an eye.
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+2 766. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Trolling redefined

The spider did eventually learn that crossing the line was harmless.
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+3 767. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Best marriage proposal

I really don't get it. What amazed me the most is that #4 actually could identify all the cars. That was some crazy impressive skills.
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+5 768. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Pogo Stick Demonstration Fail

A lesson people, you brag after you do something not during it.
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+5 769. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Sleeping humpback whales

I wouldn't call wild whales "fat". Creatures tainted by man become fat.
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-1 770. huldu commented 12 years ago on video A glitch in a matrix!

And we all assume that it's legit. Of course.
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-5 771. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Would-be Robber Stopped By Folding Chair

Poor robber tho, that is a very desperate thing to do, i wonder what had happened. Society probably let him down like it always does. Wonderful world we live in.
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+4 772. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Vacuum Cleaning Fail

Well, kinda hard to make any sense out of the clip. For all we know it got disconnected in a pull and she didn't notice it. And seriously, she is cleaning the floors, it's not like she would give a damn anyway.
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+2 773. huldu commented 12 years ago on video ZeroN

The concept is nice but they would need to hammer out the jerkiness.
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+3 774. huldu commented 12 years ago on video One step closer...

I have problems with human interaction, will this device help me?
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+4 775. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Dr. Michio Kaku on Learning from Outer Space

Too much hair. With intelligent you mean somewhat similar to humans i assume. Because if the alien life form is more intelligent than humans they would have no interest, except maybe for slaving, petting etc.

Just take a look at how humans interact with lesser intelligent beings, now imagine the alien being the human and you being the worm.
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+1 776. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Fly eating sugar

Indeed. I doubt even in a humans wildest imagination one could picture how an alien would look. Pretty much anything you see in sci-fi movies etc are creatures based on something that exist on this planet. Change the variables in our galaxy to something completely different and you'll get some really interesting results.
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+3 777. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Dog vs Skunk

Actually most if not all living creatures has a natural fear of fire, as intended. You do not learn to fear fire, you're born to fear it.
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+2 778. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Quadrotor Machine Gun

Heh... that thing would be next to useless in warfare since the DB it pulls is just insane. You seriously hear that thing a mile away.
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0 779. huldu commented 12 years ago on video What Could Be Hidden In The Tap Water You Drink

It's true. The tap water is very clean, unlike the crap they sell in the bottles. They have insane regulations on tap water, which apparently they do not need to sell it in an overpriced bottle.

Honestly tho, most of those "things" in the water are natural and totally harmless. Think i even spotted some fish "food" ie anemia or what they're called. They are actually quite "big" and you'd easily spot them.
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+7 780. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Monkey Vs. Cat

Why is the monkey trying to molest the cat... they are so much like humans, everything with a hole is in danger.
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+6 781. huldu commented 12 years ago on video 7th Grader saves School Bus

From your first stroke you might get lucky to live 5 years beyond that.
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+1 782. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Look mom no hands !

#1 Lacking motivation.

Certain traumas can really motivate and drive you forward. Most of us just live the life one day after another, not caring.
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+5 783. huldu commented 12 years ago on video How to weaponize office supplies

Might be useful during a zombie apocalypse.
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+3 784. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Sony Xperia Active

Well, it was cracked in the end. Still a very sturdy design. Wish they used that crap when they made monitors.
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+20 785. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Blind prodigy playing a song on the piano after hearing it for the first time

Who let the woman out of the kitchen?
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+9 786. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Questions no one knows the answer to

Humans can barely leave the planet, let alone do any worthwhile exploration of the universe so no, humans will not find any alien life any time soon.

Even if there were aliens nearby with the ability to do space travels why would they even bother wasting time on this planet? It would be like if you had a conversation with a worm. Kinda pointless don't you think? You might consider humans as "enlightened" and all that, but seen through other beings eyes you might be nothing more than rabble.

Humans are a very destructive being, still too primitive. One day things might be different as mankind truly starts to evolve. For now i believe humans will end the life on this planet in one way or another, most likely destroying themselves in the process.

As long there is greed and need for power, humans will fail.
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+2 787. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Grizzly charges

Go pet it! Like in the movies! Just like any other animal, humans included, you should never run as it's a sign of fear. You just hope that the animal will stop its charge or you're dead.
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+2 788. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Sand Flea Robot

What if it lands on the side? Hopefully they got that sorted out or it will just spin around in a circle.
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-12 789. huldu commented 12 years ago on video JONATHAN ANTOINE AUDITION - BRITAINS GOT TALENT 2012

Well you get that deep voice from being overweight. Opera singing. How well does he do with modern songs, isn't that the real question.
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+2 790. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Python eats Alligator, Time Lapse Speed x6

They eat children and wounded people just as well. Of course it all depends on the size of the snake.
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+24 791. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Don't judge a book by its cover...

#1 I really don't mind people with tattoos or where they put them. But like you said their actual meaning is long lost today.
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+9 792. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Real Meaning Of MPH

#14 Because it's his wife and clearly way above him. Probably just a trolling attempt tho.
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+3 793. huldu commented 12 years ago on video How can LEGO aid scientific research

Music sounded like something taken out of Simcity, i liked it.
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+10 794. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Lie Detector

That was indeed a great sketch.
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+4 795. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

Haha first they laugh, then they go silent thinking "i'm gonna die", then she says "it's okay now!" and they start to laugh again. Humans... rofl.
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+13 796. huldu commented 12 years ago on video How To Extract Your Own DNA

Aww... she spits. That ain't good.
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-1 797. huldu commented 12 years ago on video I Paint

Very nice indeed. However the frame-skipping was far too annoying and destroyed what could have been an amazing video.
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+2 798. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Heart stop beating

The problem with current technology is that it requires a battery. These are not small. The heart is just a muscle so of course a mechanic heart can do the same. I thought they had been doing this for far longer tho. One organ that is very hard if not impossible to replace right now is the brain. What mankind needs is a way to copy a brain onto another format or into a host brain. It's just a matter of time. ** When that happens humans will live on forever in one way or another. **
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+2 799. huldu commented 12 years ago on video If men and women switched roles

It's all in the head.
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-10 800. huldu commented 12 years ago on video T cell of the immune system attacking a cancer cell

Cancer exist for a reason - just like everything else on this planet and in this universe.
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+5 801. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Microwave experiment

The egg is a nasty one. It can literally explode in your hand... and if it does, you will get some serious burn damage.
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+2 802. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Girl can say any word backwards!

Everyone has one ability that makes them stand out. Sadly many of us never really get to know what that is. My skill is that i'm bad at everything.
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+3 803. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Why SOPA is a bad idea

The media industry has way too much power over the government. It's all about money. They will succeed eventually. Internet will never be the same again. SOPA/PIPA failed but they got something far worse in mind.

Yeah, the guy sure reminds a lot of Tom Hanks.
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+2 804. huldu commented 12 years ago on video What is nothing?

I liked the top hat and monocle. That is indeed old school.
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+4 805. huldu commented 12 years ago on video LIFECYCLE: 365 days in the life of a bike in NYC

After watching this it seemed that the bicycle stand was more in focus than anything else to be honest.
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+11 806. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Nokia ringtone during concert of classical music

Had Nokia in the name but it didn't feel like a commercial to be honest.
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+1 807. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Woman with Two Vs: uterus didelphys

Look it up. It's not even noticeable on the outside.
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-2 808. huldu commented 12 years ago on video X3 Eurocopter

Still pretty much the same, seen those "wings" before actually, a lot longer ago even.

Would be nice to see some groundbreaking flight designs... designs of the FUTURE! muhahaha
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-3 809. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Dawn of the Dead

Was it some sort of theme park?
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-5 810. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Masterpiece

Very nice work, but he don't actually paint the trees, bushes and rocks, seems they're added on as stickers.
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+3 811. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Anchors have a difficulty pronouncing a man's name.

One of the best names i've ever heard. Is it even "legal" to name your child that in the US? They have very strict naming policies where i live and they would never allow such a name.
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+4 812. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Jessica - The pet Hippo

A while back i read about a "pet" hippo killing it's owner. Not this guy tho. But they are pretty dangerous, even tho they look harmless.
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+1 813. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Jeremy Kyle - What the hell are they saying ?

Woman: <gibberish> <gibberish> <gibberish> and you know what <gibberish> <gibberish>

That was a tough one.
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+5 814. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Flying Beetles

#6 Yeah, i got a little surprised how complicated that was too. Never crossed my mind.
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+2 815. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Getting Three Sodas For The Price Of One

Probably viral... :(
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+10 816. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Bungee jumper's cord snaps

What you need to rope for anyway, she survived the fall? Bet she got the thrill of her life that she has been looking for her entire life.
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0 817. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Seoul Balancing Expert

It's an insane control that guy has. Never seen anything like it.
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+37 818. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Which country is doing the most science today?

War is costly.
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+3 819. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The science behind Santa

Santa doesn't exist yet "God" does, great logic.
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+4 820. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Clerk KO's Robber, Makes Him Clean Blood

Can't he sue that guy for excessive violence etc? It's America after all...
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+11 821. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Pulling a tooth using a Nerf gun

I lost all mine the old fashioned way. They just dropped out during dinner and i spit them out.
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+5 822. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Accidents waiting to happen,really

Well, he was tied to the arm of the machine at least. It looked dangerous but i doubt it really was. Those people were probably darn good at what they were doing, mostly due to having it done so many times before. Dangerous or not.
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+8 823. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Epic Pee Prank

Some might think that people are just dumb. Just scary to see how people react to something most of us do several times during the day.
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-1 824. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Airbus A380 crosswind landing

From what i hear all pilots are trained on island for this so it really isn't that big of a deal.
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+9 825. huldu commented 12 years ago on video What a wonderful world

Will be a nice looking place, although very grim, for a long time, even with us humans around. Even if mankind manages to destroy this planet and move on to another it will recover.
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+6 826. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Delicious Natural Bottled Water

#4 What he said. Because it's true.
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+3 827. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Machine tries to take over the world!!

The viewer forgot to add themselves to the viewer total...
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-10 828. huldu commented 12 years ago on video High-Magnification Macro Photography of Arthropods

Tsk... "equipment doesn't matter", it's all that matters according to women lol!
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+2 829. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Best Gun Fail Accidents - 2011

0:20 is unfortunately fake :(
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+25 830. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Gangs Taking Their Violence Online Via Twitter

Gangsters... seriously? Looks like a bunch of thugs at best.
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+23 831. huldu commented 12 years ago on video WAR IS COSTLY......... PEACE IS PRICELESS.

Power, money and greed with those there will always be war. I'm sure that eventually humans will have evolved into better beings. But for now that is only wishful thinking.
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+2 832. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Calligraphy

Well, to some degree it is handwritten, by a computer. It's not like it's mass producing these texts. Each letter is being drawn just like if it were to be made by a human.
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+5 833. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Tri-Love

Rofl... and i thought i had problems.
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+1 834. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Last Minutes with ODEN

#21 I've had 2 cats die from breast cancer. My first cat died 2003 at the age of 13. She had been fighting the cancer for about half a year. When i talk about cancer i mean the real deal, when it turns into a bunch of tumors. One was the size of a tennisball. It burst. The smell was devastating. The cat lived on and we tended her needs. I could not see any sign of "pain" as you do with humans. I really don't believe in "putting something to sleep" just for the sake of it. Cancer/tumors are that stage is really borderline tho. Imagine a human with cancer/tumor the size of a tennisball or bigger *bursting*. That has to be painful.

My 2nd cat died at the age of 12, after half a year of cancer turning into tumors, just like the first one. The first signs of cancer appears around 6-8 years. At this point they're tiny, you barely even notice it. It stays this tiny for many, many years. It wasn't until she turned 12 it exploded in size. After about half a year it had turned from a really tiny unremarkable thing into the size of a golfball. Several smaller ones appeared around it. They did not "explode" the cat died peacefully a day after i noticed she did no longer eat. I really didn't want to "put her to sleep" since i couldn't see her being in pain. She was happy and joyful up until that last day when she stopped eating.
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+3 835. huldu commented 12 years ago on video The Pissing prank

Why do majority of black people always overreact. I'm sure i come out as "racist" and i don't mean to do that. It's the same with people on steroids, they act before even thinking. When has ever violence been the answer to our problems in life?
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+8 836. huldu commented 12 years ago on video David Beckham tries out blind football with Paralympic GB hopefuls

If you lack one sense the body automatically heightens the remaining ones. Creatures on this planet are quite extraordinary in that regard. Blind people have this sense that we with eye sight can never understand. You'd have to be blind to understand it. It has a lot to do with being born blind or something you attract during your life. I would rather be born blind than become blind at a later part in life.

Just as we life today with blind people all around us imagine that there are also blind creatures that have lived longer than us humans.

The smallest wind, sound, smell and such things that we wouldn't even register thanks to our eyes, blind catch on to those in a scary way.
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+5 837. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Déjà vu - Explained

I experienced a "hypnogogic jerk" a few weeks ago. Always feels kinda fun when it happens.
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+4 838. huldu commented 12 years ago on video Protect IP Act Breaks the Internet

#10 Tor is junk, it's slow and next to useless. It's way better to use VPN services.
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-2 839. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Shot by Police

Why provoke them in the first place? Let them do their *job* and stay away. Pretty simple.
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+7 840. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Biped robot riding a bicycle

Was it RC'ed?
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0 841. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Insane guitar skills

#2 All training in the world couldn't make some of any better/worse. Some are just naturally skilled at doing something while the rest can never come even close.
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+3 842. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Oomphalapompatronium

Sure sounds like some error messages appearing in windows and in some old games from the early 90's.
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0 843. huldu commented 13 years ago on video TED: A map of the brain

Yet mankind has not really made much progress at all concerning the "brain". It's a complicated organ. In the future i'm certain they will be able to upload/download a "brain" to a storage device and transfer it to another "brain" or just interact through the storage device. Of course that will take mankind up to a whole new level as we would become immortal to a degree. We would no longer need a body made out of flesh to function.

By that time we would be so far ahead that man-made AI would be far better than our actual "brain".

All this is assuming we haven't destroyed this planet... and everything on it.
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+18 844. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How does fiber optic cable work

#(removed comment) You'll always have a ping. It's just the form of means that your signal actually reached the host. If you can't reach the host you can't connect to it hence you can't even play cs. The greater the distance the higher the latency, or ping in this case will be.
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+1 845. huldu commented 13 years ago on video All-new ASIMO (Nov 2011)

All scripted... Hopefully we'll see the AI of tomorrow one day.
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-2 846. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Big Wave

Apparently some years(2005?) ago an asteroid passed earth. If it would have hit water, according to their calculations, waves with a height of 21000 meters would have been formed. Surf that!
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+8 847. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Angry cobra-cat

#(removed comment) I don't know about that. I've seen similar behavior in cats before. It's not uncommon to "buff" themselves up to appear bigger than they really are. We humans do the same thing.

They lack the ability to walk on two legs for any longer duration tho. In the far away future maybe.
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+2 848. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Kenya & Somalia: Why do we have to wait for a crisis?

One problem that arise in the distance is... *if* you feed such a large population they will most likely survive. That is true. However what happens when they the children grow up and have 5-10+ children of their own? You aren't really solving anything. You are only delaying the inevitable.

Unless they can take care of themselves you're not helping them at all. You're just making it worse. They need to put down a strict rule, 1-2 children at most. No more. It's for their own good. Overpopulated bad areas doesn't help. I am sure most of them know how to fish already but it's not like they live next to an ocean in most cases. The earth is very hard to manage, living in the desert... what did you expect? The land is not meant to support such a huge amount of animals/humans etc.

You think it's all about giving food and money. Why does that help exactly? It doesn't. You're back at square one in a generation, and you've probably made it worse due to there being even more people that time around. Another problem in many of these countries is the government itself. You give them money, they take it to raise their armies.

They live in another time than we do. We were the same hundreds of years ago. War, rebels, diseases, famine... you name it they got it.

Overpopulation, that needs to be solved or there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Period.
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+4 849. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Greatest Scene In Film History

That was probably among the most crazy scenes i've seen. Did anyone see all those children get killed? That must have been a record. I thought many of the shooting scenes were pretty decent. We're so used to see people fly 10 feet back when they get shot these days.
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0 850. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Female praying mantis eats male after mating

Better watch out for the gay male mantis... they eat females.
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-6 851. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Girl in Toyota Supra

Hm... reminds me of a grannies tube-sock boobs. Nasty. She probably should get those looked at by a professional. Just sayin'
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0 852. huldu commented 13 years ago on video I ate your candy

Hm many of those kids shouldn't even eat candy... considering their weight issues.
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+35 853. huldu commented 13 years ago on video PETMAN anthropomorphic robot

Why would a robot want to do push-ups?
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+2 854. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Who SCREAMS louder? Azarenka vs Wozniacki

They like screamers over there so it was a win.
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-1 855. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Changing Education Paradigms

Even if everyone was "educated" there would not be "jobs" for them all. Our world doesn't work in a "group" way it's always about the individual who made it. Nobody cares about the children who failed at school, they are forgotten. We're always talking about right now and we just ignore the ones who fell through the net. What kind of example are we setting for our children by doing this?

School for me(back in the late 80s to late 90s) was terrible. I liked school for the social aspect but the learning methods were ancient. I got bored very often, i didn't do any homework and i was an average student. Very few teachers actually got to me, but those that did gave me top grades. They actually got me interested in what i were doing. I grew up when computers started getting used, we got internet and all those modern things.

I don't regret a moment of what i did in school because i am a person that live in the moment. I am only worried because i know how society looks on people that "failed" school. They don't even exist according to them. How can you teach the children of tomorrow when you ignored their parents?
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+2 856. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Failing at first date ?

Loved the end of it.
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+22 857. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Plot Device

^ Yeah a good porn plot would be nice. You don't want to end up in a german low budget fetish plot tho. That would traumatize you for the rest of your life.
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+2 858. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Drop test

I use a land line :(
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+5 859. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Trolling Cat

I've often seen that behavior in cats, in people too... The closest subject is often the one taking the fall, even if innocent!
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+3 860. huldu commented 13 years ago on video According to Microsoft the Future is Like...

In the future we don't socialize. Everyone is rich. We still use LCD screens(good spotting #14). What a sad future. In reality with mankind spreading like a plague on this planet... how can there even be "jobs" left. Unless 90% of mankind vanish from the planet how can there ever be a good future.
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+21 861. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Watercone

Hm... survivalists have used tarps for a very long time to do the exact same thing.
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0 862. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Self propelled robot walks only by using its own weight

Doubt we'll see anything worthwhile during our lifetime anyway.
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0 863. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Don't Mess With Crabs

That looks good... in da stew!
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0 864. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Dog and Cat Slap Fight

Cute... What i saw a few years back was not. A dog eating kittens, not so cute.
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+4 865. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Halloween Illusion Costume

#4 kids? What about the police taking out the gun and start shooting.
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+2 866. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Giant Turtle Crushes Watermelon

Those snappers are really dangerous, even really small ones(babies) can easily break the bone in a finger.
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+1 867. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Bear rocks out kids at the zoo

How cute. The bear would rip those kids to shreds if it weren't for the glass/bars.
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+1 868. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Free Rice - Help The Starving

There's a reason why people die from starvation. Overpopulation. It's called balance despite how cruel that may sound.
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+24 869. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Tsetse Fly Bite

Indeed... i hate American dramatization. For some reason it's contagious and spreads to other countries.

They can make something as a regular flu sound like it's the end of the world.
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+4 870. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Job interview

Why argue with the boss when you can be the boss? If i managed so can anyone...
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-1 871. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Optical effects of travelling close to the speed of light

What the hell... glad i managed to stop the video before it was too late.
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0 872. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Scrollwheel

So hilarious i had to come back and look at it.
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0 873. huldu commented 13 years ago on video I Want One!

You see everything but the "device" itself... who edited this video and thought it was good for release?
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+3 874. huldu commented 13 years ago on video French exercise

#10 I agree... the stench of fake and staged destroyed an otherwise nice idea.
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+6 875. huldu commented 13 years ago on video True Love and Affection - Narayanan Krishnan

Being old where i live is being over 70. Old where he is seems to be somewhere around 50. A huge difference in life expectancy. Most of us live protected from the "real" world out there. Nobody really cares about people in other countries, except a few people, real life heroes like this guy. We all could make a huge difference... yet we do nothing.

You think by donating a tiny amount of money you'll make a difference? Sadly not. It's just a trick to make you feel like you're doing some charity. Most money you donate "magically" disappears on the way.

Why aren't we making any progress you wonder. That is because we're still so primitive beings. Greed and ignorance guide us through life.
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+8 876. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Prank Compilation

Haha and here i thought 0:25 only happened in movies! Apparently you stumble when panicked in real life too... at least she did.
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+11 877. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Washing Machine Orgasm

It actually sounds a lot better than 99% porno movies.
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+32 878. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Time for a Monkey bath

#1 only wrote what we all thought...
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-1 879. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How to make glowing ice

Hm... never thought about freezing balloons filled with water *and* then toss them at people.
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0 880. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Lightning Science

I hope to one day be close to a lightning storm. They don't happen often at all where i live, maybe once or twice a year.
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+5 881. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 10 Questions for Stephen Hawking

You can't form something from nothing.
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+22 882. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Are you the manager?

Change the sex and you have sexual harassment...
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+9 883. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Close call with a landmine

#(removed comment) You think they blew up your twin towers because they love you? Hate goes all away around mate. You justify your crap like they justify theirs.
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+4 884. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Dinosaur at school

One would think they could solve it a lot better than actually showing the legs of the guy inside. Just sayin'
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+2 885. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How A Virus Changes The World

Well said #2.
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+3 886. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Close encounter with a lightning bolt

Oh yes... not a good idea to hide under a tree, it applies to animals as well:

11 cows died when hiding under a tree. The cows were clustered together tightly so they all got fried.
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0 887. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Man Slams Through a Glass Door

That guy probably did that for a living. Can you imagine how much he could sue them for.
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+4 888. huldu commented 13 years ago on video What Happens When You Drop a Slinky

Duh... Jesus is holding it. Burn the heretics that say otherwise.
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+2 889. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Go Beyond Oil

Have no fear - we'll find another planet to destroy once this is depleted.
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+5 890. huldu commented 13 years ago on video We Stopped Dreaming

I've been saying it for years... greed is what corrupts people. It's all about money. Pathetic.

How can people "dream" when we're being mind controlled to be obedient worker ants through school. You don't want people thinking, you want them to be working so you can make more money. If people are thinking they will start asking questions. You can't have that.
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+1 891. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 10 Questions for Neil deGrasse Tyson

Motivation is what kids lack these days. Can't blame them. The teaching form we use is outdated. Eventually mankind will get past that by implanting chips with everything you want to know into your brain. Humans are not going to stop at anything, we'll be more machine than human.

The question is when humans create the "robot" in our image, will it be our first step to our end? The more human the machines will become and yes, they will eventually, that would mean that the machine would be flawed like us humans. Greed. It's a curse.
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+25 892. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Big cats vs Laser Pointers

The "biggest" cats don't care about things that small. They want you.
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0 893. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Garden Spider Vs. Giant Wasp

We have no spiders anywhere near that big where i live. That was a massive spider dangling outside the window. The wasp was pretty big too, not one of those asian ones so i'm guessing a queen.
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+2 894. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Alzheimer's disease

Haha the touch wood in the end was the best part. They shouldn't make it a comical scene unless they didn't want you to laugh.

A side note however, we humans really shouldn't live past our 40's. While we push it to a much higher age we suffer severe consequences because of it. It's natures way of saying, you're not suppose to live forever. Nature is all about creating new life. It's like a master scheme really. I'm an atheist i might add so no, that last sentence nothing to do with religion. Nature is indeed a force to be reckoned with.

In the "future" humans will probably end up turning into complete robots as flesh is a curse.
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-3 895. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Hail Storm

The woman sounds like Jennifer from HK latest season.
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-5 896. huldu commented 13 years ago on video World's first scanner mouse

"Ops... we actually want a bigger portion than that". Hell yeah girl, i'll hook you right up.
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0 897. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Foreign Exchange Lottery

Rofl... i wouldn't have given the kid anything and just ran off.
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+1 898. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Highway robbery

Execute them on the spot, set an example. Fear is the best weapon against crime. Zero tolerance is so important these days because people lack respect and discipline. When people have respect for one and other things like this would never happen. It's just a matter of time before our society come crashing down. It won't be pretty when that happens.
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-3 899. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Norwegian blonde with chainsaw

Woman what you doing in the woods?! Get back in the kitchen!
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+4 900. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Demonstrating evolution with a line

Tsk... everyone knows that God created man in his own image. It's in the bible and that is what is being taught in schools and by parents. Lovely isn't it. /sarcasm off.
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+2 901. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Orangutan Saves A Baby Bird

Haha... the kids going on about being disgusted. I've seen babies eat flies and try eat poop without thinking twice. That pretty much sums it up. Humans are only a notch up the ladder from other primates. A few million years from now and they would have caught up with us... assuming we haven't already destroyed this planet with everything on it of course.
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+22 902. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Kia Picanto nail art animation

That was pretty terrible. At least it was a short clip.
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-1 903. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 1 Old man 1 bottle

What can you do when you barely get anything from your pension?
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0 904. huldu commented 13 years ago on video ARM Powered LEGO/Nokia 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube Solver

He should have worked harder on increasing the speed of the toy. Would have been great if it actually worked at x10 time like in the video in reality.
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+2 905. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Katana VS European Longsword

The katana was a real piece of work back in those days. The longswords were mass-produced and nowhere near as sharp as a katana. It took much longer to create a good katana than crafting a longsword. While swords were often used maces and morningstars were a favored weapon against heavier armor due to the crush factor.
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+4 906. huldu commented 13 years ago on video F1 team helps boy get bionic hand.

Most important question is... can you satisfy yourself using that hand? Y'all was thinking about it. I just brought it up.
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0 907. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Indian Dentist

Hah, not much worse than the dentist i paid €150 euro for a few months ago. The tools are pretty much the same. The only "difference" i guess is the anesthesia, which barely works anyway.

The thing is your dentist will charge you a fortune for something that cost nothing to create. Like a dental implant. It's disturbing. The pricing is off the charts because they can and nobody is stopping them.

What we need to understand here is that they don't "repair" teeth, they add implants and pull teeth out. Considering the bad shape the teeth are already in on many of the customers, it's for the better. Also few in these poor countries care about how your teeth look to begin with. They have real concerns... like SURVIVING for the day.
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+4 908. huldu commented 13 years ago on video A little incident

"Gotdamn man you f* your s* up"... i have to say that is one epic line right there.
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+89 909. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Dude Visits The Tattoo Artist

Justin Bieber!!
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+2 910. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Ant colony raids a rival nest

Oh.. i think we humans have proved over and over again that quantity is always better than quality.
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+7 911. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Halloween Odeon Scares

What's so scary is that women in reality are just like in the movies... They would probably run in the middle of a street when being chased by a car as well.
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+1 912. huldu commented 13 years ago on video two for one

#1 ... until they get back to something called "real" life. Which is far from fun.
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+2 913. huldu commented 13 years ago on video ABB concept Robot FRIDA

Haha... human colleagues. They take over positions entirely. Not a bad thing because they are way more precise and cheaper than humans. The problem is... humans "need" to work to get paid. Since our entire society evolves around MONEY. More humans are born every day. Unemployment rises. I am not blaming robots for anything. It's just the way everything works in it's current state that needs to change. Which isn't going to happen anytime soon. As long there are rich people there are poor people.

Robots are the future of mankind.
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0 914. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Trim

At least he had plenty of hair!
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+2 915. huldu commented 13 years ago on video YoYo World Champion 2011

That was crazy good. Well #4, most of us wouldn't even be here today if that was true. Humans don't breed to make mankind stronger, we just breed because it makes us feel good. Sex. That is all it's about. Just a shame with the children being born because of that. Most of us shouldn't even have children... yet we do. Let our children sort out tomorrows problem while we're dead.
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-1 916. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Honesty pays off

That was epic awesome sauce. I'd cut in on that any day of the week. Very inspiring clip and imagine how much time and money you would save. That right there is how life is meant to be.
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+1 917. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Very Close Lightning Strike

Yeah... at least add a slow-mo and cut the blab to a minimum. A few seconds of "action" and the last minute just talk. Horrible.
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-2 918. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Move

Would have been much better, at least i think, if he actually wore the same cloth in every picture. That would have brought it up a notch. It was still very well mode tho.
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+7 919. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The demise of guys?

Mmm... porn.
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+11 920. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Making Sheeple

It's the "weak minded" people that "follow" others around. The majority of us humans are just plain followers.
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0 921. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Bad things to say on a first date

It was good fun not sure what was up with #(removed comment)...
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-2 922. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Stephen Wiltshire draws Tokyo from memory

They should have shown the last view of the picture *with* reality shown below. Annoying narrator. Doesn't he have some sort of autism? Pretty sure he did.
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0 923. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Microsoft Pokes Fun At Google With 'Gmail Man'

Well unless you got something to hide, you have nothing to worry about.
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+1 924. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How much does a crane cost?

Can probably be repaired.
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+9 925. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Handling branches

Yeah... it sure isn't because of "magic". Very skillfully done. Of course they are marked otherwise it would take him WAY longer to balance it all.
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-1 926. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Reinvent the Toilet

Yeah... you forgot to add "making burgers". The "man" of tomorrow won't need to worry about problems like this. The "man" of tomorrow will be a machine.
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-4 927. huldu commented 13 years ago on video BIGGEST EXPLOSIONS

Drop a couple of the last ones in every major city on this planet. That should at least bring the population down a bit.
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+21 928. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Spectacular Meteor Explosion Caught On Tape

Caught on tape. Tape. Cute word to use today.
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0 929. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Nyan cat piano cover

Most annoying piece of audio ever played, not the actual piano, it wasn't bad... but the "lyrics"...
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-1 930. huldu commented 13 years ago on video "The plan "

Unlike a real "government" these hackers are just "kiddies" that lack common sense. I just find this ridiculous and a waste of time that could be put into actually making changes. What exactly do they think they'll achieve through this? Nothing!

My point is you can't make a change unless you have brute force, ie weapons. Words are just words, they mean nothing in the larger picture. People are corrupt no matter what. It's the people that made the government what it is.

The only event that would actually change our "human" world, for the better, would be a *devastating* natural disaster like a meteor crashing into earth. Only then do we really get a clean start. The planet is seriously overpopulated with humans. We need people willing to take that extra step that nobody else dares to take. Those people who will be hated throughout human history for what they did.
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+5 931. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Minecraft Timelapse - Huge Train Station

Unlike... say a painting... it feels like all the effort put into this is just a waste. It's a shame really because it's very well made.
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+2 932. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Power of the Sun

Pretty amazing build he had there. What exactly does that device do and is it powered by anything(beside the sun)?
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+1 933. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 60 Watt Coherent Laser Diode Test

It's not like he is "popping" balloons like that other silly video. This one is way more powerful than that toy.
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+1 934. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Guys break duck ride

"Fick ni det på bild?" Seriously was that shot back in the early 90's or something?
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-9 935. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Before and After Joplin Tornado

Any patch of ground where there is a human within 10 miles is tainted. Nature can't do much on this planet but creating incurable diseases. Humans are like a virus, once you have it you can't get rid of it easily. Nature have tried but... we haven't really been around for that long. By the time it finally succeed to eliminate us we're most likely already destroying other planets. One can only hope that we encounter some alien race that enslaves mankind. What comes around goes around.
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+2 936. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Things are not always what they seem

Oh.. i need to look at it again. My eyes focused on the glitch on the purple dot in the left upper corner.
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+4 937. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Hit by two cars

Why should it not be shown to kids? It's because of statements like "don't show to kids" they grow up to have no idea how anything works. They need to know what "hamburgers" are made out of and HOW it's done. Humans are crap, the earlier they know it the faster they can actually do something about it.
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0 938. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 3D printing that makes working objects

The scanner has no idea how the wrench moving parts look *inside* the wrench. Which is why i believe they must have edited the scanned copy to accommodate for that. The scanner can't see the spinners two pins holding it in place so you can spin it. Hence they must have "modified" the scanning copy manually. My point is the scanner wold have no idea how long those pins would be. It sure in hell wouldn't make a guess. Clearly humans help the machine.

It's amazing work however. Really amazing. It's a step up from machines cutting out objects in metal, but not really this complicated.
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-2 939. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Very accurate rifle

Clearly a fake. Beside the impossible the poor acting really made it worse.
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0 940. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Real Superhumans

I've seen far more exceptional people than these. I'm a bit of a superhuman myself. I have a unique talent. My talent is that i have *no* talents whatsoever.
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0 941. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Guy falls off building during marriage proposal

#1 What he said. Just look at what they're drinking and that everyone is drinking it...
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-3 942. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Top Gear - The Marauder

Mmm... a chick magnet.
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+9 943. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 35 Years Backwards Through Time with Sam Klemke

Really awesome. Tho it seems like going backwards from 70's to 2011... Started going downhills in the early 90's. People looked more happy back then. No worries in the world. Isn't that how we all should live our lives.
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-18 944. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Bush Man

At first they jumped. Then they noticed the black guy and got scared. After that they laughed.
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+6 945. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time

#17 It's a shame. However most new "tribes" that are discovered are left untouched and few even know of their existence.

Do most of you even realize how "dangerous" real life is? Did it never cross your mind why you never saw any older humans in their village? I expect their average life span to be around 25-35 or so.

If the world would go under through some devastating event... these are the humans that will progress as they already did fine without any advanced technology. The rest of the world would tremble in chaos and anarchy.
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+1 946. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Barn owl and cat play together

It's like humans. When food isn't a part of the equation any longer you'll be "friends" with anything. Clearly a tame cat and well known to the owl to not consider it as food.

My old cat used to play with gerbils as in not killing them or hurting them in any way. My second cat however killed more than 15 gerbils. Clearly it did that because of the thrill and lack of respect for the hierarchy.
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+2 947. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Ice Fishing in Russia

Looks similar to catfish fishing done by hands, whatever they call it in the swamp. The concept is pretty clear. You stick your hand down in the water and wiggle with your fingers. If something is near they will bite and take it for food.
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+1 948. huldu commented 13 years ago on video America's Got Talent - Team iLuminate Performance.

Last part was really well made.
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+2 949. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Playing Chicken with a Crocodile

Indeed i am pretty sure the croc was used to that feeding. Look at how the croc aims for the *fish* and not the guy holding it.
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+4 950. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Nearly glued to the ground

That was a pretty terrible "prank" i guess i am one of those who did not find this funny at all.
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+3 951. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Solution to the Global Food Crisis?

It was quite hard to take it serious with that painted fingernail hand-pointer. Probably just a sketch from a show. The narrator voice felt a bit unreal as well. However if it was true then we clearly have a visionary. Nobody cares where the food comes from as long it feeds them. How many would like to know the process of how burger meat is made. The majority of people have no idea and they don't want to know either. Of course the same would apply to something like this. The less you know the better.
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-1 952. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Australia's Got Talent 2011 - Chooka

#14 Right on. I could not agree more.

You either have it or you don't it's that simple. No amount of training in the world would ever make me good at playing an instrument. That is because i lack that skill completely. The only thing "formal" training does is give the person a false idea that he/she is better than they really are. That is why you see so many naturally skilled people at so low ages. You can often see asian kids at age of around 5 or so play piano/guitar and other instruments like they were pros.
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-2 953. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 430 kg (954 Lbs) Deadlift

In Mother Russia the weights lift you.
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-1 954. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Awesome pilot skills

Well... it's not really the worlds "smallest" now is it? The vehicle is moving at same speed as the plane. Fancy trick however, must have taken quite a bit of practice to pull it off.
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0 955. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Indian Driving Manners

The thing is "crashes" usually occur because of the coming vehicle. If they are "afraid" they try to steer away and hit a tree or another car. Clearly these Indian drivers don't steer away hence accidents aren't that common. If you know what the driver is going to do, ie nothing unpredictable like trying to steer away, you're safe. Just focus on what you're doing and stay on course and no accidents happen.
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+2 956. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Magic Rings Illusion

Indeed... Magical handjobs.
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+1 957. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Hard drive teardown

Ran into a guy back in the late 80's or early 90's in my shop. He ordered a HDD and said "40mb haha we will never ever use that much!". Time do pass...

Would like to see a similar video about the SSD we have today.
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-2 958. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Highway Condom Explosion

What a tiny condom... poor guys :(
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+22 959. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Kid playing with bug in his mouth

It's a shame we humans change in such drastic ways as we get older. Many of us adults probably have some bug phobia which we probably did not have at a very young age.

Wasn't afraid of anything as a kid. Today i am afraid of pretty much everything, even people, hence i am on the net!
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-2 960. huldu commented 13 years ago on video World's fastest toy

Yes... what is the point with life. We're all going to die anyway.
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+3 961. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Most EPIC beer commercial EVER

It was pretty well made i have to agree with that.

I just don't like alcohol since it's a cause of massive problems in our world... alongside with money.
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+3 962. huldu commented 13 years ago on video What if every machine would run with gasoline?

It's all about money. The faster you realize this the better.
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+2 963. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Airplane crashing

Looks like half the back end of the plane was missing.

#18 I know what will cheer you up! 80+ shot down people in Oslo. I am sure there are a lot of nasty crap going on right now in Africa that isn't even aired. It's a lovely world we live in... protected from all the bad news.
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-4 964. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Handfeeding a great white shark

In a week we have a new clip. Woman loosing her hand while feeding a shark. Could people please stop trying to pet wild animals? They are not your friend. It's a tough life out there and the only thing on your mind at that point is: food.

How would you like it if aliens invaded our planet and treated you the same way? Just you wait. Know that your children's children will pay the price.
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+3 965. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Ridiculous traffic intersection in Iran

Don't need no stinkin' lights when you have massive balls.
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+3 966. huldu commented 13 years ago on video What an astronaut sees from space.

You can see me showing the finger somewhere in there. I just knew someone was watching me.
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+2 967. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Biggest domino pyramid ever... almost...

You do have plenty of time when you're locked up in a mental hospital with soft walls.
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+3 968. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Batman Gets The Shit Kicked Out Of Him

At least the police arrived fairly early. Open "fist" fights like this just shows that we as humans have not evolved at all. It's a step back in our "progress" as "enlightened" beings.
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+3 969. huldu commented 13 years ago on video how to stop cats urinating on your property

Hehe... one could replace the water gun with a real gun and place the gun out on the street. That would be evil!
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+2 970. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Paul Zerdin

He is great. Very fun to watch. It's sad that he uses the same one over and over again tho. Probably shot on one of his "tours" i guess, there are a lot of these with various people.
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-4 971. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Girls Watch Porn, Too

Girls do not need to watch porn so they don't. Men have to watch porn. It's in our nature. If it wasn't for porn we would put our dick into anything that has a few holes in it.
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+1 972. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Fifty people One Question

Religions are yesterday. A means to control the lesser people. Why they even exist today is beyond me. Clearly shows that people are suckers. Easily exploitable.

Unless there is some "reward" at the end of the day what would people do.

If you really have "regrets" you have problems. It means you're a human and live right in this moment. It's a luxury to have regrets. You know that one day you will die. It may be today, tomorrow or later, but eventually you will die. The question is how will you die. Through the neglect of another human or natural causes? How would you live your life if you knew exactly when and what would kill you?

I despite religions.
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+5 973. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Crocodile Attacks Elephant!

Probably only saw/heard the trunk from the murky water.
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+3 974. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Giant Lego Machine

That was pretty crazy and well made. Kinda sums up our meaning of life right there.
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+5 975. huldu commented 13 years ago on video MMA Women

They want to be equal? Yeah right. Equal would mean to put a woman up against a male fighter. We all know how that would end. No offense meant. There is a reason it's male vs male and women vs women. It's how we're made that is the big difference. Blame nature.
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+4 976. huldu commented 13 years ago on video A throne fit for a king....

Looked quite ugly.
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+2 977. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Woman Teases Wild Cheetahs

#18 What he said. Talk about playing with fire. It's only a matter of when you get burnt. But i don't really know about cheetahs and how they work. Right now she has one advantage they are "afraid" of humans because they probably don't encounter them often. What do you think happens when they get used to people... and more so... hungry?
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-5 978. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Epic 8 Year Old Banjo Player

You really need to be a little drunk to really appreciate it hence it's quite popular in bars.
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+6 979. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Who's the Boss?

The crocodile/alligator is a reptile...

They looked a bit on the small side hence they move back from the lion. What do you think a 12-15 foot alligator/crocodile would do? The power of the jaws on such a beast would crush the lion. Of course it isn't without risk you attack another predator. However crocodiles/alligators have a very hard skin and a thick skull. The lion has neither.

Anyway Humans > everything else.
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+4 980. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Ghost in mirror

#11 Not sure what "balls" has to do with this. Everyone has a fear, regardless of them admitting it or not. For example i have fear of lakes during night time and wasps. Childhood traumas of course. Another fear i picked up as an adult is if my wife and kids would die from an accident. Horrible... just horrible.
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+2 981. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Gas station fireball

That class, is a cloud factory. Must have been a clip from "How it's made".
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+20 982. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Ghost in mirror

I would have had a heart attack long before the ghosts jumped out. Scary stuff if done properly on the right person. I liked it but the one with the black haired kid in the hotel hallway... that was really good.
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+2 983. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Mission Impossible Squirrel

That squirrel would not have made it up the pole if Glen and Mitchell was there. They love those squirrels... in the stew!
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+9 984. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Mureen bites of divers thumb

He removed the chainmail glove. What the hell did he expect was going to happen? I am sure they had done that a million times before and nothing ever happened. But eventually if you play with fire you'll get burned.

Reminds me of the poor bugger... Steve Irwin. Death by a manta stinger next to the heart. Talk about worst case scenario.
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+3 985. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Ivan Zubkevych Acrobatic Routine

True that. Those are *real* muscles for once. I couldn't stop thinking about how he probably gave himself a blowjob at least once in his life. Who wouldn't lol.
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+1 986. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Milky Way in Time-Lapse

Yet, we can't even picture how life would look on another planet. Nature is crazy.
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-5 987. huldu commented 13 years ago on video A Lesson in Forgiveness

She's a kid for crying out loud. She barely has any "life" experience which makes it a lot easier for her to forgive. For a regular adult who actually has a lot of "life" experience it will not be as "easy" to forgive, trust me on that.

#20 Today a 2-year old kid got stabbed to death by his father. Now you know. If i didn't tell you this you wouldn't know about it. It's a lovely world we live in.
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+1 988. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Papua New Guinean man on escalator

It's witchcraft. I can't blame the guy for being cautious as he seems to have never seen one before.
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+3 989. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Bullying Cat Fail

#3 what he said. Animals don't have a human behavior flaw like that.
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+5 990. huldu commented 13 years ago on video FPSRussia - The 40mm Machine Gun!

Wish he would have had a really high fps camera on that last shot.

Wasn't it used mainly for anti-aircraft during the war?
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+2 991. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Police hits traffic signal post

Probably icy road. You are suppose to get your car out of the way when you hear sirens. If you don't accidents happen and that is not the fault of the police doing their job.
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-10 992. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Power of Words

Always about the money.
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-6 993. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Acrobatic Gibbon in Laos

Now those are some good pimp hands right there.
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+1 994. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How to stop a crying baby

Put it in da stew... that'll make it quiet.
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+5 995. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Dangerous job done very unemotional

Most of them look half dead to me. Nice little pile of dead snakes behind him. Something just isn't right with these snakes. Way slower than what i'm used seeing honestly.
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+3 996. huldu commented 13 years ago on video A hawk attacke a cockatoo at a bird show

There will be blood.
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+4 997. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Iron Palm Brick Breaking Spree

I'm guessing the misses hurt the most.
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+7 998. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How To Peel A Pineapple

I can peel pineapples too... as a bonus you get one of my fingertips.
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-4 999. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Planking Craze

Always thought that was a joke... sad to see it's true.
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-1 1000. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Face Development in the Womb

This is why we have plastic surgery. Now we can be who we want to be! Yay.
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+2 1001. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Street Dance in Paris

Isn't that the same guy that flipped straight into a building...
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+2 1002. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Fatal beatings

Haha that was just awesomesauce. I liked Black Adder a lot, the character fit Rowan very well.
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+4 1003. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Running Through A Tornado

Yeah, like someone posted out already... it's a dust devil. Looked fun tho.
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+2 1004. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Pendulum Waves

If you gaze for long into the pendulum, the pendulum gazes also into you.

Some freaky stuff going on in that pendulum.
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+2 1005. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Korea's got talent

The will to live? Yeah, you're right about that. Just look at us sitting here today. Our ancestors must be so proud.
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+1 1006. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Expert in Packaging

Last one was pretty darn good.
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-3 1007. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 - People You Hope Never Reproduce

Aren't we all the produce of a fail?
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+4 1008. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Floating fire ant raft pushed down on the surface of water

Now you know how wonderful it is being "god/alien/nature(whatever you believe)" and creating devastating world events killing thousands of people just for the "lulz". Fun isn't it?
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+2 1009. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Bubble Magic

Looked pretty old so i guess that was weed being smoked... lucky bubbles.
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+1 1010. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Nikki Stanley - Skills on fire

Camel Toe warning @ 0:31
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+7 1011. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Hand transplant

#6 Well my first thought when i saw that "stump" was that she was wall trained in using it. 5 years mate. You have to be a realist!

Picking body parts from dead people isn't something new, neither is a hand transplant. However it's is very good work from the doctors that finally got to do something awesome for a change.

What would impress me more is *if/when* they start to *grow* body parts that are your own and then transplant those. That is a step in the right direction. Can't say that i like to see other people used for spare parts. That just reduce the value of people to a bottom low - regardless of them being alive or not. It is impressive nonetheless, but would be more so when they can actually grow body parts.
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+8 1012. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Gator Feeding Frenzy

I like disposing of bodies in that area.
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+2 1013. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Walking Backwards

Great music pick for that video.
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+1 1014. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Damaged TV Prank

It must be old considering how they react. You too would react like that if your $4500 tv broke(they cost around that). If the video is newer... then they are clearly overreacting as they only go for like $750-800 these days, if even that.
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+8 1015. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Stupid fighter

Clearly getting over a rope is considered an IQ test these days.
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+2 1016. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Epic fail

Haha #9 for the win ;)
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+19 1017. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Tanzanian Girl

Well done! Now get back to the kitch... just kidding!
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+5 1018. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Six girls you'll date in college

The nerdy one was sexy as hell.
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+5 1019. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How many ...

Of course it's hard, how often do you use the world trillion in your everyday life? Has nothing to do with people being "dumb". It's like asking some random guy on the street about a video game they've never played and call them "dumb" if they don't know the answer.
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+4 1020. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Who defends the rights of animals?

Just drop a bomb over the entire city, with everyone still in it. Problem solved. For all parts. Humans are a plague. Everything they come in contact with is tainted. I am surprised we don't have "more" conflicts than we do on this planet. I guess it is only a matter of time...
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+3 1021. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Domino Fall Down

Wasn't the chopper suppose to lift off?
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-5 1022. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Lioness tries to eat baby at the zoo

Disturbing on so many levels. I don't know what is more disturbing the zoo concept or the parents in this case. The parents are actually laughing as the lion is trying to eat their baby? I mean what is going on in their brains. No wonder dumb "accidents" happen where someone gets severely injured or dies when you watch something like this.
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-3 1023. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Chimpanzee Problem Solving By Cooperation

It's true. Just like humans animals are very dangerous beings and that should *never* be forgotten.
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-2 1024. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Epic illusion

Oh.. penis size increase incoming, if only visually.
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-5 1025. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Predator: Camera that Learns

This is insanely impressive *if* this is real. The possibilities would be near endless with something that awesome. The thing is i haven't heard a word about this guy or the project - which is weird. Considering how far he "seems" to have got. Fake or not? I hope not, but you never know...
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0 1026. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Prank backfires

Hehe pretty funny.
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-3 1027. huldu commented 13 years ago on video They won't fall out

Probably one of the worst fake stages i've seen in quite a few years.
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-8 1028. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Drunk painter

You drink because it's cool. You smoke because all your friends does it. You take drugs because it makes you truly alive.

You do not drink because your life is "messed" up. That is not his view. That is your view on his life compared to yours.

Every person can be destroyed if given the right circumstances. Just because you live in a glass bubble right now does not mean it will last forever.
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+6 1029. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Work Accident

I am quite amazed how "cool" they were. It would have melted right through them.
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+2 1030. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Human Dummy by Paul Zerdin

That was awesome!
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+4 1031. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Domestic violence

My wife beats me when i don't follow her orders. I need to post this quick before she sees it or i am dead. Help me please!
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-20 1032. huldu commented 13 years ago on video recycling a bottle...

For crying out loud that could have been a bomb waiting to be picked up. It just shows how careless some people are in todays hard times. NEVER, ever, pick something randomly up. You have no idea what it might be and why it is left on the ground to begin with. What if that bottle had some new virus on it that spread through touch. We could all blame it on the person who picked it up.
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+2 1033. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Nice Magic trick on Americas Got Talent

It was pure magic. The dwarf got teleported there. You just need to believe. The truth is out there.
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+5 1034. huldu commented 13 years ago on video CLASSICAL METAL

Very well made, loved it.
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0 1035. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Turtle Break Dance

Poke it with a stick!
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-1 1036. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Has this ever happened to you in the morning?

And the point of seeing yourself in a mirror is? Oh yes, so you can wake up 08 in the morning get to your job do mindless boring zombie activities until 16 when you go home. Rinse repeat until you die.

Yes we humans are so awesome. /sarcasm off
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+1 1037. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Player has issues dressing himself

No. All his blood is clearly being diverted to his penis. You should see his dong.
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+3 1038. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The lungfish is no ordinary fish

#4 God created us in his image. We have always been like this: humans. You heretics should be burnt alive. /sarcasm off (sorry i just have to... how many lives have not religion destroyed)
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-2 1039. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The last free people on this planet

Now imagine the "alien" race being in the plane and mankind on the ground. Why would they even bother with us. We are clearly inferior.

Anyway, i think it's a shame the children have to grow up in the jungle. They have so many choices to make and education to do. Child labor is something we should be working away from so i do not agree with this scientist.

It's in our nature to destroy purity because we envy it. This will not last.
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-4 1040. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Love song on Chatroulette

Isn't that the guy on chatroulette or whatever they call it. He usually plays and sings a song for random people online. Don't know his handle tho.
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+2 1041. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Artificial organ regrowth.

I want a new brain. Please make one so i can relive my life.
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+4 1042. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Ferrofluid Sculpture Morpho Towers

Can this be used to enlarge breasts?
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+1 1043. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Drunk Hero Fights Off Armed Robber

Clearly that was not a "real" gun or the robber didn't want to use it. The thing is the wrong robber would have shot them both, regardless of how intoxicated he was.
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-2 1044. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Robber Struggles To Get His Mask On

Heh... they never show the successful ones do they. Not so fun to see people actually die and the robber gets away with the loot.
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0 1045. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 1950's Commercial for Coca-Cola

Well #1 diabetes can be brought on to you from your parents. You can get diabetes from just regular eating, it doesn't have to be sugar. In the end it's an age related disease among most people.

I'm betting your teeth are the first to break down from eating/drinking excessive sugar. Hence it is always wise to drink sodas with a straw.
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+1 1046. huldu commented 13 years ago on video meet the dance assassin

Omg that rouge assasin was da win!1
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+4 1047. huldu commented 13 years ago on video using a 2 litre bottle as a 50 watt light bulb

Very nice invention indeed. Most of us probably use regular lights even during daytime and that isn't for free. Of course this is not too great in a several floor building. I guess you could make it work by using mirrors to reflect the light towards a bottle.

I know when im out in a shed or garage i am forced to turn the lights on even at daytime. Very clever solution really.
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0 1048. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Homemade pulse laser gun

Why don't you come back when you can actually pewpew a hole through someone with it. Seen it a million times(not this vid but similar)...
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+1 1049. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Robot Fight: Megabyte vs Brutality

I remember watching these robot fights many years ago. The robots would get more and more sophisticated. The problem was that the robots were looking more and more alike since in their construction. Back in those days they started building low riders that could tip a robot over. It seems nowadays they spin really fast.
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-2 1050. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Wave Drawing

That was pretty impressive.
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0 1051. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Aging Face Transformation

We sure don't get prettier the older we get.
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+5 1052. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Washington dc escalator mishap

Every man for himself. In real life heroes are in short supply.
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+1 1053. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 7 billion: are you typical?

Way too fast...
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+1 1054. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The smallest aquarium in the world

Switch the fish out with Branchiura. Many of them don't grow to be very big.
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+1 1055. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Police vs. drifter

I am a bit surprised the police didnt exit the car and just shoot him.
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0 1056. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Dog Who Knows 1,000 Words

Mmm... yummy, i bet that dog tastes... delicious!
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0 1057. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Peter watching a movie intro.

This was actually a pretty recent Family Guy.
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+1 1058. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Scary little girl in a hotel corridor

#8 Trooper the thing is, if you count out religions from the equation and just look at the horror movie itself you end up with the concept: fear. It has nothing to do with believing or not in spirits, ghosts, zombies or what not. If you watched a horror movie you might have been scared, jumped a little etc when watching a certain monster. The brain remembers this as a "fear" and if this occurs again, in a situation like this, your primal brain will take over and try "protect" you. It has nothing to do with religion, which is my point.
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+4 1059. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Human Mammal, Human Hunter

#11 Of course they are the purest form of humans as they are still humans. We yes, you and me, we're some pathetic abominations calling ourselves "humans". Most of us have truly lost our ways and it might come back and haunt us if some catastrophic event would occur.

Do you really think the kids/teenagers/adults today would last a couple of years without electricity? It's something you're raised into. We live in this "fantasy" world we have created that have no bonds with reality in any way, form or shape.
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-1 1060. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How Can Something So Small Be So Impressive?

It was staged but still very funny.
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-12 1061. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Hamster Powered Walker

Annoying, spoiled, upper class kids. Would have been great if only the dad was in the video.

When i see videos like this i can't stop thinking about the starving children in Africa who suffer every day.
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0 1062. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 26 People in a Mini Cooper

Why not stuff it with midgets... you would double the person count right away.
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+2 1063. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Hornets vs bees

Well, actually the giant hornets arent very aggressive towards other creatures. Also they didnt point out in the video that bees do have a defense against these. The giant hornets sends out scouts but they are usually only one. The bees have to kill that scout before it flies off. How they kill it is quite unique too. They swarm it, raising its body heat to a critical level where it dies. But a giant hornet swarm is the death of a beehive. Its devastating in this line of work for humans.
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+3 1064. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Making A Memory Chip

Haha... "This room is 100 times cleaner than a hospital room". Kinda puts it in perspective for you all i hope. Your life is worth 100 times less than computer parts. To be fair tho, your life isn't really worth anything. A computer part is however.
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+3 1065. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Cyborg Insects

Somewhat disturbing. But what you can say, humans are very primitive. I wouldn't be shocked if in the future we encounter some alien race doing the same things to us(yes that includes probing). What comes around goes around.
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0 1066. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2

Mom or granny? If that was someones mom how old would they be 35-40? I mean seriously.
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-1 1067. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Chop your own arm and survive

Actually the thing is, many, if not most people, would do this. You see, you have something in you... your primal instinct for survival. It bypasses your everyday "thinking" ie you don't even think about doing it, you just do it. It's our primal instinct of survival. All creatures have it.

It's not every day something like this happens so of course it stands out. But most of us would probably do the same without even thinking about the consequences. That is all i am saying. He clearly was in a very tough situation which triggered the instincts quickly.

#15 I am pretty sure he panicked quite a bit. Hence he wasn't even thinking about what he was going to do - but just did it.

#14 This applies to all creatures. The survival instinct in living creatures is high. Since it's one of our primal functions, shared with all living creatures.
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+1 1068. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Too short

The rudeness of some people actually walking up to a stranger and "correcting" their outfit. Scary.
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0 1069. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Russian Xena Warrior Princess

What did Xena have to do with this? Xena wasn't flashing around with her combat styles.
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0 1070. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Smart police officer nearly kills himself

I don't understand the comments in the video? The guy FLED for crying out loud. He had something to hide, clearly. If this was in US they would probably have gunned him down before he even made it over the edge.
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-1 1071. huldu commented 13 years ago on video American Idol: Backflip fail

I don't know about this. It was too good to be something "random". Everything felt set up for it to happen. Just saying.
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+2 1072. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Barney Stinson 'Hey Dude' To Robin In Gym - How I Met Your Mother

It's true without the laugh track you would have no idea when to laugh. Of course this wasn't even fun... which made the laugh track a bit awkward.
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+1 1073. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How Ancient Egyptians Did Math

Well, computers doesn't have a problem with it. He just didn't show how computers does it. I liked this a lot because it is pretty simple and basic. Of course it probably gets a little more "complicated" when you start using decimals. I'm sure someone here knows how computers does it. Translate that into this and voila, you have the answer.
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+4 1074. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Real Hustle (The Parking Hustle)

3 people, equipment and doing something illegal. For what? $200. Geezus. You know what would happen if they got the wrong guy? They would be so screwed. Of course they are protected by their show. In real life they wouldn't. This just isn't worth it.

While there are people who fall for something like this, there are plenty of people who don't. Those who don't can cause you hell, like some serious jail time.
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+6 1075. huldu commented 13 years ago on video About Conformity

This only applies to people who *wants* to fit in. Basically the same person type who would get a breast implant because everyone else got it. They have no mind of their own. Others control what these people do and when they do it.

I would go so far to say that these people have been "brainwashed" over a good length of their life. When i use the word brainwash i don't mean like in the movies where it happens instantly. What i mean is a very long time of breaking a person down - this is done by media mostly. It's very effective during your younger years like being in school.

What other people think forms these people into an image they believe will appease others. The fun part is that it goes back and forth between the people.

There is no "cure" for this and sadly it will get worse the further into the future we get.

Who you will be is not your choice. It's what others want you to become that will turn you into who you are. This is the typical "brainwash" victim.
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-3 1076. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How It's Made - Baseballs

I am surprised that many of the areas crafting these baseballs were still by humans. Many of them could easily have been done by machines, especially the last part. They would save insane amount of money by having machines do them.
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-1 1077. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Rare Siberian Tiger walks public road in Russia

Oh.. i think i would look good in that coat.
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0 1078. huldu commented 13 years ago on video A strange invention from Turkey

Actually that is a pretty impressive construction.
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+3 1079. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Remote-controlled paintballing tank

Pretty cool. But what if the enemy use them too? Will there be a ROBOT WAR?!
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-1 1080. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Shark Expert Attacked During Filming

If you play long enough with fire you'll eventually get burned. Im sorry but seriously, just doing something that stupid, standing in water with sharks. You deserve it. You're asking for it.
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+1 1081. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Protection doors made in China

We had a burglar break into the neighbours apartment a while back. Solid metal door with metal frame. Took them a few minutes. This was done on the second floor of a seven floor building. Nobody, not even us in the apartment next heard *anything*. The burglars covered every peephole on the floor, which was noticed way after the break in.

Just saying if the burglar know what he is doing you wont hear a thing and you'll notice it too late. If you have a kid like in this video, yeah, im guessing everyone in the house will hear it.
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+1 1082. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Neil deGrasse Tyson: Are we alone in the universe

Its a toss between what is more destructive a virus or mankind. Of course in the end a virus/disease will probably wipe out most mankind.
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+6 1083. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Video Games and Facing Controversy

So its "fine" to create games based on WW1/2 and Vietnam because thats "old" news? Just love how ridiculous things have become and... sadly always have been.
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+1 1084. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Escalador stairs eating

Haha the laughter in the end reminded me of "Predator".
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+1 1085. huldu commented 13 years ago on video A new paradigm on human evolution

There are plenty of humans with hair, beside just on their head. While it might be hard to actually see due to media and the fact that people shave because of the media.

Humans can be born with something resembling a tail, of course it has no bone. But once in time we had a tail. Just like once in time we had hair on our body.

I am pretty certain that in the far future humans wont have *any* hair on the body. Amongst that i would not be surprised if humans were to decrease in size while their head grew(due to the brain). Humans are bigger than they need to be. We are no longer hunting, our body knows this. Things happen so slowly that its impossible to tell a change based on our lifetime. We would have to go forward in time 250k years at least! If a change were to happen, fast, it would most likely be called a "freak" and thats about it.

It would be silly to say that we humans are fully "evolved". We clearly are not. This is due to our surroundings constantly changing. Most of us work in an office, spending most of our days in a chair, beating on a keyboard. Small things like that affects us and our offspring.
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+21 1086. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Kings' Dessert

If you people only knew how *hard* it is to actually make those things... you'd be surprised. That was clearly a very good professional.
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+3 1087. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Satan visits the children

Haha, if younger kids actually saw this on the tv as a "cartoon" they would be scared. I doubt this was actually a cartoon for younger kids. Quite freaky stuff. The voice of Satan was quite disturbing in a good way.
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+3 1088. huldu commented 13 years ago on video fun at work

Prepared for the worst indeed. Imagine what would have happened "if". The speed he was swinging... so many things could go wrong.
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+5 1089. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Gimme a hug

Misunderstood creature? The guy is wearing a full coif set for a reason is he not! I just find the "man-eater" the most ridiculous man made comment on the planet. Like if we, humans, are special or unique in any way to define ourselves as "gods". They eat whatever they can to survive just like anything else on this planet.
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0 1090. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Rugby Answer Interview Fail

The interviewer is just toying around with the poor guy :(
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+2 1091. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Green Lake, Austria!

Looked very beautiful indeed. What has me worried is how it will look a week or so later? Is the water gone or is everything in the water starting to decompose?
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+2 1092. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Vanessa Mae plays Toccata & Fugue

#3 What 3 said, it doesnt play that well on the violin.
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0 1093. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The largest nuclear device ever tested

Ah yes... the "Capitalism Annihilator".
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+1 1094. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Baby Elephant in the Bath

#2 I believe we do! We call them prisons.
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+2 1095. huldu commented 13 years ago on video One Photo A Day

Why so bad rating? The video wasnt bad at all if you ask me.
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+7 1096. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Sci-Fi RailGun, for real

Looked like the machine actually took some slight damage firing the projectile.
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+4 1097. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Gator on your doorstep

He said it was going to a process plant that produce something with their hides. Something like that. Yes, that gator along with others will probably be used to make purses. They could have cut that last bit out. The less we know the better. Its good to live in ignorance rather than to be enlighten... at least in this way.
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+3 1098. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Sold Out

The movie looked interesting.
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+2 1099. huldu commented 13 years ago on video North Korea military parade

#19 Yes, very impressive. You dont see something like that every day.
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+2 1100. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Feeding wild baby birds

Quite amazing what nature can do and will do in the future. Imagine life... on another planet, crazy. I bet it would be beyond what anyone could imagine, at least on some planets...
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+3 1101. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Rally Car Flies Into Trees

0:13 I am pretty sure that blur is a person. Talk about near death experience, assuming whoever it was survived it.
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+2 1102. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Street Piano Improv

Wish i could play like that
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+1 1103. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Beatboxer vol.2

Insane. I would probably not be able to tell that apart from a machine. Amazing.
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+4 1104. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Houston Metro Rail

Its not the train at fault here. Its obviously the drivers with zero control. These drivers where probably destined to be in a car crash. Better they hit the train than a buss filled with children or a soccer mob bringing home her kids. At least the injury hitting the train is self inflicted. The crash itself does not look that "bad" and i am pretty certain most if not all drivers survived the crash? Maybe someone knows better.
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+1 1105. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Dolphins see themselves in mirror

#6 Probably no different than someone spending their entire life in prison. While it isnt recommended there are people that do get used to a life in prison and cant live on the outside.
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+2 1106. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Did u know

#4 You would be surprised at what people find "disturbing" these days.
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0 1107. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Skybridge Malaysia

The narrator sounds too happy. I bet that wouldnt even change if a disaster struck.
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+4 1108. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Air Bag for Cyclists

There is one slight problem. Lets see you ride around then you fall off, it pops, everything is fine. Then you ride home and another accident occurs, this time you're dead because that thing can only deploy one time!
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+1 1109. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Real-life Tron Lightcycle

#13 perfect fit for the majority of people then :p
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+3 1110. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Dogs are Awesome TOO

That dog on the bicycle it was so good i had to look it up on youtube. Couldnt believe my eyes!
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+3 1111. huldu commented 13 years ago on video 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats

I sadly see another "problem" rising in the future. Overpopulation. There is no solution for that. With overpopulation come less work. With no work come unemployment. With more people come less educated people(which really isnt a problem). With more people come new ideas that cause less jobs. Its a bad thing going on.

Unless a major disaster strikes in the future, mankind will eventually kill itself with overpopulation.
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+2 1112. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How It's Made - Car Batteries

Its true if you pay money, even if its not a lot, you do encourage people to give you their old car batteries. The same applies to a lot more things than that tho :)
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+2 1113. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Mackensi Emory 2010 Sampler

Something isnt right with her hormone levels. Its pretty clear when you look at her. Her face reminds me of female bodybuilders. Basically she is turning into a male, physically. At that young age i doubt its a good thing. I hope she isnt actually TAKING hormones because that would be very bad.

I wouldnt worry about her breasts growing that much based on what she is doing. Breasts on "bodybuilders" tend to be naturally quite small as they develop muscles instead, disturbing the natural "balance" in the body.
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-1 1114. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Backwards Girl!

She needs to be taken out of her misery before its too late... This does not bode well for the future.
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+2 1115. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Shark kills seals

They should ship out prisoners to that island then have a competition. The prisoners that make it out to the boat alive will be released. I foresee good audience numbers.
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-4 1116. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Cop ran over

This wouldnt even happen in US to begin with. The guy wouldnt even have made it to the car in one piece. Thanks to minority report the police in US know what you're going to do before you do it!
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+2 1117. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How It's Made - Condoms

Those were some pretty long condoms. Just saying.
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+6 1118. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Airborne Snakes

No snakes were injured during the production of this clip... right? :(
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+1 1119. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Impossible object DIY

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+3 1120. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Hybrid Assistive Limb from Cyberdyne

It is insanely impressive. Hope they keep up the good work and ideas for the future.
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+3 1121. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Perimeter Marble Run RBS

Hehe yeah, no way that kid could build anything that polished and nice looking while still working. What #4 said, nice job dad.
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-3 1122. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Fire Extinguisher

I do wonder how long before the Japanese "invent" nano-penises, to replace the original one with a much better one! I foresee much money to be made.
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+3 1123. huldu commented 13 years ago on video British Police Get Flooded Out

Apparently the police think they are above everyone else, even nature. Funny stuff.
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+4 1124. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Basketball arcade game

#11 If that were true id be the worlds strongest man by now.
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+1 1125. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Reporter snowned

Kids are all bullies :(
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+4 1126. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

They dont ban aspartame in countries because its fun.

"Upon ingestion, aspartame breaks down into natural residual components, including aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol and further breakdown products including formaldehyde and formic acid, accumulation of the latter being suspected as the major cause of injury in methanol poisoning."
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+3 1127. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Space Elevator

Yes because we all know a jojo string *never* snaps. I went through a gazillion jojos when i where a kid. The problem was that the string near the center would always wear out due to excessive use.

Not saying the same would apply to this theory. Was just an odd way of explaining it, for me, and my experiences with jojos!
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+1 1128. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Train vs traffic jam

Takes quite a distance for a train to decelerate. You can see it wasnt moving very fast as it chewed its way through.
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+2 1129. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Not Scared Of Heights

And why exactly would you want to do that.
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+4 1130. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Chewing Gum Picasso

Sadly i heard someone went around collecting these and then sell them off. A shame really.
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+18 1131. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Crazy .50 caliber William Tell

#6 Yeah, even with a "trained" professional that is extremely dangerous. That was most likely a fake.
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0 1132. huldu commented 13 years ago on video no way through

Yes, because we compare our capitalistic view of life on how others live theirs.

Through all mankind there has always been problems somewhere. What do you expect when you cramp together 7 billion people on a planet. You think its going to get any better in the future? Its getting worse... every day.
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+2 1133. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Korean kids learn Netiquette

Well, the thing is they raise their kids very differently in asia as compared to America and Europe. The kids learn to respect each others and elders at a very young age. This barely happens in America and Europe these days. The lack of respect is why things like this wont work in America and Europe.

I forgot to add discipline is very important and quite common in Asian countries. Not so much on our side of the world. Sadly.
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+5 1134. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Don't bully animals...

When i watched the end of that video i was imagining a snapping turtle. It would have chopped the finger clean off. I really disliked the lack of respect for the animal in that video. Cant say id be shocked if in the future mankind encounters aliens doing the same thing to us. Now, how goes that saying... what goes around comes around.
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+1 1135. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The woman you'd love your woman to be like

Okay, its getting old now. They really should know when to stop using the same thing over and over again.
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+2 1136. huldu commented 13 years ago on video What is DNA Sequencing?

Well, you dont really put together the "book" you just shredded. You put together the data gathered from it. If you were to be able to put the "book" back together in its physical form, it would be quite amazing. But dont see that happening any time soon. The next step in that process would be to recreate something from "nothing".
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+2 1137. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Great White Shark Accident

Accident? I saw no blood in the water.
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+2 1138. huldu commented 13 years ago on video How Toilet Paper is Made

This is why there is so much unemployment.
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+4 1139. huldu commented 13 years ago on video A cure for litter

Ah yes... nothing will really change until mankind is at the brink of destruction. When that happens its too late anyway.
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+1 1140. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Bystander effect #2

#4 What he said.
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+2 1141. huldu commented 13 years ago on video The Cartoon Medley

Hehe.. i had totally forgot about Doctor Snuggles.
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+5 1142. huldu commented 13 years ago on video PVC Instrument

Bitches stop screaming please. Nothing more annoying when you do it outside the bedroom.
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+27 1143. huldu commented 13 years ago on video bus driver fights with child

#3 Probably right. Cant blame them tho, there is a lack of respect these days. But you know what they say, what goes around comes around. When these kids turn adult, the next generation kids will treat them just as bad, or even worse. Thanks to the decline of respect every generation.
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+2 1144. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Do you own (stuff made by) slaves?

There is just one little problem the capitalist easily forgets. They actually do make money, even if its a silly sum to you. Without that work/"slavery" they would have nothing. You wonder what exactly does a child without anything to do in these countries? Well, crime, prostitution and so on. They have to make money for themselves and their family.

School is a luxury. Unless you actually live in one of these countries you have no idea how life really is. Just thank your lucky star you were born elsewhere.

Im not saying slavery or child labor is good. Im saying we have to be realists and understand what causes the problem in the first place. What you could do is help them by sending money, a small sum to you is a huge sum to someone in need.
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+20 1145. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Smart Cow

#2 In india all cows are holy!
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+29 1146. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Chinese President In France On State Visit

Wouldnt surprise me if the real president took the subway with one bodyguard.
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-1 1147. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Lion Tries To Eat Kid at Zoo

Didnt think male lions hunted themselves, they usually have a few lionesses for that! Anyway shame with the glass in the way.
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+1 1148. huldu commented 13 years ago on video HOW ITS MADE - Mirrors

Hehe.. loved the last few seconds of the mirrors. I do wonder how many mirrors get broken in a transport. The size of those uncut mirrors is huge.
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+3 1149. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Evil Hamster

I did the same thing to real persons but they tossed me into jail. It was a popular video tho...
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+1 1150. huldu commented 13 years ago on video World's youngest transexual

All that you need is "i always wanted to be" and they change your sex? Quite shocking really.

Well if you go through all that fuss you deserve to be called a female.
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+4 1151. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Raven taking a bath

That you do not see every day.
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+4 1152. huldu commented 13 years ago on video record breakers - press ups

Not only the fastest but heavily packed as well. I dont know how i even noticed it. Pretty fun tho as it was so obvious.
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+3 1153. huldu commented 13 years ago on video Baby Left in Car

I see they edited out the good stuff. There was a person who actually broke the window and went berserk.
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0 1154. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Doberman Vs. Bird

Shouldnt the title be "Dog vs Bird". Why use the race name for the dog but not for the bird?
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+27 1155. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Finding a Way To Escape the Crisis

That kid was a great distraction.
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0 1156. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Robot care for the elderly

#5 Maybe back before computers. Its not how life works today.
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+1 1157. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Crappy Ambulance

Why is the woman in red laughing as they are leaving?
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+3 1158. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Japan National team vs 100 kids

How do they even come up with these awesome ideas?
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0 1159. huldu commented 14 years ago on video a contortionist squeezes herself into a plexiglas bottle

Then you can bring her out once you get to the motel.
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+1 1160. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bullet Proof Glass

Sniper shot i dont know about that, you clearly hear another shot being fired somewhat after. Stray shot i doubt that.
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+10 1161. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Person swapping experiment

That guy had some really nice stuff done a while back. What ever happened to him? He used to play a lot of with peoples minds.
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+2 1162. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bad Boys 2 - Reggie

Will Smith, just pure awesomesauce. Great scene.
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+1 1163. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 134 tons of pot burns in Mexico

I can think of many ways that pot could have been burnt and actually be useful, like turned into energy. But no go ahead and just waste energy.
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-9 1164. huldu commented 14 years ago on video How To Catch An Owl

Owls taste delicious and it is considered a delicacy in certain countries.
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+23 1165. huldu commented 14 years ago on video To ride an elephant...

There is the slight possibility that this was staged. For the children in the audience to have a fun memory. Just saying it would have been a smart thing to do. Could have been totally random misshape or a very smart move.
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+1 1166. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Responsibility of Strangers - Social Experiment

Its taken out of the context. Clearly the guy at 03:45 would have gone after the thief no matter what.
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+1 1167. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Moral Pharmacist - Social Experiment

Maybe its because we're waiting on a line for our turn and dont really eardrop on what others are doing. Its none of our business to begin with.
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-5 1168. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bystander Effect - people watch girl being abducted

Well the more "educated" you are the "smarter" you tend to be. In a situation like that the "smart" thing is to not get involved. However someone acting on impulse will intervene as shown in the clip. Another thing is if you have nothing to lose you are more likely to help someone in need than someone who might have a family of their own. We also need to consider people we meet on the street are complete strangers. We do not know what is going on hence it is usually best to not get involved. If you get involved at the wrong place at the wrong time you could end up dead.

Its easy to say "I would have done this and that" but nobody will know for sure until you're in that situation.

Also a lot of people probably reacted the way they did because it was an open space. I suspect another result would have shown if this were to have been shot in the suburb. It just felt "unreal" the whole thing that was going on.
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+1 1169. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Fall down the lotion stairs

Haha those stairs looked so painful.
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+1 1170. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Lions attack

All i saw some the animal trainers treating the animals in a bad way. I wouldnt have been surprised if the teeth/claws were pulled out.
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-13 1171. huldu commented 14 years ago on video "ZBV" - Z Backscatter Van

The problem with this device is that humans run it. Come back when its fully automated.
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-3 1172. huldu commented 14 years ago on video TV Live Show

Haha looked real!
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-5 1173. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Real life GTA pursuit

What the hell are the police doing opening fire in with civilians around? Of course the driver next to the shooting got pissed off, they just opened fire without any regard to the civilians.
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-3 1174. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Female Football Player Hits Guy Carrying Hot Dog

Female? If they play soccer they outta be counted as male considering they sure in hell look like one.
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+4 1175. huldu commented 14 years ago on video We Like War

Where is the missing part? It just ended when it got even better!
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+2 1176. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bank Robbery Foiled by Customer

Why they show this is beyond me. What if that was a real, loaded gun? The guy does not care if you're nobody or a hero.

Brings me back to a similar event like this that went way wrong. Back maybe 10 years ago a bank robbery took place. The robbers escaped in a car and a civilian pursued them. After a while the robbers noticed the car that was following them. They opened fire with automatic weapons. The driver survived uninjured but his 8-10 year old son died. Dont try be a hero. This is why we have the police, its their job, not yours.
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-1 1177. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Couch Gag

Must be among the most funny things shown on simpsons in years.
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+2 1178. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Rollerman

Like guy #4 said that video is much more fun as you see him go downhill a really long road. That looked epic, well crafted gear.
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+4 1179. huldu commented 14 years ago on video TED Talk: Self-Teaching

Teachers are becoming irrelevant. Tomorrow the computer is the teacher. Just playing around with the computer and discover things on your own is the best way to learn things. Its not having someone who isnt even interested in their work talk about it front of a class hours after hours.

Giving internet to anyone will open them up in time. Even if you're just watching videos or writing comments you're learning new things all the time. It might not seem like that when you're doing it, but in time it will show.
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+26 1180. huldu commented 14 years ago on video stop smoking

Kids, real gangsters smoke. You know you want to be one.
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+5 1181. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Aircraft VS Concrete Wall

Well, the "block" was not the immovable object. They should get a bigger one next time since this one moved slightly.
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+6 1182. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Police action

Just love countries like this. If you do the crime you got to do the time. No fancy panties here, just hardcore get down to business as it should be. The second you break the law you should be dealt with in the same manner you deserve. Your rights? They are gone the second you do the crime.
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0 1183. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Catching a python using your right foot

The cannibal episodes are much better imo.
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-2 1184. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Body Music

Probably not fake if one learned how to control the gas through the vagina ie "quifs".
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+1 1185. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Fire Breathing Gone Wrong

You're not suppose to swallow.
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-4 1186. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Largest EOD detonation so far, Khost City Afghanistan

Safe from what? Do you think the military has anything to say about organized terrorism? If someone wants you dead it will happen, period. Im sorry its the cold truth. The military exist to capture nations and protect your country from foreign attacking nations. Terrorism does neither. Terrorism is there to tell you you're not safe.

Right now the military protects the interest of the government, in this case its purely greed based, but is it ever not.

#3 Yeah, the same way you treated the vets from the Vietnam war. Give me a break, you people have no respect for the military. However the military is not at fault here, they are just puppets of your horrific government.

Id rather think about the loss of people on BOTH sides. How many civilians have not been caught between your army and the nation they are occupying. The military go to war knowing that they can perish. Civilians do not. Of course to call what is going on right now a 'war' is just saying there is a war between man and maggots.

Ill end this with a classic 'what goes around comes around' think about it for your future generations.
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+3 1187. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Solar Death Ray

Mythbusters did one that was more interesting as it was way bigger and it failed sadly. It could however start smoke on a ship in the distance! The problem was that if the object moves even slightly it reduces the effect by far too much.
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+3 1188. huldu commented 14 years ago on video World's First Human-Powered Ornithopter

The main problem is the weight. The weight of these things needs to go down to such a level that they barely even exist. Only at that point will humans be able to really "fly". And by flying i mean taking off on your own and fly wherever you want just like if you were walking/running. Dont see that happening anytime soon however. Maybe a few generations down the road.
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+8 1189. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Putting your hand in the Large Hadron Collider

It was fun to watch them explaining or trying to explain what might happen in a certain scenario.
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+4 1190. huldu commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

I dont know what this was suppose to prove? I get offended when straight people go over the board in public. There are kids out there who shouldnt be seeing any of that at their innocent age, no matter sexes.
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+1 1191. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Lance Burton sleight of hand

#3 well spotted indeed.
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+5 1192. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Psychological experiment

... and then the black guy entered the elevator and silence came.
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+6 1193. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Shopping While Black - Social Experiment

Racism dont just flow one way. Ive been in some Jamaican stores as a white guy and been pretty much treated the same way this black woman got treated. As long we people look different there will always be problems. Even something as pathetic as a color on our skin will be brought up. If its not the color than its something else. Humans in general. One can hope that our childrens children grow up with more respect than our parents did. But knowing how humans work and being one myself, the future looks grim sadly.
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+13 1194. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Phoenix-Fly -The Need 4 Speed

Those are clearly very professional at what they do. Not recommend for any average person. If you were to hit something at those speed, there would barely be anything left of you to clean up.
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+8 1195. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Spray-on clothing

I foresee a demand not that great for women not that well-equipped. As for guys with body hair, a user above made a very good point. Might be more painful than waxing since this will remove all your hair.
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+1 1196. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Ant Hurricane

Why and what was that?
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+3 1197. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The TV show Medley

I think it was great. In a way a little sad how many of the shows you actually knew.
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-2 1198. huldu commented 14 years ago on video George Carlin - american dream

Sadly he speaks the truth, comedian or not.
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0 1199. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Homemade Drum Kit For Guitar Hero

What kinda destroys these vids is that you hear the guy drum on plastic. Its just not good at all. Please remove the plastic beating and we have a win.
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-1 1200. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Water & Light show in Wolfsburg, germany

I think mostly men finds this quite entertaining due to the... squirting haha ;)
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0 1201. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Rubik's Cube

People do these blind folded all the time. Its one helluva amazing mind we're talking about doing this blind folded.
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+1 1202. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The Attack of the Jumping Asian Carp

This just felt bad on so many levels. Basically what we're seeing here are capitalistic pigs showing no respect whatsoever for other creatures. Why not just throw a few dynamite sticks in the water and be done with it. I found the movie Hard Target far more entertaining. Dont get me wrong, i wouldnt mind standing on the shore firing arrows at the idiots on the boat.

I hope one day humans encounter a superior alien race that treats humans in the same way as we treat other creatures. The saying what goes around comes around, goes a long way i guess.
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+3 1203. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Camera mounted on fastest birds on earth

These birds see the world in such a different way than humans do. I suspect in the birds eyes the world appears to be in slow motion compared to us humans. I havent even added into consideration their insane eye sight that just blows anything out of proportion. For us to actually understand how any non-human animal works we would have to be one. Every creature has something unique about it, otherwise it wouldnt be here today.
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+8 1204. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 240 mousetraps

I think it took far longer to set them all up than to see them all go off.
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+1 1205. huldu commented 14 years ago on video car almost kills skateboarder

To the drivers defense he was aiming on the guy in black. Just a poor driver.
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0 1206. huldu commented 14 years ago on video man threathens judge

You would be a fool to not take a death threat seriously. Who knows what crazy guy that could be. He will grow his hate towards that specific person for many years in jail. What happens when he comes out you think, because you know he will eventually. Just saying. We're all humans.
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+1 1207. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Ridiculous Drumming Skills

He should have filtered out the sound from the plastic drums and used the in-game music. Would have been so much better. He was very good.
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+2 1208. huldu commented 14 years ago on video assembling and disassembling a car in 4 minutes

Me and my homies do this all the time in the ghetto.
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0 1209. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bird dance off

The he one holding the white parrot was kinda hot. Oh... i need to get out more often. Feeling horny... /cry
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+1 1210. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Packaging Playing Cards In China

The problem is a machine could easily do that job and cause those people to be unemployed. We humans live such a robotic life. When did we loose our purpose. I feel really sorry for those workers if a machine would take over their work because they wouldnt make any money to even live.
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+5 1211. huldu commented 14 years ago on video House Explosion

The guy tossing the flare, wow.
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+4 1212. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Saran wrap prank

What #1 said. We all know that guy didnt really do her anyway.
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-1 1213. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Line Drive Homer Nails Fan in the Head

I see big money to be made, time to sue! The true american dream come true for that guy.
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+6 1214. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Babies eating lemons for the first time.

This is a great way to prepare the children for their future. It might seem like a silly thing to do but giving the child certain experiences while a baby will carry on to their adult life.
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+2 1215. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Trucks Vs. Bridge

Ah... the immovable object.
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+1 1216. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Washing a Lion in Iran

Wouldnt be surprised if the claws and teeth were pulled out.. Poor animal.
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+1 1217. huldu commented 14 years ago on video How to drive a biker insane!

If i ever saw anything like that when driving... i dont know what id do xD Id probably be stunned by the awesomeness.
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+2 1218. huldu commented 14 years ago on video How potato Chips are made

Always wanted to know how the chips were made but never got around to do it! Thanks.
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0 1219. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Kraki the Octopus Broods

I wouldnt want that robot arm to do any surgery.
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-1 1220. huldu commented 14 years ago on video A warm welcome...

Stephen King's It - That movie kinda shows you the real identity of clowns.
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+3 1221. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 3 year old solves rubik cube in 114 seconds!

I wish i had even a small fraction of that growing up when i were a kid. I grew up like #1 and that didnt get me any further than any of you.

What i mean is while it may appeared forced and what not, this is how you bring up mankind a notch. Imagine if that kid would do the same to her kids and so forth for a few generations. Those kids would be generally smarter than any average kid like #1 wrote.

We need to be trained at early age, the earlier the better, for us to secure our future.
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+3 1222. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Stupid Bus Hijacker

Most of us live in the moment and im glad we do because despite stuff like this happening, good things happen because of it as well!
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+4 1223. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Cruel Japanese Prank Show

I wish they would sub it! Can someone please translate everything!
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+25 1224. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Liquid Nitrogen

Look up Mythbusters. They already tried the Terminator 2 stunt on a dead pig head. It didnt work at all. They tried a short amount of time and if i recall they also did a 5 or 10 minutes. It did NOT shatter at all. The problem is the muscle fiber keeping everything together. Im guessing for it to work it would have to be way cooler to crystallize everything.
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0 1225. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Rat Takes A Bath

Guess what creatures will be left after the humans have wiped themselves out.
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-1 1226. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Vocal cords.

#15 I agree, my first thought, being a male and all.
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+5 1227. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Oldest Man In The World Talks About His Life

He hit the nail spot on when he talked about eduction and work these days. In a hundred years or more id be surprised if computers/robots havent replaced everything we humans do. From manual labor to stocks and office work. The thing that is the biggest problem right now is overpopulation. We're just too many.
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+3 1228. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Chef Kin Jing Mark making noodles

What the *bleep* just happened? Never seen anything like that before. That was true magic in my eyes.
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0 1229. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Sensational solar system discovery.

God does not want you to think outside the box. We humans are unique. This is blasphemy. Start build the bonfires and prepare them for immediate use.
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+2 1230. huldu commented 14 years ago on video This commercial may change your life.

We humans lived past our true purpose. Isnt that clear as crystal?
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+2 1231. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 90-year-old man recounts experience he had in WWII.

In time, sadly, our children's children will experience the same thing... Just be glad you might have been born in a time where you werent involved in a war. However war itself can unite people in those countries, it can be a great thing, as shown in the past. It can also be a horrible event depending on which side you are on. If you ask me peace is just as bad as war as there is always someone planning a new war somewhere during peace.
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+4 1232. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Red Wasp vs. Giant Spider

Oh.. it didnt kill the spider. It has no intention of eating the spider. The spider has become a baby station.
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+2 1233. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 911 call for math

Mind you that kid could have taken up time for someone who actually needed help and could have died because of that. Was a clip about that just a few weeks ago on this here site.
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+1 1234. huldu commented 14 years ago on video How Long Does It Take To Revolve Around The Sun?

Now if the earth would take a day to go around the sun, that would be something! Holy cow it would be moving fast.
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+8 1235. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Son pranks dad with fake MacBook.

It felt very genuine when he threw it and dad missed it. It was a good *harmless* prank really. Thumbs up!
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0 1236. huldu commented 14 years ago on video start the future now

Garbage is a huge problem in the world. Take one step at a time, like this guy does.
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0 1237. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Sorry honey, i cannot go i have to work..

That was just awesome, loved it.
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0 1238. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 19-year-old tech kid slays the Dragon's Den.

I can see he is the person that doesnt care about money, he just want to create cool and useful things. Its a shame they have to ruin him with the money talk.
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+4 1239. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Guys gets slapped then slaps back.

Equal rights baby. That is what its all about.
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+6 1240. huldu commented 14 years ago on video world record in drinking water

That was fast, ive seen some stuff like that earlier with people drinking sodas at insane speeds. Nothing close to that however.
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+12 1241. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Homelessness can happen to anyone: Drew's story.

You have go to be really stupid to not see what is going on in the world. There is barely any need for humans to do anything soon of course people are losing jobs and there are barely any jobs left. You think that just because we have a desk job making a lot of money we're somehow better than others? This is right now. In the future there will be no need for us, there is nothing we do now that a computer cant do better in the near future. This leads back to the main problem right now, overpopulation. It is that simple. Far too many humans. Its pretty easy to solve the problem but nobody got the balls to do anything or dare. Once every decade someone comes along that changes everything, for the better or worse.
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+3 1242. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Guy With Cerebral Palsy Doing Stand Up Comedy

So much better.
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-7 1243. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Last Comic Standing - Josh Blue

I have to agree with the guy above. Its not very fun when people make fun of their own disability. That is a very nasty disability.
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+11 1244. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Woman Lives With 130 Cats

Seems she got them all in the same room. Very smart with the tiles, easy to clean. Must be quite expensive to feed them all tho.
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+2 1245. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Contact Juggler

Mad skills with those balls, think ive seen him a few times.
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+3 1246. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Simon's Cat 'Snow Business'

This is obviously fake, birds cant make snowballs!
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-1 1247. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 3 Strikes and you're a Slave

Its easy to sit and say "that is wrong, this is how it should be done" when you live in a developed country. Its a different story and a totally different system when you live in a developing country. If an apocalyptic event would occur on our planet do you really believe "laws" would still apply? We're humans for crying out loud. We only care about ourselves. Its just that in our current society we're being held back, by laws, just because we allow ourselves to be held back. The little man has nothing to say, but one must never forget that is the little men that hold up the entire world. If the foundation shakes everything falls. It would be chaos, anarchy, money would have no use. The problem is it will happen, eventually, but for now we're living in a fantasy world.
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+4 1248. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Female Moped Crash

Oh please...
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-2 1249. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Great white shark

All i saw was a lack of respect for an animal that could rip him apart.
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+7 1250. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Catching Snapping Turtles by hand

A man has to eat and he knows how to capture his food unlike far too many humans these days.
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+3 1251. huldu commented 14 years ago on video aligator smashes watermelon

Spice it up next time guy in blue shirt, toss yourself into the mouth with head first.
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0 1252. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Domesticated alligator

Reptiles are a bit a tricky, however it is not impossible as shown in this video. The size of that alligator and what he was doing with it. Impressive.

Out of the topic, if you have pet frogs/toads after some time they will get used to humans "feeding" them. Every time a "human" appears they will move towards her. Just like with other animals you control reptiles by using food. A side note is that they just like any other animal become lazy over time. To a point where they can barely do any hunting on their own and depend on their owner fully.
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0 1253. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Rocket carrying a 45 million dollar military satellite

Would have been so nice if that was launched during the night. Not sure why they would want to launch fireworks during the day did anyone say?
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+1 1254. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Silent Library!

Haha "dont open his mouth".
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+2 1255. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Pacific Sun Cruise liner in very heavy seas

That was just awesome and the music just took it up to the maximum possible level!
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0 1256. huldu commented 14 years ago on video In order to pay taxes electronically..

The man in the house.
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-2 1257. huldu commented 14 years ago on video How magnets work.

Haha, sorry but that chick and her excitement towards magnets made me think: MAGNETIC DILDO! @ her come...
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+5 1258. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Indian pole gymnastics.

I just kept thinking to myself "what if there is a splinter". Awesome skills however, never seen that before.
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0 1259. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Life After People ?

Haha "recreate humans" yeah, you keep telling yourself that we're somehow "special". That line had me cracking up.
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+4 1260. huldu commented 14 years ago on video parkour with ladders

Viral ads. Im sure that its based on real people doing it in real life. But seriously can you imagine someone actually relying on that ladder climbing buildings at that height? Its just a matter of time before something goes wrong throwing yourself out like that.
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+26 1261. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Monkey playing baseball

That was pretty fun and entertaining actually!
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0 1262. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Solar highways

Good idea really. In reality there is a cost to think of. These would be insanely expensive and to cover just a street somewhere with these, mind-blowing. How long would it even last! Eventually tires would tear these panels down. What about winter and stubs?

There are a lot of issues and problems to solve.
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+4 1263. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Useless Nosey Neighbors

The thing is if its an argue going on most people wont even come near it. At best they might call the police. To involve yourself means to put yourself at a risk. You have no idea what is going on, the man could be armed. In real life there is rarely room for a true hero. Sorry but its the sad truth.
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0 1264. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Lion eating a zebra

Its just as fascinating as seeing someone eat a hamburger.
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0 1265. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Alex Liiv BMX face grind...

And the lovely bypassers just walk past without even looking or caring.
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0 1266. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Waterproof gecko

Walk one water is one thing but to stand on water and not sink, that is truly amazing.
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-1 1267. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Space Shuttle launch turns night into day.

Quite fun to watch. But it all just shows how primitive we are.
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+3 1268. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The Kid's Got Some Nerve!

Always starts so innocent when they are so young and "cute". We'll see how he turns out when hes 20-25 and went past this up-skirt fetish and moved onto something more heavy.
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0 1269. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Snake Regurgitaes

What number #7 said. Really piss me off these days because it has got so much worse over the years.
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-1 1270. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Brick in a washing machine

I remember a guy tossing a homemade fire cracker into a washing machine. It did not end up this well. The problem with these videos is that they give people "ideas". Not so fun when someone loose their leg.
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+1 1271. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Chicken Nuggets

I think the point is that everything is used nothing is thrown away. I know what Jamie means but we have to see it from a non-greedy side. Of course they are doing it for the money, but they also are using most if not all parts of an animal in the process.

Back in the days, you know your ancestors, they ate a lot of parts most of you now consider "nasty" to survive and give way to *you*.
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+8 1272. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Guy walks into traffic...

Looked to be in the hood and we dont stop when you see black people dancing in the streets.
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+7 1273. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Pudding Prank

French is such a beautiful language.
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+2 1274. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Albino Squirrels in Olney..

Quite interesting. Its because of humans this albino squirrel even exist in those numbers in that area. For once humans are actually doing a good thing instead of wiping a species out.
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+1 1275. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Video Games and Moral Choices

Playing a game i tend to pick the choice which my character would pick based on what it is. In the end i guess that could be called roleplaying.
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-3 1276. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bulldozer On Ice

In mother Russia lakes devour bulldozers.
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+3 1277. huldu commented 14 years ago on video What's it like to experience schizophrenic symptoms?

I dont know if i were to take this serious or as a joke? If you didnt have schizophrenia before viewing this you will have it after. Im gonna keep hearing those horrible voice actors for the rest of my life in my head, thank you so much.

People with schizophrenia have another view on the world than a "regular" person would have. Its not saying that their view is any worse than yours. Its different.

I just felt that this clip made fun of people with schizophrenia. The thing is unless you have schizophrenia you have no idea what its really like.
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+2 1278. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Children stick up for eachother.

#1 and yet kids can be far more cruel than any adult would be. Its good that we grow up. School is a perfect example of how bad kids can be in worst case scenario.

Like #12 said. We have nothing to learn from kids, as we were kids ourselves once. We do have a lot to learn from the Japanese/Chinese culture however.
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+13 1279. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Real gangsta fight

Mad TV was so much better than SNL... rip.
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0 1280. huldu commented 14 years ago on video SuperMario on Violin

That was amazing, thumbs up for that play.
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0 1281. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Funny football Fight

Looked like two girls going at it :(
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0 1282. huldu commented 14 years ago on video World's Largest Gummy Bear

Call me crazy but i ordered one haha xD Looks hilarious!
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0 1283. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Incredible 4-year-old drummer.

Spirits are sometimes very playful.
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+1 1284. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Amazing thing with candle

I tried it too, couldnt get it to work. Could be the size of the original flame+smoke. Didnt work on a small candle tho.
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+2 1285. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The search for hidden dimensions.

It all just shows how "primitive" we currently are. Maybe in a few thousand years we finally make some progress. We maybe even encounter alien life far superior to us, or the other way around. It will happen, it is just a matter of time. Right now we're still basically stuck on our planet so no life form would be even remotely interested in us, except our planet if they would be similar to creatures on earth.

In the end its all very fascinating a shame that nothing will probably happen in our life time or our children's and their children's life time.
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-4 1286. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Fireworks Incident

Hehe... the "oh no oh no" sounds like my wife when i pull out too late!
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+6 1287. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Ever seen a train lay its own tracks?

Wonder what will happen when the machines will be tired of being slaves!

And on the side note... "I remember back in my days when we had to..."
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0 1288. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Truth About Pizza Commercials

I love the pizza guy and his comments towards the end. They really brought up the video to the level it needed to be at. He couldnt be more righh. Uou knew that when he made a pizza it was going to be made through his heart, because he loved creating good food.
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0 1289. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Car Wash Power Hose KO

Why do people have to put dangerous equipment in front of their face! Imagine if someone would put a shotgun right next to the face and fire it off! Oh yeah that already happened :(
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+5 1290. huldu commented 14 years ago on video David Beckham amazing pass.

Hah, they are pro, where they aim the ball goes. But he got so little credit for that amazing pass.
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+3 1291. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Hawaiian Caterpillar

I think the narrator was good. Not like that other one with the childish voice we've heard a couple of times.
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-6 1292. huldu commented 14 years ago on video No bones about it,the octopus is awesome!

Human meat taste good too, its rare however... unless you get some yourself xD
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-6 1293. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Little North Korean girl amazing at guitar.

The scary thing is that when a person dies a "spirit" is released. If this spirit loves to do something it will find another host to live in to do it. Hence you end up with some very "gifted" people. Of course the spirit itself ant be linked to any person that ever lived since that is just our brain playing to create who "we" are. Just think the entire world as a living spirit, everything that lives or just exist has its own spirit. When it "dies" the spirit is released and awaits something new to be a host of.
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0 1294. huldu commented 14 years ago on video REALLY LOOOOONNNNGGG TONGUE!!!!

I do wonder if that would help giving himself a bj! Just saying what y'all be thinking! Imagine that, you never need to leave home again xD
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+26 1295. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Redman's Crib

Loved it. It was so unlike the rest of that show ive seen. Good to see some people still enjoy living the regular life with the regular people.
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+2 1296. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Boxer destroys two park bullies.

The rocky music took the vid up to a whole new level.
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+8 1297. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Realistic mask

Insanely well done mask, its all the details that adds up. Now if you could get your wife to wear a mask with your favorite celebrity...
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+12 1298. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Camping prank

Isnt their bite extremely dangerous because of all the bacteria in their mouth. They bite a creature then it dies of the infection a day or few later then they track down the corpse and feast.

I wouldnt do anything like that but like the user above noticed the frames skipped. I also hope its a fake because that was just too dangerous to do.
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0 1299. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Lightning strikes 3 of the tallest buildings in Chicago at the same time!

Rather we dont really have the resources around yet to effectively harness the power.
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0 1300. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Online Gamer 3

I thought it was funny because its so true. Games are addictive and once you're in the loop its near impossible to get out.
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+4 1301. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Ad From 1990 for mobile phones

I owned one of those back in those days and boy were people jealous. Of course it was heavy as hell and battery time very short.
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0 1302. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Prison Activities

The social part in prisons is a big thing. Most humans these days keep to themselves we've lost the social-grouping aspect as the animal we are. Its a shame really. Prisons and certain "primitive" tribes in the world are still quite social.
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+8 1303. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Lemurs are junkies

Im amazed that people apparently skipped the ending! The insects were not harmed at all by the lemurs.

Now the real question is, does this insect have the same effect on humans?
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-2 1304. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Shovel Man

That was most definitely sleigh-car dogs by the looks of it. Im guessing they got loose from the owner and ran off, the guy with the shovel maybe?
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0 1305. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Woman Asks For A Knife

Haha had to replay that three times. That was just too good. A shame everything went on the floor but he cut it in two pieces!
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+4 1306. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Spider crab sheds it's shell

Holy cow that was just wicked.
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+6 1307. huldu commented 14 years ago on video TanDEM-X launch

Mankind is in such a primitive stage when you look at "rockets". Would be fun to fast forward 1-2k years.
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+3 1308. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Buried alive prank

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
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+12 1309. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Alphajet and Mirage Aircraft

Being a man i have all the power i need... between my legs!
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+4 1310. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Vancouver Demo Fail

Haha and they keep going on life nothing ever happened, love it!
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+4 1311. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Super Strong Caution Tape

Those things that hold the tape in place are quite expensive and they broke.
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+5 1312. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Woman sings "Flight of the Bumblebee".

That was just terrible i am sorry!
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+17 1313. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Tight Parking

That was just painful to watch. Knowing people who can squeeze in their car between what seems impossible. This just made me drop my jaw.
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+2 1314. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 8 square meter dream home

Now if we could just get most ppl into houses that small and stack them onto each others. Imagine how much space we would save.
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+7 1315. huldu commented 14 years ago on video A close look at carbon fiber.

We all know what is there... its the truth.
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+12 1316. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bugatti Veyron Supersport

The only reason id ever even want a car like this would be to outrun the po-lice for the fun of it!
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+4 1317. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Hero turtle rescues upside down turtle

Actually the fallen one is a female turtle and the one pushing is a male. He isnt trying to turn her over... hes trying to... you know what. Attenborough would have made that clear.
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+3 1318. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Shotgun Enthusiast Don't Need No Teeth

You dont need a dentist to pull a tooth out when you have a shotgun laying around. I bet that was far more quick and less "painful" than having a dentist sit and pull for 15 minutes without accomplishing anything!
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0 1319. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The 'real' simple life.

... i cut my own hair :<
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+6 1320. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Jay's Tiny House Tour

Id call it a minimalist and i liked the house a lot. It had everything you needed and did not take up much space at all.
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0 1321. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Mike walks across United States of America

If this was real it was insanely well made(maybe too well!). But the poster above had a very good point. One thing that got to me was how perfect the camera was centered at all times. Fun nontheless.
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+7 1322. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Alien vs. Human Intelligence

I have meaningful conversations with worms all the time :( - I feel like a moron now.
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+1 1323. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Tree Branch Falls On Power Lines

That looked far more efficient than the electric chair... if you catch my drift.
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+6 1324. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Prehistoric Frilled Shark

Look at its eyes(cataract). It looked really old/dying hence heading up to the surface. Im willing to be it was even blind. Most likely to very old age.
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+2 1325. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The secret powers of time.

Very fascinating clip. I am probably one of those "past" people. When i went to school computers and games were on the rise(back in early to late 90's). I was quite social, had a lot of friends but i didnt not look to the future. To me life was about the moment. I never had the crave to "learn" more or have a career. Now its been 12 years since school ended. During these years i barely have any social connection with the world, no real friends, just online friends. I still play games and i enjoy it even more so than when i were younger. The problem is that i doubt i can ever be the same person i was back in school. Ive changed too much.

The school "system" didnt work for me. In a way i guess that is why i am where i am today. I believe as humans we all crave knowledge and to become better at something. The problem these days is the motivation. It just doesnt exist, it doesnt work with the technology we have today. So yeah, i understand why so many people drop out of school.
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-3 1326. huldu commented 14 years ago on video walking assist

Can you use this device and have it walk for you? Its so tiring walking from the chair to the bathroom a few times a day.
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+2 1327. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Pothole in Russia

In Soviet Russia potholes... do exist.
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+4 1328. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Music Clock In Shibuya, Tokyo (Japan)

Elsewhere in the world someone would destroy it in 2 hours. Sad isnt it.
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+1 1329. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Hello ladies, here's the new Old Spice commercial.

Great commercial, loved it.
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-3 1330. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Savant meets Savant

Im proud to be normal.
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-1 1331. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Horse race announcer loses his voice.

Laryngeal cancer is not to be played with.
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+4 1332. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Cat and Crow -- Next Disney Movie?

I just want to point out one thing a crow is a very smart animal. Ive often seen them "play" with cats, not like this of course, but playing around with them.
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+2 1333. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Giant water balloon bursting in super slow motion.

Actually he reacted quite fast, i was a bit surprised. Look at his eyes. Must have been playing many games in his life.
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0 1334. huldu commented 14 years ago on video cutting a face

The video was too jerky to enjoy to the fullest.
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0 1335. huldu commented 14 years ago on video What real friendship means.

I think the important thing to note here is now how we "humans" see them, but how they see at us "humans". We look pretty much the same and that is how they see us.
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+5 1336. huldu commented 14 years ago on video It takes a car prowler just a matter of seconds

Hilarious! The guy starts with a gentle hit then in the end he hits that glass with all his strength just to break try break it.
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+10 1337. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Man has marble addiction

The interesting thing here is what is going on in his head. He is so focused on what he is doing with the marbles. I really admire him he found out what he loves doing and he keeps doing it for the rest of his life. That my friend is life right there. Not trying to pretend to be something you arent.

Yeah, the wife part was a bit sad, i even saw it in her eyes but how long have they even been together.

We see people on the "net" do all sorts of crazy things and how exactly is this any different? The world is much smaller than you think. Im sure even *you* do things that many others would call insane.
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+2 1338. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Beautiful, perfect wine bottle cutting.

Actually i think that was very impressive, how clean the cut was. Its really hard to do something like that.
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+2 1339. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Videogame Racing Chair

Looks more like he is flying a spaceship rather than a car. They def need to tweak that thing...
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+4 1340. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The Best Motivational Video You Will Ever See!

Motivation being the keyword here. Most people lack the proper motivation. If we have no purpose we have no life.
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+21 1341. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Evolution of guy (2years photo every day)

Very impressive work right there. Wish my hair would grow instead of just disappearing day after day...
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+2 1342. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Enjoy Your Flight

MadTV > SNL... of course they both do crappy episodes.
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+4 1343. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Parachute Hang Up

Join the army. It'll be fun!
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+2 1344. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Make a weird ball

Yeah, id love to see the last try with a transparent ball just to see what is going on inside it.
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+2 1345. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Aggressive maneuvers for autonomous quadrotor flight.

The last few "tricks" it did made me giggle a bit. Imagine if that was a full scale test. It would have *crashed* into those sides. It hit them way too fast.
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+2 1346. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bond Vs. Recession

Bond is dying, unless they pull off a miracle its over.
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+4 1347. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Remember Modems?

Well, when you turned the modem on and connected to your isp you felt connected to the net for real. You really didnt have much to compare to back then, everyone had a modem and they all were pretty much alike. Wasnt until late 90's broadband started spreading out fast where i live.
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-7 1348. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Autistic girl expresses profound intelligence.

I was wondering, actually i had a dream about this earlier today. These people have sex. The orgasm must be a very special sensation. I can only imagine.
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0 1349. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Track Star Destroys Unsuspecting Woman

Where im from we call that sex! Quick and not very giving to anyone xD
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-4 1350. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Working Lego Sniper Rifle

Fun but its lego, the chances something "breaks" is gigantic, especially in a contraption such as this. I bet he spent more time putting pieces together when they fell off than firing the rifle itself.
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+5 1351. huldu commented 14 years ago on video First time machine

The earth is flat. Heretic! You shall be burnt alive.

Go back in time and see what people said back "then". Go check out most basic things that were laughable back "then". Now imagine what people will say thousands of years from now.

Just posting "this is how it works" is just rubbish, anything can and will happen, given time.
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-10 1352. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Autistic girl expresses profound intelligence.

#14 I dont believe that is true. God gave us our brain for a reason. To use it to fullest potential. We barely use a fraction of our real potential as humans right now. We are pretty early in evolution really. The proof is all around us however. The brain is an amazing thing but it is also a curse put on us.
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+76 1353. huldu commented 14 years ago on video How a differential gear works

Its very fascinating if you have no idea about these things. Very good presentation.
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+3 1354. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The surprising science of motivation.

#11 hit the nail right on.
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+2 1355. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Remarkable space saving furniture.

Many american shows actually use the metric system so it can get quite confusing when they *dont*, like here.
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+2 1356. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Quick thinking adult saves playing kid from fall.

What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. Let them fall next time.
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+4 1357. huldu commented 14 years ago on video OUCH!

I have to hand it out to the host. He at least ran down fast and sounded very worried. Unlike many similar videos where the host just stands around like an idiot.
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+1 1358. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Octopus vs Shark

The narrator was just too childish and ruined everything. They need warnings like this "may contain narrator appropriate for children". This is why we have Attenborough. The flick was great the narrator just failed.
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+3 1359. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Salmon Pink Bird Eating Spider

Oh... i thought we were going to see a pink bird eat the spider.
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+2 1360. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Walk on water.

Its not possible for humans, period.
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+5 1361. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Drifting around the cops

Isnt this where the po-lice is suppose to get outta their car and fire a few shots into the drivers? - Works wonders.
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0 1362. huldu commented 14 years ago on video FAIL!

I dunno, i still think the legendary compilation beats this epic one by far.
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-2 1363. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Mass panic in Netherlands

"And the fun part is, our upcoming 'queen' panicked and ran right into a small boy which she pushed aside to save her own sorry ass. But you don't see that on television."

You got proof of that? I'd like to have a look at that if you do.
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+4 1364. huldu commented 14 years ago on video bobtrack downhill skateboarding

He could have gone faster than that, guess he got a bit worried at the speeds he would be going through tho.
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0 1365. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Honda U3-X a Sitting Segway

It makes too much noise imo.
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+2 1366. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Awareness test!

The maid was hot took my attention :(

Thats how it works tho, you create something that grabs attention and then you can do whatever you want and nobody will notice a thing. They call this "magic"... /sigh
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+2 1367. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Cordyceps

Shame it doesnt work on humans... Would solve a lot of problems.
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+3 1368. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bathing with Piranhas

Blood and fast movement(like something wounded) in the water, that would grab their attention. He was very careful and i dont blame him.
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+1 1369. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Basic overview of Asian Hornet

Wow... scary as hell. I am terrified of the smaller wasps/hornets we have in sweden due to an event when i were very young. If i were to see something that big, seriously, i do not know what i would do. If i see a small wasp/hornet out in the open i run like hell. If i see one in my apartment... holy cow, that is something that scares the s*** out of me.
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+1 1370. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Sonic and Mario's Awkward Reunion

Its sad really.
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+2 1371. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Would You Intervene?

You shouldnt get involved real life has no room for heroes. A few years back a man witnessed a bank robbery and started to pursue the robbers in a car chase. After a few minutes the robbers noticed this and started firing at the car. The man was not injured but his 8 year old son was killed by a bullet. I mean what kind of moron would put his own son at risk, for what?

As a person it is never safe to intervene because you do not know the threat. You do not know who you're getting involved with. Not everybody can be reasoned with and will even take up brutal force to stop you. Ask yourself is it really worth trying to be a real life hero when you know that the consequences can be fatal? Yeah, in real life you only get one try, when you're dead its over.
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+3 1372. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 150 year old Alligator snapping turtle

I do miss steve he always made a good show and he was always so... thrilled about showing stuff. A real shame what happened.
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-3 1373. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Doing The Dishes

Steroids will turn a female into a male more or less. There are some good side effects which you could look up, if you are a female. Very good side effect... down in your private parts. However a "bad" side effect is that you start to look more like a man, your voice will become darker among other more obvious things.
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+4 1374. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Piranha bite!

The guy over at the fish store had his thumb bitten off by a piranha many years ago. Dont mishandle these creatures since they will defend themselves. Of course the piranha was not that small. Some piranhas get quite big actually.
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+2 1375. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Your life and Videogames

Well, there are many other things in life that are totally meaningless, just like games. For example trying to achieve something in life, which is a waste of time since you wont live forever. Just like with games.

Just like someone above already said, not everyone in life are meant for great things. What exactly do you define as "great" things anyway? Lets be realistic here. You are born, you go through a brainwash procedure that lasts many years. When this is completed you start work and try climb your "career". In reality not many actually succeed with anything in life. You're just another person living, waiting to die.

The sooner you realize that you're not special, even tho your mom said so, the better. You're just a tool, waiting to be used and exploited. Games or not, life has really no meaning. To just assume that if you werent doing "this and that" i would be "this and that", is just plain foolish and naive thinking.

Lets look at it from the other side. You're not playing a game, you're out drinking and you love drinking. You get drunk one day and drive home. On the way home you drive over a kid while intoxicated. The kid dies. The morale of the story would have been, if you would have stayed home and played those stupid games that kid would be alive. Games dont hurt anyone, its just a time consuming process and you do it because you enjoy it.

Life is about having fun, enjoying yourself. The thing is we are all different so we cant assume that what i think everyone else will think is fun. I liked this video to some degree but its silly to assume that the time you did not spend playing games would make you a better person. It could be so wrong, so wrong.
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-1 1376. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Babies and fathers

Womens are actually not smelling that "smell" as bad as men are, since they are... well breeding the buggers. Would be pretty bad if the woman smashed the kid to pieces after smelling that.
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-2 1377. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Monkey using tools

Was that a monkey?! i thought it was a...
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-2 1378. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Spray paint art

Insane. Mind-blowing.
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+2 1379. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Guy Driving Wrecked Car

Its suppose to look like that. Nobody understands true art these days.
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-2 1380. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Know what you're getting into...

That house could fit several large african tribes.
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0 1381. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Darth Vader being a smartass

Old but still good.
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+1 1382. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Epic Beard Man interview

A real life hero. He did what many cant even dream of doing.
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0 1383. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

Of course its a fake. Still kinda funny.
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-1 1384. huldu commented 14 years ago on video 5-year-old Savannah's Calm Call with 911

The voice of that kid, it sounded just like Zelda Rubinstein, which sadly passed away quite recently. You might have seen her in Poltergeist. The small woman with the funny voice.
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+9 1385. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Old man beats up thug

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+2 1386. huldu commented 14 years ago on video These guys are insane!

Who was the guy having all the orgasms?
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+1 1387. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Ball Hits bird in Tennis

I dont think he "respects" life, he made a sarcasm. There is a difference. Anyway if someone would have done the same thing if another "human" had died i bet it wouldnt be as "fun". Actually i take it back, it would have been hilarious for a few people at least.
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-2 1388. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Why women shouldn't play soccer

Well i thought she was quite hot and cool. After watching this i might toss an eye on women football, but this was probably one of those once in a lifetime things.
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-2 1389. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Buttered shower floor

Of course this is "staged" you know how dangerous it would be to do something like this on random? Hell, ever wondered how it would feel to hit your head into a sink or the toilet? What do you think will break first...

I just didnt find this funny at all. Someone might actually think of doing something like this in the real world after seeing this.
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-1 1390. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Online gamer looks for a new girlfriend

The first bit was a bit boring. The whole toilet/ending scenes were pure GOLD however.
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0 1391. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Rocket fuel plant blows-up

I remember seeing this on TV many years ago. The thing i remember the most was the awesome sonic boom/shock wave or whatever its called in english.
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-2 1392. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Coca-Cola In Taiwan

Well, humans have made it so far in far worse circumstances. Remember when we were eating raw meat, living in caves? Humans are robust creatures, just like anything else. Okay.. okay, these days we're all sissies and weaklings. One global disaster is all it will take to destroy most of the population. How sad isnt that?
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+3 1393. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Transparent wall

Despite #(removed comment) having so many negative marks, he has a very valid point.
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+13 1394. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Dog Senses Earthquake moments before it happens

Animals still have that "touch" with their surroundings. Humans lost that long ago.
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0 1395. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Warthog

Warthogs are very, very dangerous and not to be played with. Their tusks are sharp and do quite the damage. I remember seeing a clip many years ago where a warthog ended up in a fight with a tiger. The warthog died after a few hours but so did the tiger. It was protecting its piglets, might have been more aggressive because of that.
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0 1396. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Rastafari in elevator

Took twelve seconds to reach the climax. Im glad it was worth it tho, otherwise it would have been twelve wasted seconds. Looking at some "babe" with cloth on.. i mean seriously are you twelve years old?
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+2 1397. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Wooden robotic arm

Love the creaking sounds it makes.
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0 1398. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Creepy commercial

Haha that was creepy
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+3 1399. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Prankster Highlights

Many of them were just totally awesome.
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-1 1400. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Freerunning

It was okay, but i only thought one "stunt" was impressive in that entire video.
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-2 1401. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Smart-ass spelling bee winner

#28 I r dumb. I still master WoW because its all about gear and not "skills" or being "smart" for that matter.

#30 Yeah, something wasnt right in the head on that kid. Hence they stand out in competitions like that and win. There is always a price you have to pay.
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+1 1402. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Frustrated truck driver

Haha priceless.
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+1 1403. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bird Hates Other Bird

How about you prove that the bird picture on the can activates this behaviour and not the can itself.
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-1 1404. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Body scanner

Every woman should require a man to walk past that scanner before anything happens imo.
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0 1405. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Brand new asphalt in Bosnia

0:55 was a pure "GOURANGA" moment.
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+3 1406. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Checkerboard optical illusion

Human eyes are quite primitive.
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0 1407. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Intense Mentos Commercial

Haha loved the ending. I would probably have done the same.
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+1 1408. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Icy Road

Bring out the chains for your tires.
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0 1409. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Truck drifting

We had a bus nearby a few years ago that had the same happen. The problem was it was not a happy ending for those who died. Beware driving on icy roads. It really isnt this "cool".
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+1 1410. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Escalating Interview

Hehe awesome, pure awesomeness.
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+3 1411. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Pedophile Beard

^Haha what the guy above said. Hilarious.
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+1 1412. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The Invisible artist.

Some of those were crazy good.
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+9 1413. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Stupid Criminals

Well the cops should have let them drive the car to its "destination". I bet they would have found some fun stuff there.
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+1 1414. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Mobile Desktop

Pretty cool. If you have a small/medium desktop followed by a lcd monitor it really isnt that hard to carry around. But these guys obviously had some fun by bringing a big desktop and a big crt :p
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+2 1415. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Sneaky green screens

Jack Bauer!
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-2 1416. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Bait Ball Feast

I believe it took a few birds as well, good riddance!
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+3 1417. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The tetris god

This one is HILARIOUS! Love it.
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+5 1418. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Crouching tiger, flying tiger

Oldie but goodie.
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0 1419. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Chinese rocket fly-by

At least there was no "mini-face" in the upper corner, that was good.
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-5 1420. huldu commented 14 years ago on video To Catch More Predators

Lol the last guy had a monster between his legs. What a waste...
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+2 1421. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2- TDM Sniping Tips On Quarry By Hutch

Does this guy use a keyboard+mouse or the gamepad? I noticed he used the "click the Y" in a comment which i assume he meant a gamepad. If he is playing with a gamepad he is very good.
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0 1422. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Skateboarding Dog

Its not fake... does the dog look like it looks at the tv? exactly. They obviously "trained" it if one could say that.
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+1 1423. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Saturday Night Live - Tiger Woods

Yeah the actress uses a german dialect and nowhere near a swedish one, which is a shame since it really isnt that hard.
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0 1424. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Ant alarm

Some of those beetles actually enter the ant nest and eat the eggs, hence the very specific defense against ants.
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+3 1425. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Simpsons Halloween Starting

That iron maiden is scary stuff indeed. They sure had a wild imagination back in the old days ;)
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0 1426. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The Sims Horror Movie

Just one problem... they dont "drink" in sims these days... /sigh. Yeah i hate it too, silly "juice" i mean.. give me a break.
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0 1427. huldu commented 14 years ago on video Meteor

It did not hit the planet did it? It rather did a fly-by judging from the photo. At first it looked like it exploded but that was probably just the angle of the light in the horizon.
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+1 1428. huldu commented 14 years ago on video The Nam: Bombing and Shooting

#(removed comment) The country may follow rules but the soldiers in the war may not. Rape, murders, pillaging and whatever happens no matter side in a "war". I wouldnt call whats going on in iraq a war. The "war" in iraq is no more war than there's a war between men and maggots.
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+2 1429. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Giant water slide

Fake? Well lets just point out that if he were to land anywhere else beside that pool he would get severely injured or even die. That should put it in the right perspective and its most likely fake.
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-6 1430. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Horse beating pikey makes my day

Sorry, cant edit, i am *NOT* saying its fake, its just missing a few frames.
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-2 1431. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Optical Illusions

The last one was the best by far.
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+15 1432. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Guy with a Bow

Very skilled indeed. It kinda reminded of Jason in part 3 i believe when he hit that girl by the water in the eyeball. Very skilled indeed!
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+1 1433. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Airbag in couch prank

He was way too close to hit the head on that sharp edged table. I doubt it would have been posted here if he did, would have been a very nasty hit.
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+9 1434. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Oxygen

This one was very good. A little violent but good.
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-5 1435. huldu commented 15 years ago on video The worlds fastest...

I am the fastest lover!
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+1 1436. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Evian Babies

I have to agree with most of you this was terrible and poorly made.
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+3 1437. huldu commented 15 years ago on video The Gmod Idiot Box: Episode 1

I found it hilarious, mostly because i tf2, the tf2 things were fun as hell.
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0 1438. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Lego Arcade

Most clips you see on snotr these days you've already seen on youtube a few weeks ago. What happened?
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+4 1439. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Quadruplet babies laughing

I'll break the ice by saying, man she was hot.
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+4 1440. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson Is Dead

A man with many problems, but seriously i dont really care about his personal life or what he did or what he did not do. He did some amazing music back then, that is all that matters for me.
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0 1441. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Failing long-haired rollerblader

Was that a woman or a man? If it was a woman, sexy... if not, may "god" save us all.
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0 1442. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Effective alarm clock

Looks quite dangerous really.
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-1 1443. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Three Atheists

Yeah if god actually existed i would laugh at this and probably think it was hilarious. Now the thing is i dont and it believe its just children tales/poor sci-fi.

What worries me is how would the world look if some people didnt have this "god" character or this religion? This religion itself forces these odd people to "behave", so not all is bad.

Then again most of us are probably aware of that this "religion" will eventually die out for whatever reasons. As people become more... intellect(in the future, hopefully), things like this will just disappear and will not be needed.
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-2 1444. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Carlos Mencia on Michael Jackson

That was just simply gross. People laugh at anything. I bet they would laugh at making fat jokes on that bloke as well.
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-12 1445. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Weather girl prank

Well she was very naive, joke or not he did have a good point. How would you react if someone laughed at a serious event, where a loved one died? We had people over here laughing at 9/11 because it was so unreal, seriously, how would you have felt being here at that time? Show some respect.
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+2 1446. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Armored bulldozer takes on town.

The guy in the bulldozer, crazy perhaps... but the police firing on the open street, what if a bullet went stray and killed some kid? Some people should not be allowed to wield a gun, period.
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+7 1447. huldu commented 15 years ago on video What's in the Box?

Reminds me a bit too much about halflife, beside that nothing wrong.
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0 1448. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Cigarette trick

Awesome, what more is there to say?
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0 1449. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Woman parallel parks car

Blonde - check
Hot - check

In my book all good.
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+1 1450. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Skull Implants

This really isnt any more weird than someone putting silicon into their breasts, botox in the lips.. the list goes on. The only ones "sane" would be the natural ones and there arent many left.
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+1 1451. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Hidden camera prank

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+5 1452. huldu commented 15 years ago on video I can't believe it's not cocaine!

Almost fun, if it were true that drugs were good. Since when is cocaine fine and acceptable? Cant believe you people praising cocaine like you do. Yes, its just a program/toy but the idea is horrible, marketing cocaine like its a good thing.

Rated -155, yes, that is what you get for speaking the truth.
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-1 1453. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Wii... played well

Haha so true.. so true.
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+4 1454. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Scare Compilation

The second last one was the best.
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+4 1455. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Blues around the world

Grandpa Elliot, that right there was charisma.
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+2 1456. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Heroes superbowl commercial

Heroes have gone downhill since season 1, this just proves how bad it has become :(
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+2 1457. huldu commented 15 years ago on video How to turn around a car

Maybe she was doing something in her car, having in argue or something. Just felt a bit too slow, even for a woman. Something else was going on inside that car!
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+4 1458. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Borat's Bay Watch

Lol the hardon at 0:27, priceless.
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+3 1459. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Bears on slide

One should be using extreme caution near a bear mother and her cubs. That didnt come out right! If you're near you're in big problem already :p
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-14 1460. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Engine failure

That side of the road just magically happened to be clear... /sigh
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+2 1461. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Amazing behavior from a hippo

I once saw a clip where a human saved another human, its rare but it happens too!
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-1 1462. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Volleybal girl is tired...

That was just super hot lol.

The camera guy didnt even flinch, a real pro ;)
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+5 1463. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Vintage Flintstones for Winston cigs

Yes that was sad...
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+3 1464. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Natalie Portman: the rapper?

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+1 1465. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Guy vs. stop sign

Hmph, the poster above is right, that less it made "fun" for me at least.
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+1 1466. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Damon Hill makes test drive with journalist

The song is "Ready Steady Go" by Oakenfold i think. Was used in the movie Collateral Damage, all i can remember about it.
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+3 1467. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Guys surf down the Amazon river

The thing about the piranha is that they wont generally attack anything unless it is wounded in some way. Think of them as tiny sharks. Yes, if one of them is aggressive/hungry enough they will attack, which of course will lead to bleeding, which then will attract all the nearby piranhas.

I used to have piranhas in an aquarium and they came along fine with ordinary fish. Until one day, when a bigger fish had mysterious bite marks around it back fin.

People just make out the piranhas as being very aggressive when they arent that bad.
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0 1468. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Robot controlled with rat brain cells

Is the "rat" brain actually controlling everything? Its very impressive if its true.
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+7 1469. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Nunchaku

That was very impressive.
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+1 1470. huldu commented 15 years ago on video AXE - The pickup

He was just saying what everyone else is thinking. Thats what axe does.
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0 1471. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Sony Releases New Shit

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+2 1472. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Pimp my ride fail

Looked great mostly because it was unique and you dont see something like that every day.
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+3 1473. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Most bizarre interview on Letterman

Loved it.
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+2 1474. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Try to say the color of text

Another mind game try not to look at the word itself, but the color and its piece of cake even with him talking. Focus in the middle of the screen. It really isnt that difficult.
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0 1475. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Schizophrenic dog

I think the dog got an infection or something in the ear that seems very painful. Which would probably explain why it react as it does.
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-9 1476. huldu commented 15 years ago on video The Past, present and future of the World

Is there any solid proof that this is whats going to happen? I thought God was happy with the way things were right now.
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0 1477. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Data security - Harddisk shredder

You wont be laughing when your hand get stuck in that lol.
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-2 1478. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Got muscle?

Prison time comes to mind.
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+4 1479. huldu commented 15 years ago on video How marbles are made

"People have been playing with small balls for a long time"

That made me rofl.
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+2 1480. huldu commented 15 years ago on video Remi Kart

Haha very fun, brought back some memories from when i played the first mario kart on snes :)
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+1 1481. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Chimp rides Segway

Human evolution, pretty similar. Given enough time the apes of today will be the man of tomorrow.
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+3 1482. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Car chase + escape of passengers

I believe those are americans trying to escape into mexico. The crisis is bad.
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+8 1483. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Super fast stamp lady

She would give you the fastest handjob on earth i tell you.
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+2 1484. huldu commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

That size meteorite would push the earth out of its rotation probably creating another dead planet that nothing can live on (as we know it). Wouldnt be a day too early imo, the humans just need to be terminated. Nothing good can ever come out.
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+4 1485. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Acrobatic duet

Holy crap that was just sickly impressive
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+1 1486. huldu commented 16 years ago on video 100,000 pounds of TNT

But thats not a real a-bomb now is it?
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+1 1487. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Time of my Life

He didnt start lose his hair on top of his head until 44? impressive.
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+1 1488. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Human catapult

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0 1489. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Ninja cat comes closer while not moving

Kinda like a cheesy horror movie, but better :p
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+3 1490. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Urban Ninja

Man that was some great skill, some misses here and there but just pure awesome.
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-1 1491. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Racism in elevators

Seriously this one was just stupid. The fag was talking about racism wtf is he? He was a typical example why things are the way they are today. Before you even start to think, this goes for ALL races.

Omg the jews havent mentioned the holocaust in a while, bring that back up. How about you grow a pair and GET OVER IT already.
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+2 1492. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Pants on fire

I smell burnt pork anyone else?
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+2 1493. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Rap battle translated

Haha that was just perfect, because its the truth. At least you understand whats being said. Dont they teach english/american in schools these days?
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+3 1494. huldu commented 16 years ago on video 11 years old girl assembles rifle in record time

The disturbing part about this is the FATHER who actually forced this girl over several months to do this. Read the papers its all about this story. Military parents are one of the worst things you could end up with. Hope he goes to jail for the torture of this young innocent girl.
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+3 1495. huldu commented 16 years ago on video For 9 bucks you can do whatever you want to a rental car

"men with small penis's (spelling? hmm? what's the plural of penis? oh yeah, dicks)
men with small dicks have to find some way to amuse themselves?
what a couple of assholes............"

Its the opposite you if you actually seen them before, moron. Small dicks are too afraid to do anything out of the ordinary. I bet your mom helped you write that cause you aint got the balls.
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+2 1496. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Pedophile goes nuts at reporter on Australian News

I agree with #14-16. You lot are no better, you are behaving like a mob. It makes you no better than him.

Who watches the watchers? There are crimes far worse than what had happened there. There are crimes way worse where the person who did it never got caught in the first place.

Try be civilized at least.
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+3 1497. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Headshot!

Of course its fake... stupid gaming company in sweden did this one. They rip everyone off...
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+3 1498. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Ridiculous licking dog toy commercial

Rofl i need to buy one for my wife
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+2 1499. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Police car vs. deer

Watch it in slow-mo and its like... not real.
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+2 1500. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Police car vs. deer

The exploding part is weird... *very* weird.
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-2 1501. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 - Walk on Water

Its real!! just as real as jesus walking on water.
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+2 1502. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Hidden camera prank goes wrong

That was his well deserved coke drive, you dont mess with it.
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+2 1503. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Monkeys on ice

That aint no monkeys... i bet its midgets in customes with some paintshop editing.
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+2 1504. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Rabbit and a snake

Holy cow that sounded like a 100% genuine hillbilly!
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0 1505. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Window Cleaner Accident

Its one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, along with miners and tunnel diggers.
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+3 1506. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Women's anger management

From a commercial...
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+3 1507. huldu commented 16 years ago on video How NOT to get rid of a whale

Bush would have nuked it, along with all the other idiots in that city.
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+3 1508. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Advanced toilet

Must be an american toilet, only they could do something that useless. I cant recall when i spotted a *dirty* toilet seat in a public bathroom. Point being its actually one of the *cleanest* areas in a bathroom mind you(assuming no poo on it). Y'all americans just worried about the germs, and trust me, there are no germs on a toilet seat. However the keyboard you are hitting on right now is by far worse, and way more unclean.
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+3 1509. huldu commented 16 years ago on video The Best of TV News Lip Slips

The last one was the best "whats the internet going to do with this one oh my..."
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+14 1510. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Whales Blowing Bubble Rings

The dolphins in the earlier clip took it all to a *new* level.
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+5 1511. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Amazing river surfing

Surfing and swimming forbidden.
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+2 1512. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Air rings under the water

Its not impossible but just because it isnt doesnt mean it still can be fake.
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0 1513. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Take a seat

Of course its fake, just put a radio controlled toy car and play around. Its so 80's.
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+1 1514. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Fainting Goats

Nah, evolution failed with humans.
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0 1515. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Bunny letter opener

Gerbils are *way* faster to open mails.. and smaller too. You should see a gerbil vs paper/wood.
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0 1516. huldu commented 16 years ago on video jim carrey female bodybuilder

Best ever lol
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+1 1517. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Women with balls

Men can always do it better...
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+1 1518. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Flying boat

Hm looks like a hang-glider with a motor from a swamp boat(whatever they are called) attached to the rubber boat.
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0 1519. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Best PC service ever!

More fun than some other stuff here... but if you're into ppl getting injured...
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+6 1520. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Christian the Lion

I thought they both were killed by the lion? why isnt that shown...
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0 1521. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Another near train miss

Haha.. trains slowing down when they reach stations? Im not sure where you live but they hell sure dont here. They seem to go highest possible speed since its a straight track.
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+1 1522. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Where the Hell is Matt?

Great landing.
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+1 1523. huldu commented 16 years ago on video How to remove your wall?

Like many things i dont buy this...
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+3 1524. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Fastest tree climber in the world

I checked in slow-mo, the left guy hit the ground first.
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+2 1525. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Failed motorcycle jump

Who needs em safety boxes anyway.
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-3 1526. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Smoking can get you killed

Best thing ive seen in a long time, hate smokers.
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0 1527. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Jumping fish

Never seen a fish actually jump just by a light, this obviously must be a very specific fish type. Most fishes when during the night, they are "sleeping" on the bottom of the lake(of course depending on the fish). If you actually lit a light the fishes will be frightened and swim DOWNWARDS not up. This is what makes this video so weird. Anyone see what type of fish that is?
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+6 1528. huldu commented 16 years ago on video El Caminito del Rey

Im pressed with the ones that built the entire thing back in 1905(?). Amazing.
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0 1529. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Robot that reassembles itself when kicked apart

That reminded me of Terminator 2 (the ending).
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0 1530. huldu commented 16 years ago on video Can time slow down?

Well time it based on where you currently are, we use our solar system as a point of measure. A day passes when the sun sets and night comes.

Now lets say you live on a planet where these rules dont apply. Where a day would be 48 hours instead of 24. This would over time change your perception of time completly. A day that used to be 24 hours have suddently increased to 48 making the day appear to go slower than it normally would. If you would bring this person back to earth all of the sudden the day would go much faster than he would be used to.

Today we have "atomic" clocks and all that fancy stuff, but its still based on our solar system and how we say a day passes when day turns into night. If these things changes, time will automatically change. If you for some reason would run into aliens, do you believe they see the time as we do? of course not, they have their own system and ideas of how time works, like us.